This document analyzes news propagation on the social networking site Friendfeed using data from September 2009. It finds that news of the death of Italian TV host Mike Bongiorno spread rapidly, with the first post receiving 130 comments and later posts totaling 585 comments as the story was discussed and shared. The propagation followed identifiable paths through major hubs on the network. The analysis suggests social networks may represent an evolution of traditional mass media, as users decide what information to spread and discuss rather than passively receiving pre-selected news.
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1. SIGSNA:an empirical analysis of news propagationpath in social network sites.Luca Rossi Universityof Urbino Carlo
7. dataAll public entries(post and relatedcomments)(Sept. 6Sept. 19 2009)10.500.000posts 500.000likes. 450.000users. 15.000.000di archi (subs).
8. case study: a propagationMike Bongiorno (famousItalian TV host) died on Sept. 8 2010.The newsappears in Friendfeed at 01.57 PM:- First entry 130 comments- Allentries585 comments
10. Using timestamps and network of followers we have been able to track the propagation paths identifying major hubs.
15. Explicit news sharing is followed by chatting and discussion. This kind of activity contribute to news propagationBye Mike! Were missingyou!Bye granpa Mike!Mike, youve been a milestoneofour TV- Explicit news propagation.- Implicit news propagation.- Mourningritualof the networked public.
16. First entry has the highest informative functionMost commented entry is a long and articulated discussion
17. Mass media system 2.0 ?FriendfeedMajor Italian Newspapers(Il Corrieredella Sera, La Repubblica)
18. Mass media system 2.0 ?When the news hit the Friendfeed network only SkyTg24 wasbroadcastingit. The selection code is up to the end user and hedecideswhenever a specific information is informative.
19. Mass media system 2.0 ?Is the evolutionof news/chat thatwehavedetectedsimilartocouple news/reportage?
20. More info, papers and data: is a joint research project with the department of Computer Science of the University of Bologna (Dr. MatteoMagnani) and it is partially founded by Telecom Italia.