The document discusses medical nutrition therapy for gout. It recommends limiting intake of high purine foods like seafood, red meat, and organ meats as well as soda and alcohol. It suggests consuming a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables, limiting fructose from juices and sweets, and drinking plenty of fluids to help excrete uric acid and prevent kidney stones. Nuts can provide protein as an alternative to high purine meats.
2. Uric acid , derived from the metabolism of purines, constitutes a part of
nucleoproteins .
It appears that approximately two thirds of the daily purine load results
from endogenous cell turnover, with just one third supplied by diet
although gout has traditionally been treated with a low-purine diet, drug
have largely replaced the need for rigid restriction of diet
the patient can take an active role by adhering to the nutrition guideline
for the management of gout as well
3. The third national health and nutrition examination survey found that higher
levels of meat and seafood consumption were associated with increased serum
uric acid levels in adults , but total protein intake was not .
It is prudent to advise patient to consume a balanced meal plan with limited intake
of animal foods and alcohol, avoidance of high purine foods
Limited consumption of sources of fructose (sweetened soft drinks and juices ,
candies and sweet pastries) and controlled food protein size, and reduced
noncomplex carbohydrate intake to achieve weight loss and improve insulin
High intake of fluids (8 to 16 cups of fluid /day , at least half as water)should be
encouraged to assist with the excretion of uric acid to minimize the possibility of
renal calculi formation