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Gregory P Sandor
22430 Willow Branch Lane - Tomball, TX 77375
Phone: 909-489-3445
Email: gpsandor2016@yahoo.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/gregorysandor
Success oriented Electrical Engineer with 17 years engineering experience developing solutions to meet demanding
applications in aerospace, defense, oil & energy, and electronics industries. Multi-disciplined engineering experience in
design, test, integration, systems, troubleshooting, manufacturing, process control, and field support. Engineering design
emphasis in Radio Frequency (RF), Microwave (MW), millimeter wave (mmW) and mixed signal printed circuit boards (PCB),
modules and subsystems. Takes ownership of projects, provides leadership to multi-disciplined engineering teams, works
well in both individual and team environments. Ability to see both details and the big picture to effectively balance cost,
schedule, and technical content.
 RF/MW/mmW Design  Cadence / Altium / Zuken  Microsoft PowerPoint  Team Leadership
 Systems Integration  Matlab / MathCAD  Microsoft Project  Problem Solving
 Mixed Signal PWB  PSPICE / SIMetrix  Microsoft Word  Troubleshooting
 Test  ADS / AWR / CTS  Microsoft Excel  Presentation
Baker Hughes, Houston TX 9/2014-6/2016
Design, test, and integrate Wireline tools and sensors for downhole formation evaluation. Frequency design emphasis HF
through L bands.
Array Dielectric Tool
 Mixed signal design of RF modulator, demodulator, PA, LNA, and filter printed wire boards (PWBs).
 Systems and board level testing.
 Evaluate and qualify RF components for high temperature environments.
 Prototype development for proof of concept (POC) of single ended and differential antenna drive.
 Communicate and collaborate with project team to ensure performance and requirement goals.
 Subject Matter Expert (SME) for RF schematic design, layout, assembly, and fabrication.
 Provide simulation, testing, and RF analysis.
 EMI/EMC design troubleshooting and resolution.
Lockheed Martin, Syracuse NY 5/2007-8/2013
Design, test, and integrate complex custom electrical and electro-mechanical modules and sub-assemblies for defense
applications based on customer requirements. Frequency design emphasis UHF through X bands.
High Energy Fiber Laser (HEFL FNC)
 Lead design for mixed signal RF Modulator Printed Wire Assembly (PWA).
 Requirements generation and flow down.
 Design, development, and test from proof of concept (POC) through customer delivery.
 Communicate and collaborate with project team to ensure performance and requirement goals.
 Direct and instruct RF schematic design, printed wire board (PWB) layout, assembly, and fabrication.
 Innovative design for superior electromagnetic interference and compatibility (EMI/EMC).
 Provide simulation, testing, and RF analysis.
G r e g o r y S a n d o r
P a g e | 2
E2C Hawkeye Airborne RADAR
 IPT Leader for WRA-9A4 pulse generator upgrade/redesign for APS145 RADAR.
 Design and test from POC through system integration.
 Successful design resulting in 1/3 legacy cost and 1/2 power dissipation.
 Mixed signal design utilizing Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) with significantly improved clutter rejection.
 EMI/EMC and environmental testing per customer requirements.
 Engineering Technical Reviews (ETRs), presentation and customer design reviews (SRR, PDR, and CDR).
 Complete design documentation, release, and configuration management with EPDM.
 Received individual SPOT award for successful program.
MEADS Ground Based RADAR
 RF, analog, and mixed signal PWA design exceeding strict customer performance requirements.
 Multiple Exciter Module design and test with low phase noise emphasis.
 Transmit Receive Assembly (TRA) module design with emphasis on digital phase control and beam forming.
 Lead design, development, and testing of Phase Control Amplifier (PCA) module.
 Creation and release of documentation/drawings for multiple RF modules through configuration management.
 Requirements flow down and documentation with DOORS.
 Received individual SPOT award for successful Detailed Design Review (DDR) on Antenna Assembly.
Other Programs and Tasks
 Design verification, subject matter expert (SME), and ETR support for ground, airborne and space hardware.
 Provide RF/Engineering leadership and mentoring to junior Engineers/Technicians.
 Manufacturing and sustainment engineering support.
 Troubleshooting and failure analysis.
CHANG Industry, La Verne CA 4/2001-8/2006
Research and development of RF/MW/mmW devices, sub-assemblies and systems for government, military, and commercial
customers. Design, test, and integrate RADAR front ends, systems, sensors and devices covering S through W bands.
Full Spectrum Active Protection Close-In Shield (FCLAS)
 Lead design, development, and test of MMIC based multi-module assemblies.
 Design, test, and integrate mmW RADAR transceivers for defense against RPG, KE, HEAT and ATGM threats.
 Design and development of forward looking and side looking FMCW RADAR systems.
 Lead team development for mechanical and electrical survivability in hostile environments.
 Successful design indicated by demonstrated detection and defeat of hypersonic and subsonic threats.
Antenna Development
 Software and hardware development for automated mmW Antenna Testing (near and far field).
 Analysis of antenna test patterns, field test data and RADAR cross section (RCS) for prototypes and threats.
 Test and development included horn, patch, rat race, slot, stick, and phased array antennas.
Test Range Activity
 Provide technical and instrumentation expertise for field tests and live fire operations.
 Develop test range and bunker setup, safety, instrumentation, and timing activities.
 Design and development of mono-static Doppler and bi-Static FMCW sensors for range support.
 Perform tests, capture, and analyze range data.
Other Tasks
 Lead design and development of MMIC chip carriers and discrete RF components.
 Direct and support chip and wire assembly activities.
 Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) test and range support.
G r e g o r y S a n d o r
P a g e | 3
Space Vector, Chatsworth CA 12/1998-4/2001
Design, test, and integrate electrical systems for National Missile Defense and atmospheric sounding rockets. Provide launch,
range, and field test support.
Atmospheric Interceptor Technology-2 (ait-2)
 Schematic design of electrical systems for space vehicle/payload interfaces (VIU/PIU) and cable assemblies.
 Test and troubleshoot electrical systems from component to system level.
 Failure analysis and resolution for failed flight hardware.
 Environmental testing (thermal, shock, and vibration) of flight hardware and space vehicle.
 Support EMI/EMC range testing for space vehicle.
 Design, test, and integrate RF and telemetry systems on space vehicle.
 Program and operate telemetry ground station during range tests and vehicle launch operations.
 Analyze captured launch telemetry and distribute data products.
Payload Launch Vehicle / Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle (PLV/EKV)
 Test and develop hardware and cable assemblies for automatic test equipment (ATE).
 Test and troubleshoot Booster Simulator and Booster Adapter flight and test hardware.
 Environmental testing (thermal, shock, and vibration) of flight hardware.
 Failure analysis and resolution for failed test and flight hardware.
 Checkout and delivery of ATE and flight hardware at customer site.
Other Tasks
 Liaison between Engineering and Manufacturing.
 Internal ISO 9001 auditor.
Talon Instruments, San Dimas CA 11/1997-12/1998
Test and troubleshoot VXI/VME digital circuit card assemblies (CCAs) and hardware down to component level.
Main Tasks
 Test and troubleshoot production and prototype CCAs.
 Program microcontrollers and embedded systems using C and BASIC.
 Write ATE software for system and bench tests.
 Develop and integrate application software using LabWindows/CVI for VXI/VME products.
 Design tests and test fixtures.
DeVry University
Pomona, CA
BS Electronics Engineering Technology
Chaffey College
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
General Education/Engineering
CLEARANCE - Secret Clearance  Expired Aug 2015
 PMI PMP Training  EVPM  Crucial Conversations
 Leadership Greater Syracuse 2013  Green Belt Training  MS2 Top Gun Engineer 2009

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  • 1. Gregory P Sandor 22430 Willow Branch Lane - Tomball, TX 77375 Phone: 909-489-3445 Email: gpsandor2016@yahoo.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/gregorysandor SUMMARY Success oriented Electrical Engineer with 17 years engineering experience developing solutions to meet demanding applications in aerospace, defense, oil & energy, and electronics industries. Multi-disciplined engineering experience in design, test, integration, systems, troubleshooting, manufacturing, process control, and field support. Engineering design emphasis in Radio Frequency (RF), Microwave (MW), millimeter wave (mmW) and mixed signal printed circuit boards (PCB), modules and subsystems. Takes ownership of projects, provides leadership to multi-disciplined engineering teams, works well in both individual and team environments. Ability to see both details and the big picture to effectively balance cost, schedule, and technical content. SKILLS RF/MW/mmW Design Cadence / Altium / Zuken Microsoft PowerPoint Team Leadership Systems Integration Matlab / MathCAD Microsoft Project Problem Solving Mixed Signal PWB PSPICE / SIMetrix Microsoft Word Troubleshooting Test ADS / AWR / CTS Microsoft Excel Presentation PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE RF DESIGN ENGINEER Baker Hughes, Houston TX 9/2014-6/2016 Design, test, and integrate Wireline tools and sensors for downhole formation evaluation. Frequency design emphasis HF through L bands. Array Dielectric Tool Mixed signal design of RF modulator, demodulator, PA, LNA, and filter printed wire boards (PWBs). Systems and board level testing. Evaluate and qualify RF components for high temperature environments. Prototype development for proof of concept (POC) of single ended and differential antenna drive. Communicate and collaborate with project team to ensure performance and requirement goals. Subject Matter Expert (SME) for RF schematic design, layout, assembly, and fabrication. Provide simulation, testing, and RF analysis. EMI/EMC design troubleshooting and resolution. SENIOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Lockheed Martin, Syracuse NY 5/2007-8/2013 Design, test, and integrate complex custom electrical and electro-mechanical modules and sub-assemblies for defense applications based on customer requirements. Frequency design emphasis UHF through X bands. High Energy Fiber Laser (HEFL FNC) Lead design for mixed signal RF Modulator Printed Wire Assembly (PWA). Requirements generation and flow down. Design, development, and test from proof of concept (POC) through customer delivery. Communicate and collaborate with project team to ensure performance and requirement goals. Direct and instruct RF schematic design, printed wire board (PWB) layout, assembly, and fabrication. Innovative design for superior electromagnetic interference and compatibility (EMI/EMC). Provide simulation, testing, and RF analysis.
  • 2. G r e g o r y S a n d o r P a g e | 2 E2C Hawkeye Airborne RADAR IPT Leader for WRA-9A4 pulse generator upgrade/redesign for APS145 RADAR. Design and test from POC through system integration. Successful design resulting in 1/3 legacy cost and 1/2 power dissipation. Mixed signal design utilizing Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) with significantly improved clutter rejection. EMI/EMC and environmental testing per customer requirements. Engineering Technical Reviews (ETRs), presentation and customer design reviews (SRR, PDR, and CDR). Complete design documentation, release, and configuration management with EPDM. Received individual SPOT award for successful program. MEADS Ground Based RADAR RF, analog, and mixed signal PWA design exceeding strict customer performance requirements. Multiple Exciter Module design and test with low phase noise emphasis. Transmit Receive Assembly (TRA) module design with emphasis on digital phase control and beam forming. Lead design, development, and testing of Phase Control Amplifier (PCA) module. Creation and release of documentation/drawings for multiple RF modules through configuration management. Requirements flow down and documentation with DOORS. Received individual SPOT award for successful Detailed Design Review (DDR) on Antenna Assembly. Other Programs and Tasks Design verification, subject matter expert (SME), and ETR support for ground, airborne and space hardware. Provide RF/Engineering leadership and mentoring to junior Engineers/Technicians. Manufacturing and sustainment engineering support. Troubleshooting and failure analysis. RF ENGINEER CHANG Industry, La Verne CA 4/2001-8/2006 Research and development of RF/MW/mmW devices, sub-assemblies and systems for government, military, and commercial customers. Design, test, and integrate RADAR front ends, systems, sensors and devices covering S through W bands. Full Spectrum Active Protection Close-In Shield (FCLAS) Lead design, development, and test of MMIC based multi-module assemblies. Design, test, and integrate mmW RADAR transceivers for defense against RPG, KE, HEAT and ATGM threats. Design and development of forward looking and side looking FMCW RADAR systems. Lead team development for mechanical and electrical survivability in hostile environments. Successful design indicated by demonstrated detection and defeat of hypersonic and subsonic threats. Antenna Development Software and hardware development for automated mmW Antenna Testing (near and far field). Analysis of antenna test patterns, field test data and RADAR cross section (RCS) for prototypes and threats. Test and development included horn, patch, rat race, slot, stick, and phased array antennas. Test Range Activity Provide technical and instrumentation expertise for field tests and live fire operations. Develop test range and bunker setup, safety, instrumentation, and timing activities. Design and development of mono-static Doppler and bi-Static FMCW sensors for range support. Perform tests, capture, and analyze range data. Other Tasks Lead design and development of MMIC chip carriers and discrete RF components. Direct and support chip and wire assembly activities. Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) test and range support.
  • 3. G r e g o r y S a n d o r P a g e | 3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Space Vector, Chatsworth CA 12/1998-4/2001 Design, test, and integrate electrical systems for National Missile Defense and atmospheric sounding rockets. Provide launch, range, and field test support. Atmospheric Interceptor Technology-2 (ait-2) Schematic design of electrical systems for space vehicle/payload interfaces (VIU/PIU) and cable assemblies. Test and troubleshoot electrical systems from component to system level. Failure analysis and resolution for failed flight hardware. Environmental testing (thermal, shock, and vibration) of flight hardware and space vehicle. Support EMI/EMC range testing for space vehicle. Design, test, and integrate RF and telemetry systems on space vehicle. Program and operate telemetry ground station during range tests and vehicle launch operations. Analyze captured launch telemetry and distribute data products. Payload Launch Vehicle / Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle (PLV/EKV) Test and develop hardware and cable assemblies for automatic test equipment (ATE). Test and troubleshoot Booster Simulator and Booster Adapter flight and test hardware. Environmental testing (thermal, shock, and vibration) of flight hardware. Failure analysis and resolution for failed test and flight hardware. Checkout and delivery of ATE and flight hardware at customer site. Other Tasks Liaison between Engineering and Manufacturing. Internal ISO 9001 auditor. TEST ENGINEER Talon Instruments, San Dimas CA 11/1997-12/1998 Test and troubleshoot VXI/VME digital circuit card assemblies (CCAs) and hardware down to component level. Main Tasks Test and troubleshoot production and prototype CCAs. Program microcontrollers and embedded systems using C and BASIC. Write ATE software for system and bench tests. Develop and integrate application software using LabWindows/CVI for VXI/VME products. Design tests and test fixtures. EDUCATION DeVry University Pomona, CA BS Electronics Engineering Technology Chaffey College Rancho Cucamonga, CA General Education/Engineering PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CLEARANCE - Secret Clearance Expired Aug 2015 PMI PMP Training EVPM Crucial Conversations Leadership Greater Syracuse 2013 Green Belt Training MS2 Top Gun Engineer 2009