The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and the right to assemble. It says that Congress cannot make laws that infringe on these rights. The 26th Amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18, allowing citizens aged 18 and older to vote. It was ratified in 1972 to give more voice to youth.
This document summarizes key civil liberties protected by the US Constitution, including rights to free speech, privacy, due process, and prohibitions on cruel and unusual punishment. It outlines how rights like free speech were initially applied only to the federal government but have since been incorporated to also apply to state laws through amendments and court rulings. Specific cases are discussed that established or refined rights around issues like abortion, same-sex relations, search and seizure, death penalty procedures, and more.
The document provides information about first amendment rights, including:
1) The first amendment prohibits the government from establishing religion or restricting its free exercise, and protects freedom of speech, press, and assembly.
2) Government action is not allowed to burden religion, speech, press or assembly. Restrictions on these rights must meet the strict scrutiny standard requiring a compelling state interest.
3) The document outlines a moot court preparation where students take sides in a hypothetical first amendment case about student speech and assigns roles for presenting oral arguments on the case.
Citizenship Rights And ResponsibilitiesEmily Holmes
The document provides an overview of citizenship rights and responsibilities in a 10th grade social studies class. It discusses how rights are shaped by groups like political parties and interest groups, and how civil disobedience differs from other forms of protest. It also explains that rights have limits, providing examples where people's rights have been restricted throughout history for compelling government interests like national security or public safety.
The document summarizes the key points of the Bill of Rights, which consists of the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution. It protects several basic freedoms and rights, including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government. It also guarantees the right to bear arms and protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. The document poses several questions and thoughts about balancing individual rights with the interests of the community and whether the government should be able to limit some rights.
The document summarizes four important court cases and amendments in US history:
Brown v. Board of Education ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, ending racial segregation. Miranda v. Arizona established that suspects must be informed of their rights to avoid self-incrimination. The 15th Amendment guaranteed the right to vote for all citizens regardless of race. The 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote, recognizing gender equality.
Steven And Brittany Powerpoint On Core Democratic ValuesMr.Steckroth
The document outlines several core democratic values: life, pursuit of happiness, justice, equality, diversity, patriotism, liberty, common good, popular sovereignty, rule of law. For each value, it provides a brief definition and explains how that value benefits society. Overall, the values promote individual rights and freedoms, fair and equal treatment of all people, diversity of beliefs and identities, and a democratic system of government where the people have sovereignty.
The document discusses Felix Suarez's pursuit of happiness. It provides background on Thomas Jefferson and the phrase "pursuit of happiness." It then describes Felix's interests, including playing guitar and respecting others. Felix views education and freedom of speech as important. He believes citizens should obey laws and talks with leaders could help make the world more peaceful. Felix plans to become an electrician by attending trade school.
The author argues they should be allowed to get a second piercing by presenting five reasons: 1) the piercing is reversible with little scarring if disliked, 2) the author wants to express their style as the Bible says all things created by God are good, 3) the author has saved their own money to pay for it, 4) the piercing will make the author feel special in a harmless way unlike drugs, and 5) it is a personal decision about their body and freedom of expression protected by the First Amendment.
1. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. Ohio's minimum wage is higher at $7.70 per hour and Nevada's is $8.25 per hour.
2. An example calculation shows that if someone works 10 hours per week at $7.25 per hour plus $15 in tips, their total earnings would be $87.50.
3. Another example compares the earnings of two people working 10 hours per week, one at $7.25 per hour and one at $7.25 per hour plus $15 in tips. Their total earnings are calculated as $72.50, $72.50, and $15 in tips equaling $160 total.
The document discusses various technologies that the person's parents use to monitor and control their activities, including a cell phone so their parents know their location at all times, a credit card so their parents get alerts of purchases, a home alarm system so their parents know when someone enters or leaves the house, and a webcam so their mother can monitor that they are doing schoolwork from home. These tools allow the parents to know the person's whereabouts and activities to ensure safety and enforce rules.
The document provides links to articles comparing presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on various issues from 2012 such as abortion, birth control, gay rights, and housing policy. The articles discuss differences in the candidates' positions and how they addressed these topics during the presidential campaign and debates.
The document discusses several aspects of life in communist China:
- The government controls many aspects of daily life such as what websites citizens can access and what days they are allowed to drive.
- China has a market economy but the government still maintains significant control over the economy and society.
- The author shares several observations from their visit to China, such as the prevalence of toilets that are holes in the ground and strict limits on having more than one child.
Autumn arrives heralded by rain and powerful winds that fan its colorful banners brighter than silks from Samarcand. Autumn stands majestically like Charlemagne on a golden bridge, blessing the land with an outstretched royal hand over its vast domain. The harvest moon acts as Autumn's shield as it hangs beneath the sky, and farmers' prayers accompany Autumn's steps while burning sheaves shine like altar flames, followed by the wind scattering golden leaves as Autumn's almoner in a splendid ovation.
Plants use circadian rhythms and photoperiodism to track seasons and time of day. Circadian rhythms are the 24-hour cycles that regulate plant functions. Photoperiodism is how plants react to changes in day length by flowering at specific times. There are long-day plants, like lettuce and tomatoes, that flower when day lengths are long in summer, and short-day plants, like chrysanthemums and poinsettias, that flower in fall and winter when night lengths exceed a critical period. Phytochromes are pigmented proteins in plants that monitor sunlight, changing shape with the rising and setting of the sun to trigger responses and signal the plant.
The document summarizes information about the honey mushroom (Armillaria ostoyae). It states that honey mushrooms can be found near deciduous and pine trees in the fall. They are considered parasites on live trees and shrubs as well as old wood and stumps. The mushroom has a convex cap up to 4 inches wide with white gills that turn yellow and red as it ages. The long stem can reach 6 inches with a width of 3/4 inches. Honey mushrooms are edible but care must be taken as some similar mushrooms are harmful.
1. The document discusses cellular respiration and photosynthesis. It explains that cellular respiration breaks down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into sugars, glycerol, fatty acids, and amino acids which the body needs, and produces ATP.
2. It then discusses how the three stages of cellular respiration - glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain - work together to break down glucose and release energy in stages to produce ATP.
3. Photosynthesis is mentioned as the process that plants use to store energy from the sun in chemical compounds like glucose, on which cellular respiration depends.
1. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. Ohio's minimum wage is higher at $7.70 per hour and Nevada's is $8.25 per hour.
2. An example calculation shows that if someone works 10 hours per week at $7.25 per hour plus $15 in tips, their total earnings would be $87.50.
3. Another example compares the earnings of two people working 10 hours per week, one at $7.25 per hour and one at $7.25 per hour plus $15 in tips. Their total earnings are calculated as $72.50, $72.50, and $15 in tips equaling $160 total.
The document discusses various technologies that the person's parents use to monitor and control their activities, including a cell phone so their parents know their location at all times, a credit card so their parents get alerts of purchases, a home alarm system so their parents know when someone enters or leaves the house, and a webcam so their mother can monitor that they are doing schoolwork from home. These tools allow the parents to know the person's whereabouts and activities to ensure safety and enforce rules.
The document provides links to articles comparing presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on various issues from 2012 such as abortion, birth control, gay rights, and housing policy. The articles discuss differences in the candidates' positions and how they addressed these topics during the presidential campaign and debates.
The document discusses several aspects of life in communist China:
- The government controls many aspects of daily life such as what websites citizens can access and what days they are allowed to drive.
- China has a market economy but the government still maintains significant control over the economy and society.
- The author shares several observations from their visit to China, such as the prevalence of toilets that are holes in the ground and strict limits on having more than one child.
Autumn arrives heralded by rain and powerful winds that fan its colorful banners brighter than silks from Samarcand. Autumn stands majestically like Charlemagne on a golden bridge, blessing the land with an outstretched royal hand over its vast domain. The harvest moon acts as Autumn's shield as it hangs beneath the sky, and farmers' prayers accompany Autumn's steps while burning sheaves shine like altar flames, followed by the wind scattering golden leaves as Autumn's almoner in a splendid ovation.
Plants use circadian rhythms and photoperiodism to track seasons and time of day. Circadian rhythms are the 24-hour cycles that regulate plant functions. Photoperiodism is how plants react to changes in day length by flowering at specific times. There are long-day plants, like lettuce and tomatoes, that flower when day lengths are long in summer, and short-day plants, like chrysanthemums and poinsettias, that flower in fall and winter when night lengths exceed a critical period. Phytochromes are pigmented proteins in plants that monitor sunlight, changing shape with the rising and setting of the sun to trigger responses and signal the plant.
The document summarizes information about the honey mushroom (Armillaria ostoyae). It states that honey mushrooms can be found near deciduous and pine trees in the fall. They are considered parasites on live trees and shrubs as well as old wood and stumps. The mushroom has a convex cap up to 4 inches wide with white gills that turn yellow and red as it ages. The long stem can reach 6 inches with a width of 3/4 inches. Honey mushrooms are edible but care must be taken as some similar mushrooms are harmful.
1. The document discusses cellular respiration and photosynthesis. It explains that cellular respiration breaks down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into sugars, glycerol, fatty acids, and amino acids which the body needs, and produces ATP.
2. It then discusses how the three stages of cellular respiration - glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain - work together to break down glucose and release energy in stages to produce ATP.
3. Photosynthesis is mentioned as the process that plants use to store energy from the sun in chemical compounds like glucose, on which cellular respiration depends.
2. The First Amendment is Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition. This is
what the First Amendment says Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
What that basically means is that
we have the freedom to say what we
The First Amendment is sort of want, we live in a country that we
like the Sixth Amendment, but are allowed to do so. We have the
not exactly. The only thing that option to pick which religion we
makes it somewhat the same choose to follow. We have the right
as that in the first one it says to show others what are religion is
freedom of speech. In the sixth by using media and other forms of
one is says right to a speedy communication, which is held safe
trial. Meaning you dont have by the freedom of press. Us as
to plead guilty, you dont have Americans also have the right to
to say anything you dont want want to change things about our
to say. So in that case they sort law, through the freedom of
of relate somewhat. petition.
The first amendment is talking about us as American citizens of the
United States. Its talking about protecting us with or
speech, press, religion and petition. Its meant for all the people that are in
the United States. It was written in 1777 by Thomas Jefferson. This law was
made so that people would be protected from choosing there
religion, saying specific things, being allowed to say that there is a law they
dont agree with and being able to tell others about there religion they are
following. It was done by first being written and then proposed to the
Virginia Legislature in 1779. many years later on January 16, 1786 it finally
became a law.
Thomas Jefferson was president when the first amendment was
made. It has not been disputed since it was last put out. Yes we are
better off with it because it gives people the freedom to do
things, without we would have no freedom.
5. Voting at age 18
The 26th amendment talks about people being of the age at 18 to vote. Its self
explanatory, anyone who is of the age of 18 that is a United States citizen has the
right to vote.
The president was Dwight D. Eisenhower when the 26th amendment was
ratified. What it is, is letting people vote at the age of 18. President Nixon
signed the constitution approving it. It was the fastest amendment ever passed
for the constitution. It was finally passed in 1972, the YMCA and NAACP helped
get the law to pass along with some other youth activities. They made this
amendment because the youth wanted to be able to have a say in stuff. They
did it by getting a ton of youth groups to get together and get there decision
on it.
6. The 26th Amendment
It doesnt relate to any other amendments. The original age was set to 21
right off of the bat. It was been disputed in a way. The argued about it when the
voting was set to age 21 in the beginning, people didnt like it. So then thats
when they came up with the 26th amendment allowing people to vote at the
age of 18. We dont really need this amendment because voting at the age of
21 or 18 doesnt make that much of a difference. But yes voting at the age of 21
would be better because you have more of an understanding on things. At the
age of 18 you may not always make the smartest decision that you possibly
would if you were 21. It took three months for it to be passed.