This document discusses how cloud computing customers can optimize costs and find their return on investment from cloud services. It provides an example of an energy company that was overspending on cloud resources due to unused servers, redundant snapshots, and underutilized instances. The document recommends using a service like Cloudyn that provides real-time analytics on cloud usage, helps right-size resources to avoid overprovisioning, optimizes pricing plans to reduce costs, and allows planning and simulation of cloud resources. With tools to monitor deployments closely and leverage usage trends, customers can ensure resources are provisioned efficiently and costs are optimized over time.
Cloudyn's VP of Products, Vittaly Tavor, discusses cost performance in a multi-cloud environment. In this presentation various cloud cost issues are covered - from migration from on-premise to the cloud, through comparing different Iaas pricing models, hot tips on optimizing cloud costs to full multi-cloud cost management
This document summarizes how Kubernetes can be used on OpenStack. It discusses integrating Kubernetes with OpenStack services for networking (Neutron), identity and access management (Keystone), storage (Cinder and Swift), cluster setup/management, and container registry. For each area, it provides an overview of the current integration and potential future enhancements.
Finding hidden waste in your AWS infrastructure - 2/11/16Cloudability
Finding and eliminating unnecessary EC2 usage can drastically reduce your AWS costs. But it's not always clear where to start looking.
Join us for this free webinar and learn how to identify opportunities for cutting costs and how to unlock those savings in a step-by-step process.
Topics will include:
- Where to look for likely waste in your infrastructure
- Identifying and downsizing underutilized instances
- Reducing needless on-demand spending using Reserved Instances
The eBay Architecture: Striking a Balance between Site Stability, Feature Ve...Randy Shoup
The eBay architecture document discusses how eBay scales its platform to handle massive traffic while maintaining high availability and rapid feature development. Some key points are:
1) eBay uses horizontal scaling techniques like database sharding and separating functions across application servers to scale individual components.
2) The architecture emphasizes statelessness, caching, and minimizing database transactions to improve scalability and availability.
3) eBay evolved its architecture over several major versions to address scaling issues and allow for exponential growth in users and traffic over time.
Microservices: What's Missing - O'Reilly Software Architecture New YorkAdrian Cockcroft
The document discusses microservices architecture and related challenges. It provides advice on failure injection testing, versioning and routing, protocols and interfaces, timeouts and retries, managing inconsistency, denormalized data models, and cloud native monitoring of microservices. The author emphasizes designing services to fail independently, incremental versioning, avoiding unproductive work from retries, and dealing with the inherent inconsistency of distributed systems.
The document discusses eBay's architecture and strategies for maintaining scalability and agility. It describes eBay's large scale, including billions of daily interactions. It also outlines eBay's transition to more automated, cloud-based infrastructure and a next generation service-oriented platform. This is intended to improve development productivity while allowing faster innovation and time-to-market through increased infrastructure and platform services.
Announcing AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate - January 2017 AWS Online Tech TalksAmazon Web Services
AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate provides a fully managed Chef server and suite of automation tools that give you workflow automation for continuous deployment, automated testing for compliance and security, and a user interface that gives you visibility into your nodes and their status.
Learning Objectives:
Learn about the capabilities, features and benefits of AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate
Learn how you can automate configuration management using AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate
Learn how to get started using AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate
The RightScale 2017 State of the Cloud Report is now hot off the press. It includes insights based on the responses of more than 1,000 IT professionals to give you a comprehensive picture of cloud adoption trends. The survey results provide the hard data you need to benchmark your organization against others of similar size, develop your 2017 cloud strategy and goals, and mobilize your internal stakeholders for cloud initiatives.
Service Discovery using etcd, Consul and KubernetesSreenivas Makam
Overview of Service Discovery and Service Discovery using etcd, Consul, Kubernetes and Docker. Presented at Open source meetup, Bangalore(
Cloud Trends for 2017 and Actions You Can Take NowRightScale
This document discusses 10 cloud trends for 2017 and actions that can be taken. The trends include: 1) Enterprises using multiple public clouds like Azure and Google Cloud; 2) Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) converging; 3) Governance becoming more important; 4) Cloud security matching on-premises security; 5) Growing use of containers with orchestration tools; 6) Emergence of serverless computing via functions as a service (FaaS); 7) Slowing price cuts from cloud providers; 8) Opportunities to reduce cloud spending by 30-45%; 9) Lack of cloud expertise being a top challenge; 10) High demand
Just about all of my current technical content in one 364 slide mega-deck. Source files at
Sections on:
Scene Setting
State of the Cloud
What Changes?
Product Processes
State of the Art
Whats Missing?
Response Times
Gohan : YAML-based REST API Service Definition Language
API Definition Generation (including Swagger)
DB Table Generation & OR Mapping
Support Custom Logic using Gohan Script (Javascript, and Go)
Extensible Role-Based Access Control
etcd integration
Weighing the financial considerations of owning and operating a data center facility versus employing a cloud infrastructure requires detailed and careful analysis. In practice, it is not as simple as just measuring potential hardware expense alongside utility pricing for compute and storage resources. The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is often the financial metric used to estimate and compare direct and indirect costs of a product or a service. Given the large differences between the two models, it is challenging to perform accurate apples-to-apples cost comparisons between on-premises data centers and cloud infrastructure that is offered as a service. In this session, we explain the economic benefits of deploying applications in AWS over deploying equivalent applications hosted in an on-premises environment.
AWS Partner Webcast - Improving Your AWS Cost Efficiency with CloudabilityAmazon Web Services
Reducing your Amazon Web Services (AWS) costs can be as easy as turning off unused resources and buying Reserved Instances. But as your AWS infrastructure grows, finding and acting on those opportunities to save becomes more challenging as the number or complexity of projects grows.
Review this webinar to learn how REA Group uses Cloudability AWS cost management tools to manage their infrastructure and reduce their own TCO, while taking advantage of a large and complex set of global deployments on AWS.
What you'll learn:
- How to find and shut down resources that arent being used
- Making decisions about Reserved Instance purchases that are easier, faster and more likely to save you money
- How to communicate those savings to stakeholders in finance and management
In this session, AWS and CloudHealth Technologies highlight CloudHealth service capabilities that map to AWS's MSP requirements during an AWS MSP Audit. In addition, we demonstrate how CloudHealth helps differentiate themselves, improve margins, and simplify management of their customers.
In 2016, cloud technologies went mainstream. But with maturity came the realization that moving to the cloud doesnt happen overnight. CIOs are prioritizing hosted computing and cloud data storage. But theyre approaching the shift as a gradual, multi-year journey.
Many startups and small businesses will continue to go all-in on cloud. But enterprises will find success in a slow but steady move from on-prem. Hybrid ecosystemsof data, software, and infrastructurewill be the reality for most established organizations.
As this shift to cloud progresses where are things are headed? This paper highlights the top cloud trends for 2017.
The document discusses eBay's architecture and strategies for maintaining scalability and agility. It describes eBay's large scale, including billions of daily interactions. It also outlines eBay's transition to more automated, cloud-based infrastructure and a next generation service-oriented platform. This is intended to improve development productivity while allowing faster innovation and time-to-market through increased infrastructure and platform services.
Announcing AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate - January 2017 AWS Online Tech TalksAmazon Web Services
AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate provides a fully managed Chef server and suite of automation tools that give you workflow automation for continuous deployment, automated testing for compliance and security, and a user interface that gives you visibility into your nodes and their status.
Learning Objectives:
Learn about the capabilities, features and benefits of AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate
Learn how you can automate configuration management using AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate
Learn how to get started using AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate
The RightScale 2017 State of the Cloud Report is now hot off the press. It includes insights based on the responses of more than 1,000 IT professionals to give you a comprehensive picture of cloud adoption trends. The survey results provide the hard data you need to benchmark your organization against others of similar size, develop your 2017 cloud strategy and goals, and mobilize your internal stakeholders for cloud initiatives.
Service Discovery using etcd, Consul and KubernetesSreenivas Makam
Overview of Service Discovery and Service Discovery using etcd, Consul, Kubernetes and Docker. Presented at Open source meetup, Bangalore(
Cloud Trends for 2017 and Actions You Can Take NowRightScale
This document discusses 10 cloud trends for 2017 and actions that can be taken. The trends include: 1) Enterprises using multiple public clouds like Azure and Google Cloud; 2) Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) converging; 3) Governance becoming more important; 4) Cloud security matching on-premises security; 5) Growing use of containers with orchestration tools; 6) Emergence of serverless computing via functions as a service (FaaS); 7) Slowing price cuts from cloud providers; 8) Opportunities to reduce cloud spending by 30-45%; 9) Lack of cloud expertise being a top challenge; 10) High demand
Just about all of my current technical content in one 364 slide mega-deck. Source files at
Sections on:
Scene Setting
State of the Cloud
What Changes?
Product Processes
State of the Art
Whats Missing?
Response Times
Gohan : YAML-based REST API Service Definition Language
API Definition Generation (including Swagger)
DB Table Generation & OR Mapping
Support Custom Logic using Gohan Script (Javascript, and Go)
Extensible Role-Based Access Control
etcd integration
Weighing the financial considerations of owning and operating a data center facility versus employing a cloud infrastructure requires detailed and careful analysis. In practice, it is not as simple as just measuring potential hardware expense alongside utility pricing for compute and storage resources. The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is often the financial metric used to estimate and compare direct and indirect costs of a product or a service. Given the large differences between the two models, it is challenging to perform accurate apples-to-apples cost comparisons between on-premises data centers and cloud infrastructure that is offered as a service. In this session, we explain the economic benefits of deploying applications in AWS over deploying equivalent applications hosted in an on-premises environment.
AWS Partner Webcast - Improving Your AWS Cost Efficiency with CloudabilityAmazon Web Services
Reducing your Amazon Web Services (AWS) costs can be as easy as turning off unused resources and buying Reserved Instances. But as your AWS infrastructure grows, finding and acting on those opportunities to save becomes more challenging as the number or complexity of projects grows.
Review this webinar to learn how REA Group uses Cloudability AWS cost management tools to manage their infrastructure and reduce their own TCO, while taking advantage of a large and complex set of global deployments on AWS.
What you'll learn:
- How to find and shut down resources that arent being used
- Making decisions about Reserved Instance purchases that are easier, faster and more likely to save you money
- How to communicate those savings to stakeholders in finance and management
In this session, AWS and CloudHealth Technologies highlight CloudHealth service capabilities that map to AWS's MSP requirements during an AWS MSP Audit. In addition, we demonstrate how CloudHealth helps differentiate themselves, improve margins, and simplify management of their customers.
In 2016, cloud technologies went mainstream. But with maturity came the realization that moving to the cloud doesnt happen overnight. CIOs are prioritizing hosted computing and cloud data storage. But theyre approaching the shift as a gradual, multi-year journey.
Many startups and small businesses will continue to go all-in on cloud. But enterprises will find success in a slow but steady move from on-prem. Hybrid ecosystemsof data, software, and infrastructurewill be the reality for most established organizations.
As this shift to cloud progresses where are things are headed? This paper highlights the top cloud trends for 2017.
'The best practices' by KONSTANTIN KULAKSYZ at OdessaJS'2020OdessaJS Conf
How to develop web applications using Vue.js and implement best practices from the first day of development. Consider practical recommendations for using Vue.js, based on personal experience, thoughtful reading of documentation and analysis of best practices suggested by other developers. During the talk, you will learn what you can implement today in your development practice to make your web applications on Vue.js more productive and the development process more efficient.
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No No Any Unsigned
No No Developer Signed
Yes No Any Unsigned
Yes No Developer Signed
Yes No Test account Signed
Yes Yes Any Signed