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A Description on Mobile Phone Industry 
[GP02153 TU6414]
A mobile phone company 
 Porter’s Five Forces methodology and a 
tool used to analyze the business strategies and 
to understand where power lies in a business. 
This tool is a handy method to assess how each 
of the market drivers impact the mobile phone 
 Suitable business strategies can be devised 
based on the analysis. Further, mobile phone 
company are known to study the markets they 
want to approach thoroughly before they make 
a move and it is in this perspective that this 
analysis is undertaken.
Elements : 
 Industry growth 
 Informational over complexity 
 Fixed costs/value 
 Switching costs added 
 Intermittent over capacity 
 Product differences 
 Brand identity 
 Concentration and balance 
 Diversity of competitors 
 Corporate stakes 
 Exit barriers 
 Mobile phones industries are engaged in fierce competitive rivalry. It makes 
mobile phone companies cannot take its position in the market for granted as all these 
where margins are tight and the competition is intense. Apart from this, they faced the 
equivalent of the “Cola Wars” (the legendary fight for dominance between Coke and 
Pepsi) in emerging markets like India where they have to compete with multitude of 
players domestic and global.
 Substitute performance 
 Cost of change 
 Time and cost of entry 
 Need specialist knowledge 
 Economies of scale 
 Cost advantages 
 Technology protection 
 Barriers of entry  Numbers customer 
 Size of order 
 Differences between 
 Price sensitivity 
 Changing cost 
 Numbers of supplier 
 Supplier size 
 Ability to substitution 
 Standard of service
 As the diagram above indicates and present the 
relative strengths and the weaknesses of each element, 
we can now conclude this analysis with the theme that 
as the global economy integrates and more emerging 
markets open up, companies like Samsung are at an 
advantage because they have already established 
themselves in many markets. However, it must also be 
noted that each market is unique and hence, a company 
must not adopt a one size fits all strategy and instead, 
must approach each market differently. In conclusion, 
Samsung can take pride from the fact that being an 
Asian conglomerate, it has managed to break into and 
hold its own against many western multinationals that 
have been in this business for decades.
A mobile phone company 
 Michael Porter’s Value chain concept is a valued concept in today’s market 
because since it tells us to differentiate a products by analyzing the chain of events.. 
 The value chain concept can be a reference model for Holistic marketing and 
there is a chain of events which occur in a company right from the procurement of raw 
materials to the delivery of goods as well as the post sales service. This chain is made 
up of 9 steps and the process can be changed in any of the nine steps to add further 
value to the final product. If a company wants to add customer value in all the 
processes that it does, it has to refer to the Value Chain. 
 The Value chain contain of total 9 steps. The first 5 are the primary activities 
which are the basics in any company and are the activities which provide strength and 
sustainability to the company. The remaining 4 are the support activities or also known 
as the secondary activities and these are used by the company for differentiation as well 
as maintenance of the organization. Both, the primary as well as the secondary activities 
are necessary for the firm to survive.
P O R T E R ’ S G E N E R I C VA L U E 
 Inbound logistics – this is about bringing raw material 
from source to the company. This value helps 
enhancing the quality of raw material as well as 
optimizing the cost of inbound logistics. 
 Operations – all operations related in converting the 
raw material to finished goods is the job of Operations. 
The customer value is increased majorly in this step if 
the operations are up to mark and the product is 
manufactured in the right manner and meets quality 
 Outbound logistics – Sending finished goods from 
manufacturing point to distributors and retailers. 
Outbound logistic should be done in minimum cost 
and the product is delivered to end customers with 
minimum affect to the quality of the product. 
 Marketing and sales – The marketing and sales apply as 
the strategy to increase the sales of the product. The company 
exists to make profits and if profits can be increased by 
marketing and sales, than the company has to use these tools. 
 Service – in mobile phone industry, the post sales service is 
the most important because it directly affects the word of mouth 
publicity of the product. If the service is not up to mark, no one 
will buy the product and the brand will lose market share and 
may be taken out of the market eventually.
 Procurement – The management of vendors and the procurement of the raw material on a timely basis is 
where procurement comes in. 
 Technology development – Keep product updated as per the latest technology. 
 Human resource management – The right people in the right place can make all the difference for the 
company and hence the HR department is a support activity most important for the firm. 
 Firm infrastructure – Without a proper infrastructure, and lack of government handling or legal support, a 
firm might face a big hurdle. Similarly, administration department will help in maintenance of the facilities in a 
 As the new era raised in the new marketing field, with the mostly used of retail and e-commerce, 
companies have realized that your value chain will be further strengthened if 
you have better co-ordination between all the departments. Thus, the concept of holistic 
marketing will further strengthen your value chain. 
 In such a case, a mobile phone company need to ensure that all your primary activities 
have an open door policy for people from secondary activities and vice versa. Thus, 
logistics should interact with procurement and sales with HR. If the important people in 
your organization interact with other equally important people of different departments, 
there is nothing that will stop value addition to the end product in your organization.

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Gp02153 porter’s

  • 1. PORT E R ’ S F I V E FORCES & VALUE CHAIN A Description on Mobile Phone Industry [GP02153 TU6414]
  • 2. A mobile phone company PORTE R ’ S F IVE FORC E S
  • 3. INTRODUCTION  Porter’s Five Forces methodology and a tool used to analyze the business strategies and to understand where power lies in a business. This tool is a handy method to assess how each of the market drivers impact the mobile phone companies.  Suitable business strategies can be devised based on the analysis. Further, mobile phone company are known to study the markets they want to approach thoroughly before they make a move and it is in this perspective that this analysis is undertaken.
  • 5. Elements :  Industry growth  Informational over complexity  Fixed costs/value  Switching costs added  Intermittent over capacity  Product differences  Brand identity  Concentration and balance  Diversity of competitors  Corporate stakes  Exit barriers RIVALRY  Mobile phones industries are engaged in fierce competitive rivalry. It makes mobile phone companies cannot take its position in the market for granted as all these where margins are tight and the competition is intense. Apart from this, they faced the equivalent of the “Cola Wars” (the legendary fight for dominance between Coke and Pepsi) in emerging markets like India where they have to compete with multitude of players domestic and global.
  • 6. ELEMENTS  Substitute performance  Cost of change  Time and cost of entry  Need specialist knowledge  Economies of scale  Cost advantages  Technology protection  Barriers of entry  Numbers customer  Size of order  Differences between competitors  Price sensitivity  Changing cost  Numbers of supplier  Supplier size  Ability to substitution  Standard of service
  • 7. ANALYSIS  As the diagram above indicates and present the relative strengths and the weaknesses of each element, we can now conclude this analysis with the theme that as the global economy integrates and more emerging markets open up, companies like Samsung are at an advantage because they have already established themselves in many markets. However, it must also be noted that each market is unique and hence, a company must not adopt a one size fits all strategy and instead, must approach each market differently. In conclusion, Samsung can take pride from the fact that being an Asian conglomerate, it has managed to break into and hold its own against many western multinationals that have been in this business for decades.
  • 8. A mobile phone company PORTE R ’ S VALUE CHAIN
  • 9. INTRODUCTION  Michael Porter’s Value chain concept is a valued concept in today’s market because since it tells us to differentiate a products by analyzing the chain of events..  The value chain concept can be a reference model for Holistic marketing and there is a chain of events which occur in a company right from the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of goods as well as the post sales service. This chain is made up of 9 steps and the process can be changed in any of the nine steps to add further value to the final product. If a company wants to add customer value in all the processes that it does, it has to refer to the Value Chain.  The Value chain contain of total 9 steps. The first 5 are the primary activities which are the basics in any company and are the activities which provide strength and sustainability to the company. The remaining 4 are the support activities or also known as the secondary activities and these are used by the company for differentiation as well as maintenance of the organization. Both, the primary as well as the secondary activities are necessary for the firm to survive.
  • 10. P O R T E R ’ S G E N E R I C VA L U E CHAIN
  • 11. DESCRIPTION  Inbound logistics – this is about bringing raw material from source to the company. This value helps enhancing the quality of raw material as well as optimizing the cost of inbound logistics.  Operations – all operations related in converting the raw material to finished goods is the job of Operations. The customer value is increased majorly in this step if the operations are up to mark and the product is manufactured in the right manner and meets quality standards.  Outbound logistics – Sending finished goods from manufacturing point to distributors and retailers. Outbound logistic should be done in minimum cost and the product is delivered to end customers with minimum affect to the quality of the product.  Marketing and sales – The marketing and sales apply as the strategy to increase the sales of the product. The company exists to make profits and if profits can be increased by marketing and sales, than the company has to use these tools.  Service – in mobile phone industry, the post sales service is the most important because it directly affects the word of mouth publicity of the product. If the service is not up to mark, no one will buy the product and the brand will lose market share and may be taken out of the market eventually.
  • 12.  Procurement – The management of vendors and the procurement of the raw material on a timely basis is where procurement comes in.  Technology development – Keep product updated as per the latest technology.  Human resource management – The right people in the right place can make all the difference for the company and hence the HR department is a support activity most important for the firm.  Firm infrastructure – Without a proper infrastructure, and lack of government handling or legal support, a firm might face a big hurdle. Similarly, administration department will help in maintenance of the facilities in a firm.
  • 13. FINDINGS  As the new era raised in the new marketing field, with the mostly used of retail and e-commerce, companies have realized that your value chain will be further strengthened if you have better co-ordination between all the departments. Thus, the concept of holistic marketing will further strengthen your value chain.  In such a case, a mobile phone company need to ensure that all your primary activities have an open door policy for people from secondary activities and vice versa. Thus, logistics should interact with procurement and sales with HR. If the important people in your organization interact with other equally important people of different departments, there is nothing that will stop value addition to the end product in your organization.