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Arrivederci, Casino MonteLago!
 Can I get a draft beer?  Nope.  Well, how bout a Grey Goose?  Sorry.  Can I still get just a Baileys & coffee?  How bout Calebs?  SOLD!!
 Hmmm, I wonder if Andrew forgot to order?...
 Im sure theres stuff to clean, but really, who gives a crap?  I think Ill just shake my booty!
Hey, did either of you guys shave today? Lets go set up the hot dog cart, one last time!
Qu辿 es eso? No mas Paycheck?
 From now on, the only dishes Im gonna worry about, will be MY OWN!
Chef Rodney  making one last batch of sweet-sour -  hmmm, kinda like our relationship, right Chef?!! Seriously, Chef, best of luck to you! Maybe our paths will cross again! Seriously, Chef, best of luck to you! Maybe our paths will cross again! Seriously, Chef, best of luck to you! Maybe our paths will cross again! Seriously, Chef, best of luck to you! Maybe our paths will cross again! Seriously, Chef, best of luck to you! Maybe our paths will cross again!
Almost time to pack up our knives for the last time.  Hey Matt, you can have the egg pans! Im sick of looking at them!
Good luck, Kim!  Well come out to Bonnie Springs to visit ya! Can you get us a group discount on pony rides?
Have you filled out your Census form?  Lithuanian? Hawaiian? Mexicana? Home Boy?
Ah, the ever-dapper Roger Price Owens, and a beautiful buffet for the last slop-the-hogs player event. Notice how the tongs are set up for a lefty...
Aprile! Our favorite klutz! Ciao and good luck - try not to hurt yourself at your next job! Good luck, Talen!
And away we go! Are you old enough to remember Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?!
Time to move on - another filet, another Caesar, another line, another restaurant! Buena suerte, mis amigos!
Angela! Im over here! Hey, when did shaving become optional? Worse rule change ever! Good luck, all! Dennise, maybe see you at Hard Rock! Good luck, all! Dennise, maybe see you at Hard Rock! Good luck, all! Dennise, maybe see you at Hard Rock! Good luck, all! Dennise, maybe see you at Hard Rock!
Beauty and the Beasts! Hey, Fanizzi, you werent that chubby two years ago! Or that grey!! Hey, Fanizzi, you werent that chubby two years ago! Or that grey!!
Good luck, Lance Romance & Angelina!
What a Lovely Couple!  Careful, Merlinder! Hes left-handed!
Two Wild Things! (Its earlier in the afternoon, so everyones still reasonably sober. At least I think so...) Good Luck, Janeece! You too, Jana-Banana!
 Had to be there on the last day, even on my day off!! Good luck and God bless, Rosie! You have a beautiful family. Does your son have a little Al Roker thing going on?
Whoa! Heres a real rogues gallery. The afternoon progresses and the drinks are flowing... The afternoon progresses and the drinks are flowing... The afternoon progresses and the drinks are flowing...
Well, the 4-12 shift is in, and people are still standing - so far so good. (Ang, shouldnt you be upstairs doing rollups?) (Ang, shouldnt you be upstairs doing rollups?) (Ang, shouldnt you be upstairs doing rollups?)
Easy there, Gartharino!  These guys have to find a new spot to kill their misspent afternoons! to kill their misspent afternoons!
OK, now were getting somewhere - midnight approaches, and were not sure whos holding up who! and were not sure whos holding up who!
Thanks, Nanner, for wearing a tie right up till the bitter end! Youre a classy guy! Hey, Gianni! At least we dont have to re-stock the beer anymore! have to re-stock the beer anymore! have to re-stock the beer anymore! have to re-stock the beer anymore!
Tonights Special: A Cuban- Filipina-Italiano Sandwich! Good luck, you guys and girls!
Best of Luck, Ms. Melinda and those baby-blues! (Remember, no nasty phone messages to your new boss, OK?) Love, A
The evening ticks away... Looks like Josh has his hands full of hotties! Yeah, Baby! (Maybe now would be a good time to review our TAM training - when to cut off, etc? Oh well, tonight who cares!)
Harry - still lookin good after several brewskies Big Josh - gonna miss ya, buddy! the best of luck to you! Ms. Lori B - the hottest grandma I know! Love to all! Ms. Lori B - the hottest grandma I know! Love to all! Ms. Lori B - the hottest grandma I know! Love to all!
At last!  Quittin Time = Party Time!!
Total mayhem, heading down to the wire. I guess its a good party when guests have to be forced to leave. Id call Security but theyre drunk too!  Hope no one has to work tomorrow!  Duh! I do! Hope no one has to work tomorrow!  Duh! I do! Hope no one has to work tomorrow!  Duh! I do!
Good night, ladies!  Its been great working with you!
Uh, oh, getting close to the end here! And dont blame it on the camera!
One last chance for the big win! Marilyna, you are rocking, girl! - cigs, phone, beer, water and a twenty being gobbled up by the machine!  Love and Good Luck to all! Love and Good Luck to all! Love and Good Luck to all! Love and Good Luck to all!
Just 1 more for old times sake? Truly, I see the future, and I predict someone will buy the casino at 11:59pm tonight! (Now can I have another glass of wine?) (Now can I have another glass of wine?) (Now can I have another glass of wine?) (Now can I have another glass of wine?)
The morning after the night before...
The Sounds of Silence
OK, Big John - Lock it up, one last time! Arrivederci, Casino MonteLago.!

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Goodnight cml 3 10-1ppt

  • 3. Can I get a draft beer? Nope. Well, how bout a Grey Goose? Sorry. Can I still get just a Baileys & coffee? How bout Calebs? SOLD!!
  • 4. Hmmm, I wonder if Andrew forgot to order?...
  • 5. Im sure theres stuff to clean, but really, who gives a crap? I think Ill just shake my booty!
  • 6. Hey, did either of you guys shave today? Lets go set up the hot dog cart, one last time!
  • 7. Qu辿 es eso? No mas Paycheck?
  • 8. From now on, the only dishes Im gonna worry about, will be MY OWN!
  • 9. Chef Rodney making one last batch of sweet-sour - hmmm, kinda like our relationship, right Chef?!! Seriously, Chef, best of luck to you! Maybe our paths will cross again! Seriously, Chef, best of luck to you! Maybe our paths will cross again! Seriously, Chef, best of luck to you! Maybe our paths will cross again! Seriously, Chef, best of luck to you! Maybe our paths will cross again! Seriously, Chef, best of luck to you! Maybe our paths will cross again!
  • 10. Almost time to pack up our knives for the last time. Hey Matt, you can have the egg pans! Im sick of looking at them!
  • 11. Good luck, Kim! Well come out to Bonnie Springs to visit ya! Can you get us a group discount on pony rides?
  • 12. Have you filled out your Census form? Lithuanian? Hawaiian? Mexicana? Home Boy?
  • 13. Ah, the ever-dapper Roger Price Owens, and a beautiful buffet for the last slop-the-hogs player event. Notice how the tongs are set up for a lefty...
  • 14. Aprile! Our favorite klutz! Ciao and good luck - try not to hurt yourself at your next job! Good luck, Talen!
  • 15. And away we go! Are you old enough to remember Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?! Jackie Gleason?!
  • 16. Time to move on - another filet, another Caesar, another line, another restaurant! Buena suerte, mis amigos!
  • 17. Angela! Im over here! Hey, when did shaving become optional? Worse rule change ever! Good luck, all! Dennise, maybe see you at Hard Rock! Good luck, all! Dennise, maybe see you at Hard Rock! Good luck, all! Dennise, maybe see you at Hard Rock! Good luck, all! Dennise, maybe see you at Hard Rock!
  • 18. Beauty and the Beasts! Hey, Fanizzi, you werent that chubby two years ago! Or that grey!! Hey, Fanizzi, you werent that chubby two years ago! Or that grey!!
  • 19. Good luck, Lance Romance & Angelina!
  • 20. What a Lovely Couple! Careful, Merlinder! Hes left-handed!
  • 21. Two Wild Things! (Its earlier in the afternoon, so everyones still reasonably sober. At least I think so...) Good Luck, Janeece! You too, Jana-Banana!
  • 22. Had to be there on the last day, even on my day off!! Good luck and God bless, Rosie! You have a beautiful family. Does your son have a little Al Roker thing going on?
  • 23. Whoa! Heres a real rogues gallery. The afternoon progresses and the drinks are flowing... The afternoon progresses and the drinks are flowing... The afternoon progresses and the drinks are flowing...
  • 24. Well, the 4-12 shift is in, and people are still standing - so far so good. (Ang, shouldnt you be upstairs doing rollups?) (Ang, shouldnt you be upstairs doing rollups?) (Ang, shouldnt you be upstairs doing rollups?)
  • 25. Easy there, Gartharino! These guys have to find a new spot to kill their misspent afternoons! to kill their misspent afternoons!
  • 26. OK, now were getting somewhere - midnight approaches, and were not sure whos holding up who! and were not sure whos holding up who!
  • 27. Thanks, Nanner, for wearing a tie right up till the bitter end! Youre a classy guy! Hey, Gianni! At least we dont have to re-stock the beer anymore! have to re-stock the beer anymore! have to re-stock the beer anymore! have to re-stock the beer anymore!
  • 28. Tonights Special: A Cuban- Filipina-Italiano Sandwich! Good luck, you guys and girls!
  • 29. Best of Luck, Ms. Melinda and those baby-blues! (Remember, no nasty phone messages to your new boss, OK?) Love, A
  • 30. The evening ticks away... Looks like Josh has his hands full of hotties! Yeah, Baby! (Maybe now would be a good time to review our TAM training - when to cut off, etc? Oh well, tonight who cares!)
  • 31. Harry - still lookin good after several brewskies Big Josh - gonna miss ya, buddy! the best of luck to you! Ms. Lori B - the hottest grandma I know! Love to all! Ms. Lori B - the hottest grandma I know! Love to all! Ms. Lori B - the hottest grandma I know! Love to all!
  • 32. At last! Quittin Time = Party Time!!
  • 33. Total mayhem, heading down to the wire. I guess its a good party when guests have to be forced to leave. Id call Security but theyre drunk too! Hope no one has to work tomorrow! Duh! I do! Hope no one has to work tomorrow! Duh! I do! Hope no one has to work tomorrow! Duh! I do!
  • 34. Good night, ladies! Its been great working with you!
  • 35. Uh, oh, getting close to the end here! And dont blame it on the camera!
  • 36. One last chance for the big win! Marilyna, you are rocking, girl! - cigs, phone, beer, water and a twenty being gobbled up by the machine! Love and Good Luck to all! Love and Good Luck to all! Love and Good Luck to all! Love and Good Luck to all!
  • 37. Just 1 more for old times sake? Truly, I see the future, and I predict someone will buy the casino at 11:59pm tonight! (Now can I have another glass of wine?) (Now can I have another glass of wine?) (Now can I have another glass of wine?) (Now can I have another glass of wine?)
  • 38. The morning after the night before...
  • 39. The Sounds of Silence
  • 40. OK, Big John - Lock it up, one last time! Arrivederci, Casino MonteLago.!