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GOST 25161-82
Broaches with diameter from 70 to 90 mm for slitting holes with involute profile and centring at outside diameter with module
from 3,5 to 5 mm. Double driven. Construction and dimensions
弌丐 25161-82
仂礀从亳 亟仍 仍亳亠于 仂于亠亳亶  于仂仍于亠仆仆仄 仗仂亳仍亠仄 亟亳舒仄亠仂仄 仂 70 亟仂 90 仄仄, 仄仂亟仍亠仄 仂 3,5 亟仂 5 仄仄 
亠仆亳仂于舒仆亳亠仄 仗仂 仆舒亢仆仂仄 亟亳舒仄亠 亟于仗仂仂亟仆亠. 仂仆从亳 亳 舒亰仄亠
Electronic Adobe Acrobat PDF, Microsoft Word DOCX versions. Hardcopy editions. Immediate download. Download here. On sale. ISBN, SKU. RGTT | Immediate
PDF Download. Russian regulations (GOST, SNiP) norms (PB, NPB, RD, SP, OST, STO) and laws in English. | Russiangost.com; Codes , Letters , NP , POT , RTM ,
TOI, DBN , MDK , OND , PPB , SanPiN , TR TS, Decisions , MDS , ONTP , PR , SN , TSN, Decrees , MGSN , Orders , PUE , SNiP , TU, DSTU , MI , OST , R , SNiP RK ,
VNTP, GN , MR , Other norms , RD , SO , VPPB, GOST , MU , PB , RDS , SP , VRD, Instructions , ND , PNAE , Resolutions , STO , VSN, Laws , NPB , PND , RMU , TI ,
Construction , Engineering , Environment , Government, Health and Safety , Human Resources , Imports and Customs , Mining, Oil and Gas , Real Estate , Taxes ,
Transport and Logistics, railroad, railway, nuclear, atomic.

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  • 1. GOST 25161-82 Broaches with diameter from 70 to 90 mm for slitting holes with involute profile and centring at outside diameter with module from 3,5 to 5 mm. Double driven. Construction and dimensions 弌丐 25161-82 仂礀从亳 亟仍 仍亳亠于 仂于亠亳亶 于仂仍于亠仆仆仄 仗仂亳仍亠仄 亟亳舒仄亠仂仄 仂 70 亟仂 90 仄仄, 仄仂亟仍亠仄 仂 3,5 亟仂 5 仄仄 亠仆亳仂于舒仆亳亠仄 仗仂 仆舒亢仆仂仄 亟亳舒仄亠 亟于仗仂仂亟仆亠. 仂仆从亳 亳 舒亰仄亠 PLEASE CONTACT RUSSIANGOST.COM TO REQUEST YOUR COPY IN RUSSIAN, ENGLISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, FRENCH, SPANISH, CHINESE, JAPANESE AND OTHER LANGUAGE. Electronic Adobe Acrobat PDF, Microsoft Word DOCX versions. Hardcopy editions. Immediate download. Download here. On sale. ISBN, SKU. RGTT | Immediate PDF Download. Russian regulations (GOST, SNiP) norms (PB, NPB, RD, SP, OST, STO) and laws in English. | Russiangost.com; Codes , Letters , NP , POT , RTM , TOI, DBN , MDK , OND , PPB , SanPiN , TR TS, Decisions , MDS , ONTP , PR , SN , TSN, Decrees , MGSN , Orders , PUE , SNiP , TU, DSTU , MI , OST , R , SNiP RK , VNTP, GN , MR , Other norms , RD , SO , VPPB, GOST , MU , PB , RDS , SP , VRD, Instructions , ND , PNAE , Resolutions , STO , VSN, Laws , NPB , PND , RMU , TI , Construction , Engineering , Environment , Government, Health and Safety , Human Resources , Imports and Customs , Mining, Oil and Gas , Real Estate , Taxes , Transport and Logistics, railroad, railway, nuclear, atomic.