The document provides instructions for a teacher to lead a reading lesson with students. The teacher will read a selected book aloud, have a discussion with students about why they chose their independent reading books, and then give students 15 minutes for independent reading. The teacher will create a chart to record students' reasons for selecting their own books and use example sentence frames to help students explain their choices.
2. I will be able to:
Listen and respond to a story.
Discuss reasons to select a book to read.
3. Today we will be reading (book title and
author/illustrator). Take a look at the cover. What
do you think this book will be about? Why do you
think I selected this book to read to you today?
(allow students to respond before explaining your
decision to for choosing this book use book that
can be read in 20 minutes or less)
4. Remember, I chose (book title author/illustrator)
because (reason). I would like to hear from you why
you might choose a book. Before we start, I am
going to create a chart called Resons for Selecting a
Book. I will write down your reasons on the chart.
5. If you dont have your independent reading book
handy, please go get it.
(wait for students)
I would like to know why you selected the book that
you did. You can use the following sentence frames
to tell me or come up with your own reason.
6. I chose _____ by _____ because it has to do with
_____, which is of interest to me.
I chose _____ by _____ because the illustrations
caught my eye.
I chose _____ by _____ because I have read another
book by the same author.
7. Now that we know why we chose our books, we are
going to take a little break. When we return, we
will read our book for 15 minutes. I will shake the
West African gourd shaker when the break is
Editor's Notes
#4: Instruct students to get out their reading books and find a space to read. After reading follow instructions on page RR13 Writing to Sources.
#5: Instruct students to get out their reading books and find a space to read. After reading follow instructions on page RR13 Writing to Sources.
#6: Instruct students to get out their reading books and find a space to read. After reading follow instructions on page RR13 Writing to Sources.
#7: Instruct students to get out their reading books and find a space to read. After reading follow instructions on page RR13 Writing to Sources.
#8: Instruct students to get out their reading books and find a space to read. After reading follow instructions on page RR13 Writing to Sources.