This document summarizes a meeting of governors at St. Mary's Catholic College in April 2004. It discusses trends affecting schools like increased accountability, declining church attendance, and an extended adolescence. It also outlines scenarios for the future of schooling put forward by the OECD, including extending the market model, de-schooling, and re-schooling schools as social centers or focused learning organizations. The session aims to inform governors of strategic issues, identify additional issues, and find new objectives to consider for the school development plan from 2004-2007.
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Governors development planning meeting - April 2004
2. Mission Statement
St. Marys Catholic High School is a caring faith community.
Our mission is to provide an outstanding whole-person
education through which all are challenged to grow in
wisdom, understanding, self-esteem and closeness to God.
3. Sessions Objectives
To inform governors of some of the main
strategic issues affecting the school
To identify additional strategic issues affecting
the school
To identify new objectives that can be
considered for inclusion in the SDP 2004-07
4. Megatrends
Exponential ICT development
Social fragmentation (at a micro and macro level)
Increasing Accountability
Informed Professional Judgement (post-informed
central prescription)
Difficulties in recruiting/retaining high calibre
Declining Church attendance (a lack of belonging
but no less believing?)
6. OECD Trends
Extended Adolescence
Increasing time in front-end loaded education
Entering labour market later
Delaying family responsibilities
The Knowledge Economy
Know what, know why, know how, know who
Schooling deals in know what
7. OECD Trends
Inequality and Exclusion
Reductions in wealth and income inequalities
in 20th Century now reversed
Impact on young and unskilled
Link between education outcomes and poverty
Changing Family & Community Life
Individualism and social fragmentation
Decline of the conventional family
9. Extending the Market Model
Extended Market Model
Learning bought and sold by a wide variety of
Greater privatisation of education
Specialist Schools & vouchers
10. De-Schooling
Learning Networks and Network Society
Dissatisfaction with institutions
Virtual Schools
14-19 Review
Meltdown Scenario
Fuelled by Teacher Exodus
Impact on student learning
Varies geographically and by subject
11. Re-schooling
Schools as Core Social (Spiritual) Centres
Schools seek to counteract effect of social
Personal, social and community outcomes
Extended Schools
(Belonging before believing)
(Impact on parishes)
12. Re-Schooling
Schools as Focused Learning Organisations
Focus on cognitive outcomes
Linked to knowledge economy
Focus on quality and equality of opportunity
Learning Organisations focus on CPD, R&D
and extensive networking
Workforce agreement
13. Current and Future Roles for Schooling
Cognitive Development
Behavioural rules rules & routines
Socialisation values & dispositions
Screening and Sorting
14. Current Strategic Influences
14-19 Curriculum & Qualification Reforms
Every Child Matters
Building Schools for the Future
Deanery/Diocesan Reviews
15. The Session Ahead
Identify any strategic influences that have been
Find the GAPS between our vision and the
College Development Plan
Identify new objectives
Prioritise new objectives you have identified