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            Grace . 2007 Design Profolio
2007 Design Porfolio

ÌK   ÁáÝæ                  Brisbane                   Taiwan

Ling Hsuan Su           +61 423 275 171            +886 7 261 7572
[Grace]                 57 Reardon St. Calamvale   8 Chung Yung St.
sugrace1984@gmail.com   4116 QLD, Australia        San Ming Dist. 807
                                                   Kaohsiung, Taiwan
                                                                               e De

Ling Hsuan Su, who             motivated, energetic to    as, Document software:        and Chinese fluently.
graduated from the Griffith    work effectively with      Microsoft Words, Excel,
University in 2007. Ability    comprehensive skills and   PowerPoint ; Photo editor     Acquired the bachelor
of skill and knowedge about    knowledge in product       or layout organized           degree of product design in
creative career in different   design, specializing       system: Adobe Photoshop,      Griffith University. Also a
areas and problem solving.     phototyping, idea          Illustrator, InDesign ; and   diploma of design studies
                               development, project       CAD modelling software:       in Queensland institute of
A beginning Product            management and range       3Ds Max, Rhinoceros, Pro/     business and technology,
Designer with fresh            of computer aided          E., Auto CAD. Ability to      and a junior diploma degree
creative talent and passion    design software. Such      communicate in English        of industrial engineering
on team works. Highly                                                                   and management in Taiwan.
Product Design
    e De
This design of public space furniture
                                          is basically usde by a range of
                                          people who enjoy outdoor space in
                                          any condition.
                                          People tend to stay at natural space
                                          with a longer period of time during
                                          their weekend or leisure, because
                                          of fresh air and quality space of
                                          natural environment. However
                                          the outdoor furniture does not as
                                          comfortable as home when people
                                          would like to stay longer.
                                          This design is a kind of possible
                                          solution for people to stay
                                          comfortable with longer time with
                                          changeable back of seat to get a well
                                          position in any situation.

                       Other Function

                Side Mode
                            Generally, the seat will be served like that.
                            People can sit around it which as flat mode in
                            any corners for preference. People not only can
                            sit down but also can lay-down to get a relaxing
                            It is suitable for any age-group. Children or even
                            toddler can play on the top. Because the high of
                            chair legs situated near to the ground, people with
                            small size of height can easily get on and sit down

                                                                                    2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design
                            without challenges.
                            The other mode would be the Lay-Chair. The back
                            of chair can be drawn up gradually. This system
                            of chair¡¯s central roller woulde be automatically
                            locked into certain angle like 45 / 120 degree
                            angle. It expresses a well space to lay down on the

Flat Mode
                            chair with a comfortable position to stretch legs. It
                            is quite suitable for people to read books and relax
                            In 120 degree angle. It will display just as the
                            normal condition of seat howevery the seat differ
                            with its lower height. The other side still can be
                            sat with a number of other people.
                            Two sides of seat¡¯s back can be drawn up and
                            down. People can sit down at two sides of chair
                            with different direction of seat¡¯s back.

Sustainable design for Environment to Enjoy Outdoor Spaces
                                                                                                                                                   Public Design


                                                                   Non-paralleland-               Rolling Lock / Rolling Stop-
                                                                   nonintersecting                per
                                                                   Axis                             It is based on a simple lock which have
                                                                      It is used on the roller of   the function to stop a object¡¯s motion. On
                                                                      the back chair to control its a certain desgree of angle, the roller would
                                                                      rolling speed.                be created a gap or hole to stop axis¡¯ roll-
                                                   This kind of axis is successful on reducing ing so the back of seat can regularize to
                                                   the speed as its rolling. It can prevent the 45 and 120 degree of angle for people¡®s
                                                   suddenly speedy closed with heavy mate- perference.
                                                   rial. It is quite safe in use on public space.
Scent EarRing is an earring container which can service with different types of fragrant choices as
replacement. This product is created for universal female who care about fashion as cosmetics as daily
usage. Scent EarRing is not only as a decorated earring but also as a perfume that can re-wear anytime
anywhere. Users choose their own perfect scent to relate emotion, occasion, or other factors.

                                       This Design is basically creating
                                       an accessory for young ladies
                                       to wear or carry with different
                                       perfume that can provide ladies a

                                                                                                              2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design
                                       functional accessory as re-wearing
                                       perfume or replace fragrance. The
                                       perfume container can be frilled
                                       into different type of fragrances
                                       with small amount according
                                       to personal preference. Also the
                                       perfume container can be easily
                                       removed from earring and re-wear
                                       perfume simply by rolling the ball
                                       on skin. Mainly designer create a
                                       something wearing on ear and also
                                       as a perfume to re-wear, because
                                       it can be not only convenient to
                                       achieve but also fashionable to
                                       carry on different type of perfume
                                       as replacement at the same time.

Scent EarRing
Accessory Design

                                                                                      Different Perfume Choices to replace
                                                                                      into earring container. According to
                                                                                      factors like ocassions, emtion, or fash-
                                                                                      ion, changing type of scent just simply
                                                                                      changing Scent EarRing¡¯s content.

                                                                                                       Perfume Refill

Easy and simply to refill other             Bottom part of earring
different perfume as replacement.           Container of perfume in oval shape.
Top Part of earring                         There is a ball in the middle of lid to
It can be as single earrring without        wear perfume. Just simply trundling
glass of oval container. Tassel shape       the ball in upside down, Perfume or
with balls in scent wood. The possible      content will wear on skin.
material for hook might be Titanium         Open Lid of container can replace
steel, because of its characteristic like   what ever perfume you like.
firm and antiallergenic.
Concept Design
    e De
2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design
Digital G-Bal

                                                         This design is ideally about
                                                         combination with music player
                                                         and digital photo frame, also
                                                         get light fleeting function while
                                                         music player.
                                                         Many people would like to listen
                                                         music and get relax while they
                                                         This Digital-Bal is create some
                                                         ideas to gather digital photo
                                                         frame by showing photo slices
                                                         every few seconds and music
                                                         playing. It can be inport some
                                                         MP3 music or photo files into
                                                         with USB, or memory cards.
                                                         Also it can be light up as night
                                                         light on the back of ball.
Normally the speaker is
stored inside of ball. It
can be spread out simply
just click speaker sides.
To stored speaker inside
ball part while not using
can be dust proof reason.
LCD Screen
The LCD Screen can
display digital photo
by changing slices as
powerpoint. It can be
seting the speed as
changing, also can
modified the mode of
showing way with side
function buttons.
Front Case Door

                            Concept Design
There are two semicircle
sheets as front case door
in semi transparency
material. To protect
inside device while power
off. When the case door
are closed, it shows a
complete ball shape.
LED Lamp of Back
There are set a LED
Lamp at the back of
ball as night light. It
can changing colours or
even colour fleeting with
This Design is created for
                                                           people to wear ring as bring
                                                           wallet or money with them.
                                                           Today, people bring a
                                                           great numver of cards with
                                                           different banks . However,
                                                           the Smart Finger Print
                                                           Machine will solve this kind
                                                           of problems.
                                                           User simply wear particular
                  2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design

                                                           ring which can put SIM
                                                           card inside out. Every time
                                                           that user need to pay or
                                                           show their identification,
                                                           only easily canning the
                                                           ring and confirm user¡¯s
IDea Pay Device

                                                           finger print on reader.
                                                           Isn¡¯t it Simply, Easy and

Concept Design
Function Usage
SIM Card/Personal ID card                Particular Option                         Finger Print Reader Con-
every one have their own Card            Easily slip off the lid of ring and put   firm
with personal iderntification which      one¡¯s SIM card on. People simply          After people scan their ring with
connect to internet banking.             only need to wear this ring without       SIM card, to confirm the user¡¯s
                                         bring any other cards.                    finger print on Reader.
This kind of particular ring specially   Scan Ring with SIM card                   Asu user¡¯s information has
create for IDea Pay Machine. The         Simply scan one¡¯s ring vertically         been confirmed, the system will
lid of ring can is changeable as         from top to down once as wearing          automatically charged user¡¯s
preference.                              it.                                       payment from internet banking.
2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design

                                                                           Clover Mp3 player to
                                                                           create you music world
Clover MP3 Player

                                                                           with nature form from.

                                                                                                    This Design is generally to           hand. Also it can be facing up with
                                                                                                    produced a MP3 Player with            screen while watching video music
                                                                                                    natural form. People tend to listen   or facing down to protect screen
                                                                                                    music while travelling or even        surface as power off.
                                                                                                    outdoor exercises. However, To
                                                                                                                                          Soft colour and lovely shape might
                                                                                                    enjoy some natural form with
                                                                                                                                          attract female and young age of
                                                                                                    produce with large and wide screen
                                                                                                    to view might became necessary
                                                                                                    sometimes. It can be hold like
                                                                                                    with fingers, matter right or left
LED Screen                            Scrolle Selection
            To view the LED screen with main      Easily scrolle up and down to        3C Design
            list or even Music vedio with large   select or change main list section
            and wide displayer screen.            on screen, then press the button
            It can be displayer screen. It can    downward to entre or confirm.
            be rotate up and stand on table       Simply and easy to operate with
            like small television. Or trun the    many function.
            screen facing down to protect
            screen surface as power off.


                                                                                                   Concept Design
2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design
Rolning Chair

                                                                       This Design is a peice of furniture
                                                                       that with modern red and
                                                                       semicrircle shape of chair. The

                                                                       Idea to use shape and colour like
                                                                       that because of smooth and relax
                                                                       Modern red of plastic get still visal
                                                                       attraction even in dark condition
                                                                       environment. It¡¯s very stable and
                                                                       easy to construct.
Concept Design
Hand Drawing
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Live Drawing
  2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design
Hand Drawing
penciled Sketch
   2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design
Hand Drawing
Marker Pen Rendering
      2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design
Hand Drawing
                           e De

Grace 2007 Product design profolio

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Grace proflio

  • 1. Grac e De sign Porf olio Grace . 2007 Design Profolio
  • 2. 2007 Design Porfolio ÌK ÁáÝæ Brisbane Taiwan Ling Hsuan Su +61 423 275 171 +886 7 261 7572 [Grace] 57 Reardon St. Calamvale 8 Chung Yung St. sugrace1984@gmail.com 4116 QLD, Australia San Ming Dist. 807 Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • 3. Grac e De sign Porf olio Ling Hsuan Su, who motivated, energetic to as, Document software: and Chinese fluently. graduated from the Griffith work effectively with Microsoft Words, Excel, University in 2007. Ability comprehensive skills and PowerPoint ; Photo editor Acquired the bachelor of skill and knowedge about knowledge in product or layout organized degree of product design in creative career in different design, specializing system: Adobe Photoshop, Griffith University. Also a areas and problem solving. phototyping, idea Illustrator, InDesign ; and diploma of design studies development, project CAD modelling software: in Queensland institute of A beginning Product management and range 3Ds Max, Rhinoceros, Pro/ business and technology, Designer with fresh of computer aided E., Auto CAD. Ability to and a junior diploma degree creative talent and passion design software. Such communicate in English of industrial engineering on team works. Highly and management in Taiwan.
  • 5. Grac e De sign Porf olio
  • 6. This design of public space furniture is basically usde by a range of people who enjoy outdoor space in any condition. People tend to stay at natural space with a longer period of time during their weekend or leisure, because of fresh air and quality space of natural environment. However the outdoor furniture does not as comfortable as home when people would like to stay longer. This design is a kind of possible solution for people to stay comfortable with longer time with changeable back of seat to get a well position in any situation. Other Function Side Mode Generally, the seat will be served like that. People can sit around it which as flat mode in any corners for preference. People not only can sit down but also can lay-down to get a relaxing position. It is suitable for any age-group. Children or even toddler can play on the top. Because the high of chair legs situated near to the ground, people with small size of height can easily get on and sit down 2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design without challenges. The other mode would be the Lay-Chair. The back of chair can be drawn up gradually. This system of chair¡¯s central roller woulde be automatically locked into certain angle like 45 / 120 degree angle. It expresses a well space to lay down on the Flat Mode chair with a comfortable position to stretch legs. It is quite suitable for people to read books and relax outside. In 120 degree angle. It will display just as the normal condition of seat howevery the seat differ with its lower height. The other side still can be sat with a number of other people. Two sides of seat¡¯s back can be drawn up and down. People can sit down at two sides of chair with different direction of seat¡¯s back. OctagoN
  • 7. Sustainable design for Environment to Enjoy Outdoor Spaces Public Design Development Non-paralleland- Rolling Lock / Rolling Stop- nonintersecting per Axis It is based on a simple lock which have It is used on the roller of the function to stop a object¡¯s motion. On the back chair to control its a certain desgree of angle, the roller would rolling speed. be created a gap or hole to stop axis¡¯ roll- This kind of axis is successful on reducing ing so the back of seat can regularize to the speed as its rolling. It can prevent the 45 and 120 degree of angle for people¡®s suddenly speedy closed with heavy mate- perference. rial. It is quite safe in use on public space. Technology
  • 8. Scent EarRing is an earring container which can service with different types of fragrant choices as replacement. This product is created for universal female who care about fashion as cosmetics as daily usage. Scent EarRing is not only as a decorated earring but also as a perfume that can re-wear anytime anywhere. Users choose their own perfect scent to relate emotion, occasion, or other factors. Development This Design is basically creating an accessory for young ladies to wear or carry with different perfume that can provide ladies a 2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design functional accessory as re-wearing perfume or replace fragrance. The perfume container can be frilled into different type of fragrances with small amount according to personal preference. Also the perfume container can be easily removed from earring and re-wear perfume simply by rolling the ball on skin. Mainly designer create a something wearing on ear and also as a perfume to re-wear, because it can be not only convenient to achieve but also fashionable to carry on different type of perfume as replacement at the same time. Scent EarRing
  • 9. Accessory Design Different Perfume Choices to replace into earring container. According to factors like ocassions, emtion, or fash- ion, changing type of scent just simply changing Scent EarRing¡¯s content. Perfume Refill Pack Easy and simply to refill other Bottom part of earring different perfume as replacement. Container of perfume in oval shape. Top Part of earring There is a ball in the middle of lid to It can be as single earrring without wear perfume. Just simply trundling glass of oval container. Tassel shape the ball in upside down, Perfume or with balls in scent wood. The possible content will wear on skin. material for hook might be Titanium Open Lid of container can replace steel, because of its characteristic like what ever perfume you like. firm and antiallergenic.
  • 11. Grac e De sign Porf olio
  • 12. 2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design Digital G-Bal This design is ideally about combination with music player and digital photo frame, also get light fleeting function while music player. Many people would like to listen music and get relax while they rest. This Digital-Bal is create some ideas to gather digital photo frame by showing photo slices every few seconds and music playing. It can be inport some MP3 music or photo files into with USB, or memory cards. Also it can be light up as night light on the back of ball.
  • 13. Speaker Normally the speaker is stored inside of ball. It can be spread out simply just click speaker sides. To stored speaker inside ball part while not using can be dust proof reason. LCD Screen The LCD Screen can display digital photo by changing slices as powerpoint. It can be seting the speed as changing, also can modified the mode of showing way with side function buttons. Front Case Door Concept Design There are two semicircle sheets as front case door in semi transparency material. To protect inside device while power off. When the case door are closed, it shows a complete ball shape. LED Lamp of Back Part There are set a LED Lamp at the back of ball as night light. It can changing colours or even colour fleeting with music.
  • 14. This Design is created for people to wear ring as bring wallet or money with them. Today, people bring a great numver of cards with different banks . However, the Smart Finger Print Machine will solve this kind of problems. User simply wear particular 2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design ring which can put SIM card inside out. Every time that user need to pay or show their identification, only easily canning the ring and confirm user¡¯s IDea Pay Device finger print on reader. Isn¡¯t it Simply, Easy and Convenient. Development
  • 15. Concept Design Function Usage SIM Card/Personal ID card Particular Option Finger Print Reader Con- every one have their own Card Easily slip off the lid of ring and put firm with personal iderntification which one¡¯s SIM card on. People simply After people scan their ring with connect to internet banking. only need to wear this ring without SIM card, to confirm the user¡¯s bring any other cards. finger print on Reader. Ring This kind of particular ring specially Scan Ring with SIM card Asu user¡¯s information has create for IDea Pay Machine. The Simply scan one¡¯s ring vertically been confirmed, the system will lid of ring can is changeable as from top to down once as wearing automatically charged user¡¯s preference. it. payment from internet banking.
  • 16. 2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design Clover Mp3 player to create you music world Clover MP3 Player with nature form from. Development This Design is generally to hand. Also it can be facing up with produced a MP3 Player with screen while watching video music natural form. People tend to listen or facing down to protect screen music while travelling or even surface as power off. outdoor exercises. However, To Soft colour and lovely shape might enjoy some natural form with attract female and young age of produce with large and wide screen group. to view might became necessary sometimes. It can be hold like with fingers, matter right or left
  • 17. LED Screen Scrolle Selection To view the LED screen with main Easily scrolle up and down to 3C Design list or even Music vedio with large select or change main list section and wide displayer screen. on screen, then press the button It can be displayer screen. It can downward to entre or confirm. be rotate up and stand on table Simply and easy to operate with like small television. Or trun the many function. screen facing down to protect screen surface as power off. Component Concept Design
  • 18. 2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design Rolning Chair This Design is a peice of furniture that with modern red and semicrircle shape of chair. The Development Idea to use shape and colour like that because of smooth and relax impression. Modern red of plastic get still visal attraction even in dark condition environment. It¡¯s very stable and easy to construct.
  • 21. Grac e De sign Porf olio
  • 22. Live Drawing 2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design
  • 24. penciled Sketch 2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design
  • 26. Marker Pen Rendering 2007 . Grace Profolio . Product Design
  • 28. Grac e De sign Porf olio Grace 2007 Product design profolio