2. MachenLink
What are the grades of concrete according to IS 456: 2000 ?
Grade of Concrete is measured by standard compression test on concrete cube of 150 .
M 20
M refers to mix Characteristics compressive strength ()
expressed in MPa (N/mm2 )
Its is defined as the strength of
material below which not more
than 5% result are expected to
20 samples
During compression test on cube in laboratory.
Not more than 1 in 20 tests result fall below the
characteristic value
Test results
23.8, 25.4, 26.9, 27.6 20 results25.1, 27.3,
Increasing order
Grade of concrete M 25
fck = 25 N/mm2
Types of concrete Grade
High Strength concrete Above M 60
Standard Strength concrete M25 to M 55
Normal Strength concrete M 10 to M20