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Google Search Techniques

1.   What is Google?
2.   Google Web Search Basics
3.   Full-Word Wildcards
4.   Special Syntax
5.   Special Search
1. What is Google?
   Google is a full-text search engine, which uses
    computerized "spiders" to index millions, sometimes
    billions, of pages, allowing for much narrower searches
    than searchable subject index, which searches only the
    titles and descriptions of sites, and doesn't search
    individual pages
   Google is case-insensitive. If you search for seven,
    SEVEN, sEvEn, or even 7, you get the same results.
   Singular is different from plural. Searches for apple and
    apples turn up different pages
   The order of words matters. Google considers the first
    word most important, the second word next, and so on
   Google ignores most little words, including include "I,"
    "where," "how," "the," "of," "an," "for," "from," "how," 'it," "in,"
    and "is,.
   Google search word limit is 32
   Google Alerts - http://www.google.com/alerts -
    Google Alerts are email updates of the latest
    relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on
    your choice of query or topic
   Google News Search  http://news.google.com/
   Google Blog Search -
   Google Book Search - http://books.google.com/
   Google Image Search - http://images.google.com/
   Google Maps Search - http://maps.google.com/
   Google Product Search -
   Google Scholar Search - http://scholar.google.com
   Google Group Search - http://groups.google.com
   Google Video Search - http://video.google.com/
   Google Mobile -
   Google Earth - http://earth.google.com/
   Google Finance -
   Google Blog - http://www.blogger.com
   Google Photo -
   Google Language Tools -
   Google Pack - http://pack.google.com
   Google Gmail - http://gmail.google.com
   And more on Google Labs -
2. Google Web Search Basics

1.       Phrase Searches
          Enter key words search techniques. Google will find matches where the
           keywords appear anywhere on the page
          If you want Google to find you matches where the keywords appear together as
           a phrase, surround them with quotes, like this search techniques
2.       Basic Boolean
          Google's Boolean default is AND, which means that if you enter query words
           without modifiers, Google will search for all your query words
          If you prefer to specify that any one word or phrase is acceptable, put an OR (in
           capital letter), lower case or wont work correctly. For example: enter Yahoo
           OR Google.
          A computer programming character | can work like OR (e.g. Yahoo | Google)
          If you want to search for a particular term along with two or more other terms,
           group the other terms within parentheses, like so search techniques (Yahoo
           OR Google)
3.     Negation
         If you want to specify that a query item must not appear in your
          results, prepend a (minus sign or dash): search techniques Google.
          This will search the pages that contain search techniques, but not the
          word Google
         Note that the symbol must appear directly before the word or phrase
          that you don't want. If there's space between, as in the following
          query, it won't work as expected search techniques  Google
4.     Explicit Inclusion
         Google will search for all the keywords and phrases that you specify,
          however, there are certain words that Google will ignore because they
          are considered too common to be of any use in the search (e.g. a,
          the, of, etc.)
         You can force Google to take a stop word into account by prepending a
          + (plus) character, as in +the search techniques.
5.       Synonyms
          The Google synonym operator, the ~ (tilde) character, prepended
           to any number of keywords in your query, asks Google to include
           not only exact matches, but also what it thinks are synonyms for
           each of the keywords. Searching for: ~ape turns up results for
           monkey, gorilla, chimpanzee, and others (both singular and plural
           forms) of the ape or related family, as if you'd searched for:
           monkey gorilla chimpanzee (Synonyms are bolded along with
           exact keyword matches on the results page, so they're easy to

6.       Number Range
          The number range operator, .. (two periods), looks for results that fall inside
           your specified numeric range (e.g. digital camera 3..5 megapixel $800..$1000)
          You can also use the number range syntax with just one number, making it the
           minimum or maximum of your query (e.g. digital camera ..5 megapixel $800..)
7.       Simple Searching and Feeling Lucky
           The I'm Feeling Lucky button is a thing of beauty. Rather than
            giving you a list of search results from which to choose, you're
            whisked away to what Google believes is the most relevant page
            given your search (i.e., the first result in the list). Entering washington
            post and clicking the I'm Feeling Lucky button takes you directly to

8.       Searching Within Your Results
           Help you narrow down your results to find the really relevant pages
            within your results pages only.
           Click Search within results link at the bottom of every results page. It
            will shows below and you can enter another keyword
3. Full-Word Wildcards
    the wildcard will act as a substitute for one full word.
     Searching for sevEN* mice, therefore, finds three blind mice,
     7 blue mice, sevengreen mice, etc.
    * is a stand-in for one word; ** signifies two words, and so on
4. Special Syntax
        site: allows you to narrow your search by a site or by a
         top-level domain
        inurl: restricts your search to the URLs of web pages. This
         syntax usually works well for finding search and help
         pages because they tend to be regular in composition. An
         allinurl: variation finds all the words listed in a URL
        link: returns a list of pages that link to the specified URL.
         Enter link:www.google.com and you'll get a list of pages
         that link to the Google home page,
         http://www.google.com (not anywhere in the google.com
        cache: finds a copy of the page that Google indexed even
         if that page is no longer available at its original URL or has
         since changed its content completely
       filetype: searches the suffixes or filename extensions
          "leading economic indicators" filetype:doc , filetype:ppt
       related: , as you might expect, finds pages that are
        related to the specified page. This is a good way to
        find categories of pages; a search for
        related:google.com returns a variety of search
        engines, including Lycos, Yahoo!, and Northern Light
       phonebook: , as you might expect, looks up phone
          phonebook:(510) 555-1212 or phonebook: <name>
       define: gives you a page full of definitions of a word
        from around the Web
       movie: syntax to find reviews of movies on the Web
       music: explicitly searches for music-related
5. Special Search

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Google search techniques

  • 2. Google Search Techniques 1. What is Google? 2. Google Web Search Basics 3. Full-Word Wildcards 4. Special Syntax 5. Special Search
  • 3. 1. What is Google? Google is a full-text search engine, which uses computerized "spiders" to index millions, sometimes billions, of pages, allowing for much narrower searches than searchable subject index, which searches only the titles and descriptions of sites, and doesn't search individual pages Google is case-insensitive. If you search for seven, SEVEN, sEvEn, or even 7, you get the same results. Singular is different from plural. Searches for apple and apples turn up different pages The order of words matters. Google considers the first word most important, the second word next, and so on Google ignores most little words, including include "I," "where," "how," "the," "of," "an," "for," "from," "how," 'it," "in," and "is,. Google search word limit is 32
  • 4. Google Alerts - http://www.google.com/alerts - Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic Google News Search http://news.google.com/ Google Blog Search - http://blogsearch.google.com/ Google Book Search - http://books.google.com/ Google Image Search - http://images.google.com/ Google Maps Search - http://maps.google.com/ Google Product Search - http://www.google.com/products Google Scholar Search - http://scholar.google.com Google Group Search - http://groups.google.com Google Video Search - http://video.google.com/
  • 5. Google Mobile - http://www.google.com/mobile/ Google Earth - http://earth.google.com/ Google Finance - http://finance.google.com/ Google Blog - http://www.blogger.com Google Photo - http://picasaweb.google.com Google Language Tools - http://www.google.com/language_tools Google Pack - http://pack.google.com Google Gmail - http://gmail.google.com And more on Google Labs - http://labs.google.com/
  • 6. 2. Google Web Search Basics 1. Phrase Searches Enter key words search techniques. Google will find matches where the keywords appear anywhere on the page If you want Google to find you matches where the keywords appear together as a phrase, surround them with quotes, like this search techniques 2. Basic Boolean Google's Boolean default is AND, which means that if you enter query words without modifiers, Google will search for all your query words If you prefer to specify that any one word or phrase is acceptable, put an OR (in capital letter), lower case or wont work correctly. For example: enter Yahoo OR Google. A computer programming character | can work like OR (e.g. Yahoo | Google) If you want to search for a particular term along with two or more other terms, group the other terms within parentheses, like so search techniques (Yahoo OR Google)
  • 7. 3. Negation If you want to specify that a query item must not appear in your results, prepend a (minus sign or dash): search techniques Google. This will search the pages that contain search techniques, but not the word Google Note that the symbol must appear directly before the word or phrase that you don't want. If there's space between, as in the following query, it won't work as expected search techniques Google 4. Explicit Inclusion Google will search for all the keywords and phrases that you specify, however, there are certain words that Google will ignore because they are considered too common to be of any use in the search (e.g. a, the, of, etc.) You can force Google to take a stop word into account by prepending a + (plus) character, as in +the search techniques.
  • 8. 5. Synonyms The Google synonym operator, the ~ (tilde) character, prepended to any number of keywords in your query, asks Google to include not only exact matches, but also what it thinks are synonyms for each of the keywords. Searching for: ~ape turns up results for monkey, gorilla, chimpanzee, and others (both singular and plural forms) of the ape or related family, as if you'd searched for: monkey gorilla chimpanzee (Synonyms are bolded along with exact keyword matches on the results page, so they're easy to spot) 6. Number Range The number range operator, .. (two periods), looks for results that fall inside your specified numeric range (e.g. digital camera 3..5 megapixel $800..$1000) You can also use the number range syntax with just one number, making it the minimum or maximum of your query (e.g. digital camera ..5 megapixel $800..)
  • 9. 7. Simple Searching and Feeling Lucky The I'm Feeling Lucky button is a thing of beauty. Rather than giving you a list of search results from which to choose, you're whisked away to what Google believes is the most relevant page given your search (i.e., the first result in the list). Entering washington post and clicking the I'm Feeling Lucky button takes you directly to http://www.washingtonpost.com. 8. Searching Within Your Results Help you narrow down your results to find the really relevant pages within your results pages only. Click Search within results link at the bottom of every results page. It will shows below and you can enter another keyword
  • 10. 3. Full-Word Wildcards the wildcard will act as a substitute for one full word. Searching for sevEN* mice, therefore, finds three blind mice, 7 blue mice, sevengreen mice, etc. * is a stand-in for one word; ** signifies two words, and so on
  • 11. 4. Special Syntax site: allows you to narrow your search by a site or by a top-level domain site:org inurl: restricts your search to the URLs of web pages. This syntax usually works well for finding search and help pages because they tend to be regular in composition. An allinurl: variation finds all the words listed in a URL inurl:virus link: returns a list of pages that link to the specified URL. Enter link:www.google.com and you'll get a list of pages that link to the Google home page, http://www.google.com (not anywhere in the google.com domain) cache: finds a copy of the page that Google indexed even if that page is no longer available at its original URL or has since changed its content completely
  • 12. filetype: searches the suffixes or filename extensions "leading economic indicators" filetype:doc , filetype:ppt related: , as you might expect, finds pages that are related to the specified page. This is a good way to find categories of pages; a search for related:google.com returns a variety of search engines, including Lycos, Yahoo!, and Northern Light info:www.nytimes.com/technology phonebook: , as you might expect, looks up phone numbers phonebook:(510) 555-1212 or phonebook: <name> define: gives you a page full of definitions of a word from around the Web movie: syntax to find reviews of movies on the Web music: explicitly searches for music-related information
  • 13. 5. Special Search http://directory.google.com/
  • 14. Thanks Nirav