This document discusses characterization techniques in theater, including physical and vocal characterization as well as stereotyping. It defines characterization as portraying a character's attitudes, thoughts and emotions through body language and voice. Physical characterization involves posture, facial expressions, mannerisms, movements and costumes. Vocal characterization expresses a character's status, emotions and motivations through elements like pacing, pitch, tempo, emphasis and volume. The document also discusses Jung's archetypes and how stereotypes in media can oversimplify groups. It notes that actors can become typecast in always playing similar roles. Students are assigned to write a short scene portraying a stereotypical character using characterization techniques.
Definisie: om die rol van die karakter op die verhoog te speel.
Gebruik liggaam (fisies) en stem (vokaal) om houdings, gedagtes, emosies, aksies
van karakter uit te beeld.
Characterization or characterisation is the representation of persons (or other beings or
creatures) in narrative and dramatic works of art. This representation may include direct methods
like the attribution of qualities in description or commentary, and indirect (or "dramatic") methods
inviting readers to infer qualities from characters' actions, dialogue, or appearance. Such a
personage is called a character.
Aanbieding van karakter deur liggaamshouding, aksies, gebare om
n geloofwaardige en afgeronde opvoering te skep
6. Ontleed die volgende karakters se
Uitdrukking van die karakter deur stem
Suggereer status, emosie, motivering
Gee aan karakter vokale verskeidenheid en beheer om n geloofwaardige en
afgeronde karakter te skep
A character's voice is his or her manner of speech. Different characters use different vocabularies
and rhythms of speech. The way a character speaks can be a powerful way of revealing the
characters personality. Tone of voice, volume, rate of delivery, vocabulary, inflection, emphasis,
pitch, topics of conversation, idioms, colloquialisms, and figures of speech: all of these are
expressions of who the character is on the inside. A characters manner of speech must grow from
the inside out. The speaking is how his or her essential personality leaks out for the world to see.
11. STEREOTIPERING (bl. 121-122)
Stereotipes = algemeen aanvaarde, oorvereenvoudigde idees van n
spesifieke person/groep
Aannames gebaseer op ras/geslag/kultuur/klas
Gee uiting aan bevooroordeelde houdings
Ondersteun en diskrimineer
Massamedia versprei kragtig kommunikeer + groot reikwydte
Humor gebruik stereotipering vir effek
12. STEREOTIPERING (bl. 121-122)
Plat karakters (geen ontwikkeling)
Geronde karakters (toon ontwikkeling deur loop van toneelstuk)
Deel van uitvoerende tradisies (gek, skurk, jong minnaar)
Jung argetipes:
The psychologist Carl Jung identified twelve primary 'original patterns' of the human
psyche. He believed that these reside in the collective subconscious of people across
cultural and political boundaries. These twelve archetypes are often cited in fictional
characters. 'Flat' characters may be considered so because they stick to a single archetype
without deviating, whereas 'complex' or 'realistic' characters will combine several
archetypes, with some being more dominant than others as people are in real life.
Jung's twelve archetypes are: the Innocent, the Orphan, the Hero, the Caregiver, the
Explorer, the Rebel, the Lover, the Creator, the Jester, the Sage, the Magician, and
the Ruler.
Slegs gekontrakteer om n spesifieke rol/karakter te speel
Altyd dieselfde tipe karakter
Michael Cera =
bleeksiel (nerd)
Skryf n kort toneel waarin elke groeplid n stereotipiese karakter vertolk
Hierdie karakters se fisiese en vokale karakterisering moet deeglik nagevors en ontwikkel
Elke groeplid handig hulle EIE geskrewe opdrag in.
Geskrewe opdrag = n beskrywing van die karakter
= hoe karakters se fisiese en vokale karaktereienskappe
uitgebeeld gaan word
= moet ook verwysingsmateriaal soos sketse/ fotos bevat
VOORBEREIDING: 3 PERIODES (insluitend vandag)
Datums vir optrede: 9A = Dag 4 30 Mei
9B= Dag 6 1 Junie
9C= Dag 7 2 Junie
9D= Dag 7 2 Junie