1. New schedule (45 mins plus NMP 30 mins) - JHS
2. Finalization of Class Master list
3. Class Program per Section (Uniform format)
4. Flag Raising Ceremony and Flag Retreat Concern
5. School ID, School Uniforms
6. Classroom Pass (2 CR Pass & 3 Hall Pass)
7. Beadle’s/ Attendance Notebook & Anecdotal Notebook
8. Duplicate of Classroom Keys
9. Cleanliness Concern /Basura c/o YES-O Coordinator
10. CR Voluntary Contribution
11. School Rules and Regulations c/o Prefect of Discipline
12. Classroom Project
13. Different Offices Concerns:
(SNED, LIS, NMP Set Up, Guidance, Registrar)
9. 2) Finalization of Class Master list
3) Class Program per Section (Uniform
10. 4) Flag Raising Ceremony and Flag Retreat Concern
Flag Raising
5:45 am every Monday
Flag Retreat
5:00 pm every Friday
11. 5) School ID, School Uniforms
12. 6) Classroom Pass (2 CR Pass & 3 Hall Pass)
2 pcs per classroom for Comfort Rooms
3pcs per classroom for Hall Pass
(Canteen, Clinic)
15. 7) Beadle’s/ Attendance Notebook
• Assign one student to
check the attendance
per period.
• Daily attendance ,
daily tracker of late
• Advisers will monitor
the summary of the
attendance per
19. 10) CR Voluntary Contribution
(To be presented to the parents during Homeroom Meeting)
• One (1) peso per day or 20 pesos a month per student.
• There will be an award as the MOST GENEROUS SECTION
per Grade Level. (100% voluntary contribution per month).
• Teachers are also encouraged to contribute the said
amount monthly.
• Collection will be by section. As much as possible adviser
will monitor the collection.
20. 11) School Rules and Regulations c/o
Prefect of Discipline
•Proper Haircut
•Proper Uniform
•Wearing of ID’s
•Smoking/ Vape/ Drugs
21. 12) Classroom Project
• Please coordinate with your partner in the classroom to
avoid duplication of project. You can share the amount
for one project.
• Prioritize the beautification of your classroom including
repainting and gardening if you have area for that.
• Television – shared by the 2 sections. As much as
possible big size.
22. 13) Different Offices Concerns:
SNED – Special Needs Education
c/o Sir Neldin Cambronero
27. 1. Reasons for Shifting of Classes
2. Flag Raising Ceremony (5:45AM
every Monday)
3. Grading System (DO 8, s 2015)
1 or 2 Failed Subjects is RETAINED unless attended
remedial classes during summer and passe.
28. 4. School Policies
a. Grades (always Follow-up)
b. Attendance (not more tan 20 % absences)
c. Wearing of Uniform and school ID
d. Proper Haircut for Boys
d. No earrings (boys) and colored hair
e. RA No. 11313 or The Safe Space Act (Bawal Bastos
f. Solid Waste Management (RA 9003)
g. Vandalism (Anti Vandalism Act of 2009)
29. 5. School Voluntary Contribution
a. SELG Fee – 60.00 (DO No. 49, s. 2011)
b. School Paper – 90.00 (DO No. 19, s. 2008)
6. Enrollment Certification
7. CPP Anti- Bullying (Child Friendly School)
8. CR Cleaning Schedules
9. Election and Induction of Officers
10. Other Matters