Google Earth is a virtual globe program that was originally created by Keyhole Inc, which was later acquired by Google in 2004. It maps the Earth by overlaying satellite imagery, aerial photography, and GIS data onto a 3D globe. Google Earth was originally available under three licenses but has been reduced to two - a free version with limited functions and a commercial version called Google Earth Pro. It requires at least a Pentium III 500 MHz processor, 256MB RAM, 400MB disk space, and a 64MB graphics card to run effectively.
Google Earth is a virtual globe,map and geographical
information program that was originally called earth viewer
3D . Google earth program is invented by keyhole,inc a
central intelligence agency(CIA) funded company aquired by
Google in 2004 . It maps the Earth by the superimposition of
images obtained from satellite imagery,aerial photography
and geographic information system(GIS) 3D globe. All google
earth photo graphs are taken from remote sensing satellite
technology. The google earth program is based on keyhole
mark up language(KML).
3. Licences of google earth
Google earth was originally available with three
different licenses but has since been reduced to just
Google Earth (a free version with limited function)
Google Earth Pro ($399 per year), which is intended for
commercial use
Google Earth Plus( has been discontinued)
4. Hardware and software requirements for run goole earth
Google Earth is unlikely to operate on older hardware
configurations. The most recent system requirements update
document these minimum configurations:-
Pentium III 500 MHz processor
256 Megabytes of RAM
400 MB free disk space
Network speed: 128 kbit/s
64 MB DirectX9 and 3D capable graphics card
Resolution of 1024x768, 16-bit High Color DirectX 9 (to
run in Direct X mode)
Supporing operating systems:-Windows 2000, Windows XP,
Windows Vista, Windows 7, Linux or OS X,
Android (this facility is no avaliable in india)