japanska klizna vrata kao deo enteriera koji ulepsava prostor. Lepo i funkcionalno, prilagodljivo svakom prostoru, pravi se po meri. Ramovi su od drveta a ispune od irinacnog papira ili pleksiglasa.
Ambijent Dizajn pravi handmade name邸taj -Prilagoeno prostoru i Va邸im potrebama. Izrauje se runo u na邸oj radionici uz primenu svih standarda kvaliteta na zadovoljstvo klijenata. Neki od na邸ih najprodavanijih proizvoda su klizna vrata, paravani, futon bed, kancelarijske pregrade, kreveti, itd.Ambijent Dizajn telefon za kontakt 065/402-4021 ili 021/23-645-23 nazovite opravdacemo vase poverenje ili nas kontaktirajte putem e-maila SMS-a i li telefonom ili dodjite licno kod nas u radionicu gde cemo u razgovoru sa vama odabrati najbolje resenje za vas stan, lokal, prostor, kozmeticki salon, frizerski salon, fitnes centar, velnes centar, saunu ili solarijum. Odaberite boju po zeli u skladu sa vasim logom ili bojom prostora. Farbamo sve boje iz kataloga . U pozadini paravana je pirinacni papir koji propusta svetlost a ne providan je uvozimo ga iz japana. Takav papir se u Japanu koristi tradicionalno vekovima za enterijer eksterijer. Japanci su posebno razvili umetnost opravljenja stvari od papira. Papir je naizgled krhak ali on ima potpuno zadovoljavajucu cvrstocu koja omogucava njegovu siroku primenu. Japanci su izmislili rizin papir pre nego sto su evropljani saznali sta je papir uopste. Prekopirali smo japansku tehniku izrade namestaja a njihova osnovna karakteristika je preciznost i kvalitet, rucna izrada i posvecenost poslu. U Japanu zanatlije umetnici tj zanat je umetnost www.ambijentdizajn.com je adresa koju mo転ete posetiti i videti nase radove i odabrati i naruciti neki od njih
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie Samuel
Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on 際際滷Share by stating it provides inspiration and allows users to get started making their own presentations. It encourages the reader to create presentations on the Haiku Deck platform hosted on 際際滷Share.
Early Japanese painting was heavily influenced by Chinese styles from the Tang Dynasty. The earliest high-style paintings found in tombs showed Chinese and Buddhist influences. The first major style was kara-e, meaning Chinese-style painting, which imitated Tang Dynasty works. Originally referring only to imported Tang works, kara-e later described paintings made in Japan by artists trained in China. As Japanese culture became more independent, the Yamato-e style developed featuring colorful gold backgrounds and scenes from nature or literature. Yamato-e works were commonly found as hanging scrolls and screens, whereas kara-e works typically used horizontal hand scrolls like Chinese paintings.
The document provides instructions for creating an image of one's name using lines in the style of Chinese calligraphy or sumi painting. It recommends practicing holding the brush vertically and writing letters of one's name one by one on newspaper, turning the paper between letters. It also links to a video about the basic techniques of sumi painting using simple lines and open spaces.
The document provides an overview of Japanese geography, history, culture, and art. It notes that Japan is an archipelago located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, subjecting it to earthquakes and volcanoes. Geography influenced the development of Shintoism and isolation of early Japanese society. Chinese influence introduced Buddhism, Confucianism, and the Chinese writing system. Feudalism emerged with samurai warriors serving daimyo lords and an emperor with no real power. Art forms like haiku poetry, tea ceremonies, kabuki theater, and zen gardening reflected Japanese aesthetics and spiritual traditions.
This document provides information about sumi-e ink painting and haiku poetry in Japanese culture. It explains that sumi-e uses few brushstrokes to capture the essence of an object and dates back to the 14th century when it was introduced from Korea. Haiku is a 3-line, 17 syllable form of poetry that focuses on nature in the present tense. The document encourages creating a sumi-e painting and writing a haiku to accompany it.
Jezika radionica za decu odr転ana 28. jula 2010. u novosadskom TC Sad Novi Bazaar. U ovom dvoasovnom dogaaju uestvovalo je preko 50 veih i manjih mali邸ana uzrasta 2-13 godina, koji su kroz zabavne sadr転aje, igre i takmienja nauili kako da se predstave, pozdrave i potpi邸u na japanskom jeziku i kako se igraju deca u Japanu. Radionicu je vodila prof. Zorana Ru転ii, predava japanskog jezika u koli stranih jezika Eduka Centar, uz pomo njenih kolega i animatora iz Mini kluba.
Japan...zemlja procvetalih tre邸anja,gej邸a i tehnologije. Prezentacija govori o svih fenomenalnim strana ove divne azijske dr転ava,da ete naprosto po転eleti da ste tamo. Prezentacija takoe mo転e poslu転iti u edukaciji,da bi uenici na lak邸i i zanimljiviji nain zapamtili sve vezano za ovu zemlju. Autor: Jelena Vekecki VII Razred
Nadam se da ete u転ivati,i nekada posetiti ovu zemlju! :)
Early Japanese painting was heavily influenced by Chinese styles from the Tang Dynasty. The earliest high-style paintings found in tombs showed Chinese and Buddhist influences. The first major style was kara-e, meaning Chinese-style painting, which imitated Tang Dynasty works. Originally referring only to imported Tang works, kara-e later described paintings made in Japan by artists trained in China. As Japanese culture became more independent, the Yamato-e style developed featuring colorful gold backgrounds and scenes from nature or literature. Yamato-e works were commonly found as hanging scrolls and screens, whereas kara-e works typically used horizontal hand scrolls like Chinese paintings.
The document provides instructions for creating an image of one's name using lines in the style of Chinese calligraphy or sumi painting. It recommends practicing holding the brush vertically and writing letters of one's name one by one on newspaper, turning the paper between letters. It also links to a video about the basic techniques of sumi painting using simple lines and open spaces.
The document provides an overview of Japanese geography, history, culture, and art. It notes that Japan is an archipelago located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, subjecting it to earthquakes and volcanoes. Geography influenced the development of Shintoism and isolation of early Japanese society. Chinese influence introduced Buddhism, Confucianism, and the Chinese writing system. Feudalism emerged with samurai warriors serving daimyo lords and an emperor with no real power. Art forms like haiku poetry, tea ceremonies, kabuki theater, and zen gardening reflected Japanese aesthetics and spiritual traditions.
This document provides information about sumi-e ink painting and haiku poetry in Japanese culture. It explains that sumi-e uses few brushstrokes to capture the essence of an object and dates back to the 14th century when it was introduced from Korea. Haiku is a 3-line, 17 syllable form of poetry that focuses on nature in the present tense. The document encourages creating a sumi-e painting and writing a haiku to accompany it.
Jezika radionica za decu odr転ana 28. jula 2010. u novosadskom TC Sad Novi Bazaar. U ovom dvoasovnom dogaaju uestvovalo je preko 50 veih i manjih mali邸ana uzrasta 2-13 godina, koji su kroz zabavne sadr転aje, igre i takmienja nauili kako da se predstave, pozdrave i potpi邸u na japanskom jeziku i kako se igraju deca u Japanu. Radionicu je vodila prof. Zorana Ru転ii, predava japanskog jezika u koli stranih jezika Eduka Centar, uz pomo njenih kolega i animatora iz Mini kluba.
Japan...zemlja procvetalih tre邸anja,gej邸a i tehnologije. Prezentacija govori o svih fenomenalnim strana ove divne azijske dr転ava,da ete naprosto po転eleti da ste tamo. Prezentacija takoe mo転e poslu転iti u edukaciji,da bi uenici na lak邸i i zanimljiviji nain zapamtili sve vezano za ovu zemlju. Autor: Jelena Vekecki VII Razred
Nadam se da ete u転ivati,i nekada posetiti ovu zemlju! :)