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GPG Study
1.4 1.7 1.12

1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL 

1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴

1.12 assert 觜覯
1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL 

                              Genericity of components

  The use of templates allow you to reduce the number m to 1
  ( m is possible data types ).
  STL algorithms, however, do not work directly with containers but with
  Interface object, that is, iterators which access containers.
1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL 

                             Abstract and implicit data types

  Implicit data types are not important in the sense of an object-oriented
  analysis which puts the emphasis on the interfaces (methods) if an abstract
  data types. They, however, are very important for design and
  Implementation because they often determine the run time behavior.
1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL 

  谿 貉企 ( sequence container )
  vector, list, deque, 

  郁 貉企 ( associative container )
  map, set, 

  Pointer-like objects

  The Template algorithms work with iterators that access containers.
1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL 

   begin() , end()     螻襴讀 last iterator 襷讌襷 襯
                       螳襴れ .
   rbegin() , rend()

   Call by value
1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL 


  Sequence container
    狩 螳豌企れ 朱 蟲

  vector< T > : 貉企   蠏( i覯讌  蠏 螳  )

  deque< T > : vector  . 貉企  覿覿 一一 螳ロ.

  list< T >   :  蠏 螳 O(N). N 蠍. 曙螻   螳.
1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL 


  Associative container
   譯殊伎 る 螳豌企れ 蟆 谿場

  set< key >         : 狩  ( unique key )

  multiset< key >    : 譴覲牛るゼ 讌 ( duplicate key )

  map< key, T >      : key unique. T value. 譯殊伎 key襦 value襯 谿場  .

  multimap<key, T>   : map螻 . key 譴覲旧
1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL 


  螳螳 iteratorれ 轟 一一襯 蟲螻 伎 .

  nonmutating sequence algorithm   : find , search
  mutating sequence algorithm      : unique
  sorting-related algorithm
  generalized numeric algorithm
1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL 

1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴

 蟆 襷 覃覈襴  蟲. ( 蠏碁, 企, 覈, 覃伎 .. )

  => 覈 蟆 襴( 一危 襦 or 蟆 ′ ) 蟆 .
  => 譯殊伎 覃覈襴 覲企 襷    襦 譴觜

  伎 蠍磯 一危磯ゼ 朱 覿り碓 蠍壱  

 企  螳ロ れ 蟯襴 , 覿覦 覦 蠏殊 危 蟯襴.
1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴

 class BaseResource
  るジ  貉企 企るれ  企るゼ 蠍磯朱  

  Create() -  一危一 襦. 覦覲旧  豌  豌襴 

  Dispose() , Recrete()  螻 覃覈襴 蟲豌.  覩  覿覿る

  operator < ()   蠍磯ゼ  一
1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴

 class BaseResource
1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴

 class ResManager
  BaseResource襯 牛 焔
  れ 蟯襴 企
1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴

 class ResManager

    碁(UINT) 螻 螳豌伎  誤磯ゼ Map朱 蟯襴

   typedef std::map<RHANDLE, BaseResource*> ResMap;
   typedef ResMap::iterator ResMapItor;
   typedef ResMap::value_type ResMapPair;
1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴

 class ResManager
   InsertResource()  豢螳  蠍郁  譴觜 覃覈襴覲企  蟆曙
    覃覈襴襯 覲危  蟾讌 蠍一ヾ  伎. ( 一 磯 )
1.12 assert 觜覯

 #1 :  襷 覲企ゼ 讌企k.

            assert  伎襯 string朱 豢螳
1.12 assert 觜覯

 #2 : 譬  襷 覲企ゼ 讌企k.


     assert(! 譬  襷 覲企も)

            襦蠏碁 讌 襷  螻褐 螳讌.
            蠏碁Μ螻 覯蟾 覲企ゼ 螻
1.12 assert 觜覯

 #3 : 譬  ク蟆
1.12 assert 觜覯

 #4 : 貉れろ assert 襷り鍵

      貉れろ 襯 襷り 蟆郁骸 磯 貊襯 breaking .
1.12 assert 觜覯

 #5 : 願 譴

      譯 ろ 襭伎  蟆曙 flag襯 譯殊伎  螳 磯
       覿襯 蟆一襦
1.12 assert 觜覯

 #6 : 豐螻襷 覲 蟆

      assert螳 ろ 伎  蠏 伎 語 .

      -> 襦蠏碁 ろ 覲願 !


1.12 assert 觜覯

 #7 : 譬  所  覲旧伎 覿 j鍵

      ろ 覲伎 伎 企暑慨襦. CustomAssertFunction 豢螳
1.12 assert 觜覯

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  • 2. 1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL 1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴 1.12 assert 觜覯
  • 3. 1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL Genericity of components The use of templates allow you to reduce the number m to 1 ( m is possible data types ). STL algorithms, however, do not work directly with containers but with Interface object, that is, iterators which access containers.
  • 4. 1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL Abstract and implicit data types Implicit data types are not important in the sense of an object-oriented analysis which puts the emphasis on the interfaces (methods) if an abstract data types. They, however, are very important for design and Implementation because they often determine the run time behavior.
  • 5. 1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL Containers 谿 貉企 ( sequence container ) vector, list, deque, 郁 貉企 ( associative container ) map, set, Iterators Pointer-like objects Algorithms The Template algorithms work with iterators that access containers.
  • 6. 1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL begin() , end() 螻襴讀 last iterator 襷讌襷 襯 螳襴れ . rbegin() , rend() past-the-end Call by value
  • 7. 1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL Container Sequence container 狩 螳豌企れ 朱 蟲 vector< T > : 貉企 蠏( i覯讌 蠏 螳 ) 螳ロ. deque< T > : vector . 貉企 覿覿 一一 螳ロ. list< T > : 蠏 螳 O(N). N 蠍. 曙螻 螳.
  • 8. 1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL Container Associative container 譯殊伎 る 螳豌企れ 蟆 谿場 set< key > : 狩 ( unique key ) multiset< key > : 譴覲牛るゼ 讌 ( duplicate key ) map< key, T > : key unique. T value. 譯殊伎 key襦 value襯 谿場 . multimap<key, T> : map螻 . key 譴覲旧
  • 9. 1.4 蟆 襦蠏碁覦 STL Iterator -iterator 豢-iterator 覦-iterator 螳螳 iteratorれ 轟 一一襯 蟲螻 伎 . Algorithms nonmutating sequence algorithm : find , search mutating sequence algorithm : unique sorting-related algorithm generalized numeric algorithm
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  • 11. 1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴 蟆 襷 覃覈襴 蟲. ( 蠏碁, 企, 覈, 覃伎 .. ) => 覈 蟆 襴( 一危 襦 or 蟆 ′ ) 蟆 . => 譯殊伎 覃覈襴 覲企 襷 襦 譴觜 伎 蠍磯 一危磯ゼ 朱 覿り碓 蠍壱 螳豌 企 螳ロ れ 蟯襴 , 覿覦 覦 蠏殊 危 蟯襴.
  • 12. 1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴 class BaseResource るジ 貉企 企るれ 企るゼ 蠍磯朱 Create() - 一危一 襦. 覦覲旧 豌 豌襴 Dispose() , Recrete() 螻 覃覈襴 蟲豌. 覩 覿覿る 蟲豌危. operator < () 蠍磯ゼ 一
  • 13. 1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴 class BaseResource
  • 14. 1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴 class ResManager BaseResource襯 牛 焔 れ 蟯襴 企
  • 15. 1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴 class ResManager 碁(UINT) 螻 螳豌伎 誤磯ゼ Map朱 蟯襴 typedef std::map<RHANDLE, BaseResource*> ResMap; typedef ResMap::iterator ResMapItor; typedef ResMap::value_type ResMapPair;
  • 16. 1.7 螻 覃覈襴 蟯襴 class ResManager InsertResource() 豢螳 蠍郁 譴觜 覃覈襴覲企 蟆曙 覃覈襴襯 覲危 蟾讌 蠍一ヾ 伎. ( 一 磯 )
  • 17. 1.12 assert 觜覯 #1 : 襷 覲企ゼ 讌企k. assert 伎襯 string朱 豢螳
  • 18. 1.12 assert 觜覯 #2 : 譬 襷 覲企ゼ 讌企k. assert(0) assert(! 譬 襷 覲企も) 襦蠏碁 讌 襷 螻褐 螳讌. 蠏碁Μ螻 覯蟾 覲企ゼ 螻
  • 19. 1.12 assert 觜覯 #3 : 譬 ク蟆
  • 20. 1.12 assert 觜覯 #4 : 貉れろ assert 襷り鍵 貉れろ 襯 襷り 蟆郁骸 磯 貊襯 breaking .
  • 21. 1.12 assert 觜覯 #5 : 願 譴 譯 ろ 襭伎 蟆曙 flag襯 譯殊伎 螳 磯 覿襯 蟆一襦
  • 22. 1.12 assert 觜覯 #6 : 豐螻襷 覲 蟆 assert螳 ろ 伎 蠏 伎 語 . -> 襦蠏碁 ろ 覲願 ! BugSlayer http://blog.naver.com/harkon?Redirect=Log&logNo=120063141029
  • 23. 1.12 assert 觜覯 #7 : 譬 所 覲旧伎 覿 j鍵 ろ 覲伎 伎 企暑慨襦. CustomAssertFunction 豢螳