Google+ is Google's social network that allows users to share updates and media with circles of friends. To set up an account, users visit and create a profile with optional additional information. They can then add contacts to circles to organize friends into groups and control what is shared. Key features include Hangouts for video chatting, Messenger for group texting, a +1 button to like posts, and access from mobile devices.
4. How to set-up an accountGo to No longer need an invite to joinDo not need Gmail account, but do need google profileAsked to fill out profile and share you informationLink to other Google products like Picasa, gChat and gReader
11. Someone adds you in order to share with you, but you may or may not share with them based on your circles HangoutsLike Skype but even cooler!Start a hangout
13. MessengerMobile group texting optionWill soon be in the desktop versionUp to a week ago was called a huddleCan name groups and host over 100 people
14. +1 Button +1 button is very similar to facebook like buttonAccessing Google+
Editor's Notes
#3: Latest SM platform offering a series of tools to help you connect with the people your network. It has features that are similar to what you find in facebook, but with different names. Stream = News Feed
#6: Starting Google+ AccountOpen an Account - Fill in required informationCreate a Profile Add profile Picture, enter school/work informationAdd people who are already using Google+ to circles from gmail/hotmail/yahoo
#9: Are your friend groups You become friends with someone by adding them to a circle Unlike facebook is not shared relationship Someone adds you in order to share with you, but you may or may not share with them based on your circles New feature this week is sharing your circles- can show other people your cirlces if you like. Similar to lists function on twitterCircles are similar to non- twitter- you can give information to others, but they dont give info to you unless you are in their circles .
#11: Just like this slide we saw earlier, you can view the stream from each individual circle group or from all together. Also at the top is the share box, similar to the update box on facebook.
#14: Google+ PlatformsThere is only an actual Google+ App for iPhones and AndroidsOther mobile devices can only access Google+ using regular browsers and use messenger via SMS text messaging.