We wanted to understand what their experience would be. So, weve created a few personas and as these imagined candidates we have used Google to search for jobs, capturing the Google for Jobs search experience. We have written some observations about these experiences, which bring to life the highs, lows, and reality behind Google for Jobs.
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Google for jobs. What will the job seekers experience look like?
2. 2whitelabelrm.com
Our job seekers personas
Tina, 40, based in Norwich,
looking for Part-time
office/admin jobs
Rakesh, 18, based in Glasgow,
currently studying his
Advanced Highers
Mike, 52, based in Sunderland,
looking for Accountancy jobs
Lindsey, 28, based in
Canterbury, looking for
Retail Manager jobs
4. 4whitelabelrm.com
Tina starts her job search by entering
part-time admin jobs Norwich
The search lists the AdWords sponsored
adverts from Totaljobs and Adzuna at the
top of the results.
Google for Jobs displays with the familiar
blue bar. There are three roles displayed
And a further 27 jobs are available with a
click through to Google for Jobs.
Tina, 40, based in Norwich, looking for Part-time office/admin jobs
5. 5whitelabelrm.com
Tina then clicks on 27
more jobs, where the
longer detailed view is
The first job appeals,
Tina clicks on Apply
ZipRecruiter and is
taken to their page.
Tina, 40, based in Norwich, looking for Part-time office/admin jobs
6. 6whitelabelrm.com
Taken away from
Google For Jobs to
ZipRecruter Tina clicks
on Apply Now and is
taken to Reed.co.uk
Tina, 40, based in Norwich, looking for Part-time office/admin jobs
7. 7whitelabelrm.com
Where the role is no longer
Back to Google for Jobs Tina
continues her search.
Tina, 40, based in Norwich, looking for Part-time office/admin jobs
8. 8whitelabelrm.com
She decides to narrow the
date search for more recent
roles to avoid this situation
happening again.
She can also refine the job
title, location, type of role,
company type and employer
if required.
As Tina is scrolling down the
list of jobs she sees Catton
Windows, a company she
Tina, 40, based in Norwich, looking for Part-time office/admin jobs
9. 9whitelabelrm.com
Reading through the job
description Tina decides to
apply, the role is advertised
through Facebook, so she
clicks and is taken to their
Facebook page.
Tina, 40, based in Norwich, looking for Part-time office/admin jobs
10. 10whitelabelrm.com
Tina is taken away from Google for
Jobs to the Catton Windows
Facebook page.
Tina likes what she sees and
submits her application.
Tina, 40, based in Norwich, looking for Part-time office/admin jobs
13. 13whitelabelrm.com
Mike starts his job search by entering
accountancy jobs Sunderland
Google for Jobs displays at the top with
the familiar blue bar.
There are three roles displayed here.
With 100+ jobs available, Mike clicks the
link for more information.
Mike, 52, based in Sunderland, looking for Accountancy jobs
14. 14whitelabelrm.com
The 100+ roles are now
displayed and so Mike
filters his search results
based on job title.
From the remaining results
Mike identifies a
Management Accountant
role that he is interested in
applying for.
Mike, 52, based in Sunderland, looking for Accountancy jobs
15. 15whitelabelrm.com
Mike is given the option to
apply through 4 different
job boards.
Mike clicks on the first
option listed, Totaljobs.
Mike, 52, based in Sunderland, looking for Accountancy jobs
16. 16whitelabelrm.com
Taken away from Google
for Jobs to Totaljobs,
Mike clicks on Apply
Now where he can
apply to the role.
Mike is required to sign in
to Totaljobs, but as he
doesnt have an existing
account, he goes back to
Google for Jobs.
Mike, 52, based in Sunderland, looking for Accountancy jobs
17. 17whitelabelrm.com
Mike decides to apply
through Independent
Jobs as he is familiar with
the publication.
Mike, 52, based in Sunderland, looking for Accountancy jobs
18. 18whitelabelrm.com
Mike clicks on the
Independent Jobs apply
button where he is taken
to reed.co.uk.
Mike, 52, based in Sunderland, looking for Accountancy jobs
19. 19whitelabelrm.com
Mike clicks on the apply
button on reed.co.uk
where he then has to sign
Mike doesnt have an
account with reed, so goes
through the process of
setting one up.
Mike then applied for the
Mike, 52, based in Sunderland, looking for Accountancy jobs
22. 22whitelabelrm.com
Rakeshs Google search IT
apprenticeship Glasgow brings up a
number of results.
In prominent position however, is a list of
live opportunities displayed via the new
Google for jobs functionality. With the
familiar blue bar, there are three roles
displayed here.
Rakesh decides to review the job
opportunities available and clicks on the
button to display 100+ more jobs.
Rakesh, 18, based in Glasgow, currently studying his Advanced Highers
23. 23whitelabelrm.com
This list of opportunities
appear to be from the same
employer QA Limited via
Monster or Total Jobs. .
Rakesh, 18, based in Glasgow, currently studying his Advanced Highers
24. 24whitelabelrm.com
To try and refine the list he uses
the filters at the top of the page,
selecting only opportunities
within a 15 mile radius of Glasgow.
This brings up a couple of other
employer opportunities.
Rakesh, 18, based in Glasgow, currently studying his Advanced Highers
25. 25whitelabelrm.com
Rakesh decides to read more about the
top opportunity in the list, an IT
Apprentice at QA Ltd.
Whilst reading the job description,
Rakesh noticed that there was a section
that offered guidance on typical salaries
for IT roles. He found this functionality
particularly useful as he had limited
knowledge of what he might be able to
earn from a career in IT.
Rakesh, 18, based in Glasgow, currently studying his Advanced Highers
26. 26whitelabelrm.com
Rakesh decides to apply and there are a
a number of different websites to apply
through Total Jobs, Zip Recruiter and
Rakesh has no real preference and isnt
really sure which option is best so just
picks the first one and is directed to
Total Jobs. Here he is able to re-read the
job description before applying.
Rakesh, 18, based in Glasgow, currently studying his Advanced Highers
27. 27whitelabelrm.com
needed to
be refined
to view a
selection of
offered on
salaries for
Google for Jobs - highs, lows, and the reality
3 apply
one is
29. 29whitelabelrm.com
Lindsey starts her job search by entering
retail manager jobs in Kent
The search lists the AdWords sponsored
adverts from Totaljobs at the top of the
Google for Jobs displays below with the
familiar blue bar. There are three roles
displayed here.
Lindsey clicks on 100+ jobs to see further
Lindsey, 28, based in Canterbury, looking for Retail Manager Jobs
30. 30whitelabelrm.com
The detailed view is now
Lindsey then scrolls down
the page to see if
something catches her eye.
Lindsey, 28, based in Canterbury, looking for Retail Manager Jobs
31. 31whitelabelrm.com
Lindsey scrolls through the
jobs on the left-hand side
and views a job that
interests her.
Lindsey is given the option
to apply through 5
different sites.
Lindsey, 28, based in Canterbury, looking for Retail Manager Jobs
32. 32whitelabelrm.com
As Lindsey isnt sure what link to click
on, she applies through the first link,
Lindsey is then asked to set up a
profile on Totaljobs so she can apply
for the job.
She then applied for the job.
Lindsey, 28, based in Canterbury, looking for Retail Manager Jobs
33. 33whitelabelrm.com
Lindsey would like to
apply for another job to
increase her chances of
getting an interview.
She changes the filters to
view roles closer to
where she lives.
Lindsey, 28, based in Canterbury, looking for Retail Manager Jobs
35. 35whitelabelrm.com
Taken away from Google for
Jobs to Kent Jobs, Lindsey
clicks on Apply Now and is
taken to Retailchoice.com
where Lindsey can create a
profile and apply.
Lindsey, 28, based in Canterbury, looking for Retail Manager Jobs
36. 36whitelabelrm.com
Having to
set a profile
up to apply
5 apply
options -
which one
is best?
Google for Jobs - highs, lows, and the reality
to apply
38. 38whitelabelrm.com
Any organization can ensure its job postings
are indexed by Google by posting those jobs
via a third party Applicant Tracking System
(ATS), job board, or job distributor that has
integrated with Google. The sites listed here
have integrated their job posting content with
Google, so new jobs posted or distributed via
them are eligible to appear in Search results.
The providers are examples of sites that have
integrated with Google, but are not preferred
partners in any way, as this Search feature is
open for any site to integrate.
Make your job postings findable with Google Search
Direct Employers
Americas Job Exchange
Higher Education Recruitment Consortium
Local Job Network