This document contains an assessment test with multiple choice questions about identifying parts of sentences such as subjects, predicates, objects, and sentence types. The test covers topics like recognizing subjects and predicates, compound parts, sentence types (declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory), subjects in unusual positions, and direct/indirect objects and complements. The questions refer to example sentences testing the concepts and students must choose the correct answer identifying the underlined or boldfaced parts of each sentence.
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Grade 10-sub-and-pred-chapter-pretest--questions
1. Copyright息McDougalLittellInc.
For use with Pupils Edition pp. 36634 ASSESSMENT MASTERS
2 The Sentence and Its Parts
Name Date
A. Identifying Subjects
and Predicates
Choose the answer that correctly identifies
the boldfaced word or words in each
sentence. (4 points each)
1 All the houses on this street were built
before 1930.
A complete subject
B complete predicate
C simple predicate
2 Small children are often painfully
F complete subject
G simple subject
H simple predicate
3 Tryouts for the baseball team will be
held tomorrow afternoon.
A simple subject
B complete predicate
C simple predicate
4 The orchestra played Beethovens Fifth
Symphony last Saturday.
F complete subject
G complete predicate
H simple predicate
5 That painting of a huge flower was
done by Georgia OKeefe.
A complete subject
B complete predicate
C simple subject
6 Covered bridges are becoming rarer in
this part of the country.
F complete subject
G simple predicate
H simple subject
B. Recognizing Compound
Sentence Parts
Choose the answer that correctly identifies
the boldfaced words in each sentence.
(4 points each)
7 Peanut butter and jelly combine to
make a tasty lunch.
A compound subject
B compound predicate
C compound verb
8 The poet read and explained several of
her works.
F compound subject
G compound predicate
H compound verb
9 The architecture firm planned the new
library and submitted their blueprints
to the city planning commission for
A compound subject
B compound predicate
C compound verb
10 Food vendors and artisans set up
booths at the fair.
F compound subject
G compound predicate
H compound verb
11 The weather satellite fell out of its orbit
and descended toward Earth.
A compound subject
B compound predicate
C compound verb
2. Copyright息McDougalLittellInc.
For use with Pupils Edition pp. 3663 ASSESSMENT MASTERS 5
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C. Recognizing Kinds of Sentences
Choose the answer that identifies each
sentence. (4 points each)
12 Keep track of your miniature golf scores
on this scoresheet
F declarative
G imperative
H interrogative
13 How old are the ancient pyramids of the
Egyptian pharaohs at Giza
A interrogative
B imperative
C declarative
14 What an amazing pass that was
A interrogative
B imperative
C exclamatory
15 That political cartoon was quite
A declarative
B interrogative
C imperative
D. Recognizing Subject in
Unusual Positions
Choose the answer that identifies the
subject of each sentence. (4 points each)
16 Behind the rock slithered the snake with
unusual markings.
F rock
G snake
H markings
17 Hanging on the wall is Gilbert Stuarts
unfinished portrait of George Washington.
A wall
B George Washington
C portrait
18 Here is the latest gadget for making
housework easier.
F Here
G gadget
H housework
19 Please get two eggs out of the carton
on the lower shelf.
A eggs
B carton
C (You)
20 How does Miranda get her homework
for chemistry done so quickly?
F (You)
G homework
H Miranda
E. Recognizing Objects and
Other Complements
Choose the answer that identifies the
boldfaced complement. (4 points each)
21 Robert has seen that movie at least
three times
A indirect object
B direct object
C objective complement
22 The mechanic gave his customer an
estimate of what it would cost to repair
the car.
F objective complement
G predicate nominative
H indirect object
23 Many new Americans find the English
language confusing.
A objective complement
B predicate nominative
C indirect object
24 Ali is becoming more comfortable in her
new home.
F direct object
G predicate adjective
H objective complement
25 New Yorkers sometimes call their city
The Big Apple.
A direct object
B objective complement
C predicate nominative