Increased popularity and use of Qt has led to increased business opportunities. Nokia acquired Qt in 2008 and has over 250 employees working on Qt across 8 locations worldwide. Qt is a widely used application framework trusted by tens of thousands of customers. Nokia's investment in Qt aims to build the Qt community and provide benefits like faster development times and better products and services for both Nokia and Qt users.
Tobias Oetiker: RRDtool - how to make it sit up and begFriprogsenteret
RRDtool is a database designed for storing and displaying time-series data such as network bandwidth, temperatures, or stock prices. It uses approximations and controlled memory loss to store data efficiently while allowing for quick setup and use with included graphics capabilities. The document discusses various performance improvements that can be made to RRDtool such as disk striping, tmpfs storage, optimizing buffer cache usage through fadvise and madvise calls, and implementing an RRD cache daemon to batch updates. New features in recent versions include improved graphics, integration with other databases, predictive functions, and remote graphing through the cache daemon.
Foredrag p奪 Software 2012 om hvordan fri programvare og 奪pne data er en sterk kombinasjon for innovasjon, raskere leveranser, bedre kvalitet og rimeligere l淡sninger.
The Norwegian approach to open source in the public sectorFriprogsenteret
The Norwegian approach document summarizes the status quo of software development across Norwegian municipalities, counties, and public offices. It describes how each office developed software independently, resulting in increased costs, bureaucracy, and reduced quality. It then outlines goals of the Norwegian Open Source Competence Center to reduce these issues by promoting collaboration, knowledge sharing, and reuse of open source software, data, and solutions across public offices. This is aimed to provide benefits like reduced costs, increased quality, and knowledge.
BBS has identified extensive use of open source over the last 5 years through field studies and project data collection. Open source is now a vital part of BBS's business applications and infrastructure. It is used across divisions in development, deployment, testing, and production. BBS utilizes a variety of open source utilities and platforms, including Linux, Solaris, Apache, NFS, and Postfix, benefiting from increased stability, security, and cost savings compared to proprietary alternatives.
Fri programvare og utfordringer i anskaffelsesprosessenFriprogsenteret
Hvilke utfordringer m淡ter offentlig sektor n奪r de anskaffer programvare generelt og fri programvare spesielt? I denne presentasjonen har vi fokus p奪 utfordringene offentlig sektor presenterer for Friprogsenteret, relatert til anskaffelser av fri programvare.
The document discusses the author's experience with open source software development and its interaction with institutional contexts in research and higher education. The author has a long history developing open source software for applied statistics and geospatial applications using R. He notes a mismatch between institutional preferences for secrecy and open source practices of mutual trust and community-building. The author was an early contributor to the R project in 1997 and discusses the evolution of R from its beginnings as an academic initiative to the large open source community that exists today.
1. The document discusses cross-disciplinary challenges in open source software (OSS). It provides background on the IDI Department at NTNU, which conducts research related to OSS.
2. Traditional software reuse within companies is compared to the OSS phenomenon, which enables distributed and cooperative innovation on a global scale. Selection of OSS components and classification schemes are challenging due to the diversity of projects and lack of standardized information.
3. Effective use of OSS requires new models for cooperation between organizations in software development. The linear development model is being replaced by a more networked model with interdependent projects and components.
1)'s policy is that all data and software produced by the institute should be freely available to the public.
2) Diana is an open source digital analysis application originally developed by in 1998 to visualize and edit meteorological data for forecasters.
3) Releasing Diana as open source software allowed other interested organizations to use, develop, and distribute the code at no cost, while maintained the project and incorporated feedback to improve the software over time.
The document discusses the debate around proprietary versus open source software in the public sector. It outlines that information and communication technologies (ICT) have become increasingly important for public services but also present political questions around control and development paths. The document argues for an interdisciplinary research approach to explore these issues more fully, drawing on different academic fields. It notes ICT has transitioned from being an outsourced activity to a core function and discusses how political regimes of New Public Management versus Digital Era Governance approach ICT development differently.
This document discusses Avis Car Rental's implementation of SugarCRM. It describes how SugarCRM provides Avis with a 360-degree view of customers by automatically populating customer information across modules. It also explains how Avis utilizes SugarCRM tools to strengthen its customer lifecycle, including modules for marketing, sales, rentals, loyalty programs, and customer service. Finally, it provides examples of how Avis uses SugarCRM for email marketing, SMS marketing, and enhanced internal communication.
NASDAQ OMX Commodities implemented a SOA architecture using JBoss SOA to replace aging systems. The project took longer than expected and encountered more problems than anticipated. While the SOA approach simplified adding and removing services, clustering proved challenging. NASDAQ OMX Commodities is now working on new projects like connecting to emission registries and power market news using the JBoss SOA platform.
Foredrag p奪 Software 2012 om hvordan fri programvare og 奪pne data er en sterk kombinasjon for innovasjon, raskere leveranser, bedre kvalitet og rimeligere l淡sninger.
The Norwegian approach to open source in the public sectorFriprogsenteret
The Norwegian approach document summarizes the status quo of software development across Norwegian municipalities, counties, and public offices. It describes how each office developed software independently, resulting in increased costs, bureaucracy, and reduced quality. It then outlines goals of the Norwegian Open Source Competence Center to reduce these issues by promoting collaboration, knowledge sharing, and reuse of open source software, data, and solutions across public offices. This is aimed to provide benefits like reduced costs, increased quality, and knowledge.
BBS has identified extensive use of open source over the last 5 years through field studies and project data collection. Open source is now a vital part of BBS's business applications and infrastructure. It is used across divisions in development, deployment, testing, and production. BBS utilizes a variety of open source utilities and platforms, including Linux, Solaris, Apache, NFS, and Postfix, benefiting from increased stability, security, and cost savings compared to proprietary alternatives.
Fri programvare og utfordringer i anskaffelsesprosessenFriprogsenteret
Hvilke utfordringer m淡ter offentlig sektor n奪r de anskaffer programvare generelt og fri programvare spesielt? I denne presentasjonen har vi fokus p奪 utfordringene offentlig sektor presenterer for Friprogsenteret, relatert til anskaffelser av fri programvare.
The document discusses the author's experience with open source software development and its interaction with institutional contexts in research and higher education. The author has a long history developing open source software for applied statistics and geospatial applications using R. He notes a mismatch between institutional preferences for secrecy and open source practices of mutual trust and community-building. The author was an early contributor to the R project in 1997 and discusses the evolution of R from its beginnings as an academic initiative to the large open source community that exists today.
1. The document discusses cross-disciplinary challenges in open source software (OSS). It provides background on the IDI Department at NTNU, which conducts research related to OSS.
2. Traditional software reuse within companies is compared to the OSS phenomenon, which enables distributed and cooperative innovation on a global scale. Selection of OSS components and classification schemes are challenging due to the diversity of projects and lack of standardized information.
3. Effective use of OSS requires new models for cooperation between organizations in software development. The linear development model is being replaced by a more networked model with interdependent projects and components.
1)'s policy is that all data and software produced by the institute should be freely available to the public.
2) Diana is an open source digital analysis application originally developed by in 1998 to visualize and edit meteorological data for forecasters.
3) Releasing Diana as open source software allowed other interested organizations to use, develop, and distribute the code at no cost, while maintained the project and incorporated feedback to improve the software over time.
The document discusses the debate around proprietary versus open source software in the public sector. It outlines that information and communication technologies (ICT) have become increasingly important for public services but also present political questions around control and development paths. The document argues for an interdisciplinary research approach to explore these issues more fully, drawing on different academic fields. It notes ICT has transitioned from being an outsourced activity to a core function and discusses how political regimes of New Public Management versus Digital Era Governance approach ICT development differently.
This document discusses Avis Car Rental's implementation of SugarCRM. It describes how SugarCRM provides Avis with a 360-degree view of customers by automatically populating customer information across modules. It also explains how Avis utilizes SugarCRM tools to strengthen its customer lifecycle, including modules for marketing, sales, rentals, loyalty programs, and customer service. Finally, it provides examples of how Avis uses SugarCRM for email marketing, SMS marketing, and enhanced internal communication.
NASDAQ OMX Commodities implemented a SOA architecture using JBoss SOA to replace aging systems. The project took longer than expected and encountered more problems than anticipated. While the SOA approach simplified adding and removing services, clustering proved challenging. NASDAQ OMX Commodities is now working on new projects like connecting to emission registries and power market news using the JBoss SOA platform.
1. penhet i demokratiets navn
GoOpen 19042010
Klikk for 奪 redigere undertittelstil i malen
Christian Bull, Sikkerhetsansvarlig
Henrik Nore, prosjektleder
2. Hva skal vi snakke om
Om e-valg 2011 prosjektet (Henrik)
Hvorfor er 奪pen kildekode viktig
Hvilke utfordringer hadde vi for 奪 f奪
奪pen kildekode (Henrik)
3. prosjektomfang e-valg2011
Anskaffer og tar i bruk l淡sning for
internettstemmegivning hjemmefra (Ikke
Anskaffe og innf淡re ny full valgadministrativ
Innf淡re elektronisk avkryssing i manntall i alle
Muliggj淡re e-stemmegivning i valglokaler
(internett teknologi) men kun
forh奪ndsstemmelokaler i 2011
Hvis dette g奪r bra skal Stortinget i 2012
beslutte om det blir full innf淡ring av e-valg
4. Hvilke spesielle
utfordringer har vi?
Politiske diskusjoner om dette er en
god ide
M奪 f淡lge tidsplanen
(4 奪r til neste mulighet)
Ingen rom for feil
(m奪 k奪re riktig valgvinner)
Black-box problematikk
(innsyn vs. hemmelig valg)
F奪 suksesshistorier
(e-valg har g奪tt d奪rlig i mange
5. Hvordan e-valg fikk d奪rlig rykte
Presidentvalget i Florida 2000
Bush vs Gore
Papirstemmene - tolke velgerens
F淡rte til f淡deral lovgivning
(HAVA), p奪la kommunenen e-
Overlot til markedet, ingen
f淡drale retningslinjer
(negative stemmer)
6. Hvorfor er det viktig med 奪pen kildekode
Demokratiet m奪 v脱re
Hvordan vinne tillit hvis systemet
er hemmelig?
kt sikkerhet for korrekthet
Vi skal ikke ha hemmelighold som
Vi forsvarer oss ikke mot reverse
Shannons maksime: fienden
kjenner systemet
7. Schneier:
Kerckhoffs' principle applies beyond
codes and ciphers to security
systems in general: every secret
creates a potential failure point.
Secrecy, in other words, is a prime
cause of brittlenessand therefore
something likely to make a system
prone to catastrophic collapse.
Conversely, openness provides
8. Hvordan fikk vi til 奪pen kildekode ?
Til n奪 har alle e-valgsystemer v脱rt
lukket kildekode
Ingen trodde det var mulig 奪 f奪
med alle leverand淡rer p奪 奪pen
V奪rt dilemma: nsket om 奪penhet
mot kravet om tilstrekkelig sikker
Det viste seg til slutt at kun to
leverand淡rer kunne levere
tilstrekkelig sikker l淡sning (Krypto
er ikke enkelt)
9. Spillet om lisensene
Konkurranse preget dialog var
riktig anskaffelsesprosedyre
-Hvis vi klarte 奪 f奪 til 奪pen
kildekode vil alle land i fremtiden
kreve dette
Styreromsbeslutningene vi h奪pet
-det eneste var tap av mulighet 奪
konkurrere om v奪r kontrakt
10. Er systemet egentlig fri
Det er i det minste ikke noe
sp淡rsm奪l om kildekoden blir fritt
tilgjengelig for nedlastning
Men det er en begrensning p奪 hva
man kan bruke den til
Kan ikke brukes til 奪
gjennomf淡re valg utenfor Norge
Noen vil derfor mene at systemet
ikke fortjener betegnelsen
奪pen kildekode
11. 皆沿淡姻壊馨奪鉛?
Finn oss p奪: