This document summarizes Gradle, an open source build automation tool. It discusses Gradle's features such as dependency management, parallel execution, and Android plugin. It also introduces the company behind Gradle, Gradleware, which employs engineers to develop and support Gradle. The document advertises resources on using Gradle through websites, books, webinars, and professional services.
2. About Us
Hans Dockter
Founder Gradle, CEO Gradleware
Luke Daley
Principal Engineer, Gradleware.
3. Gradle
Build automation evolved.
Gradle can automate the building, testing, publishing, deployment and more of
software packages or other types of projects such as generated static websites,
generated documentation or indeed anything else.
JVM based
Implemented in Java, Groovy outer layer
100% Free Open Source - Apache Standard License 2.0
6. The innovation
Releases roughly every 6 weeks
continues …
7. Clickable report URLs
Whenever a task that produces some kind of report fails, you get a URL to the
report file.
This makes it much easier to open.
Linux - directly clickable (most terminals)
Mac OS - + click to open
Windows - copy/paste
Small feature, surprisingly useful.
8. Upgrade Assistance
Gradle has a frequent release cycle, we want to help you keep current.
The “build comparison” support facilitates testing your build with different
Verify that your outputs are the same with the new Gradle version.
10. Test Output
Detailed test information, in the console
Events (e.g. skipped) T
unable and flexible M
ultiple logging levels
There’s a very detailed forum post on this.
11. New dependency report
Indicates both requested and selected versions
Much better insight into version conflicts
(previous version only showed selected)
12. Dependency Insight
Inverse of dependencies report
Shows path to a dependency
Explains how/why a dependency is in the graph
13. Dependency resolution API
A model of the resolved dependency graph
requested and selected
Selection reason
Basis for new dependency reports
Fine grained conflict handling rules
22. Dependency management
We are continuing to add new dependency management features, primarily for
conflict control and precision.
Also working on a new model to cover:
Publication types (beyond single file)
Context sensitive dependency consumption
23. Implicit plugins
Being able to have plugins applied automatically. For
example, based on the name of a requested task.
That is, no need to add wrapper or compareGradleBuilds tasks.
24. JavaScript
Improving the documentation for the existing JavaScript support in Gradle.
Minification/Compression St
atic Analysis (e.g. JSHint) Tra
nspiling (e.g. CoffeeScript) Te
st Execution (e.g. Jasmine)
All based on a general purpose JavaScript tool toolkit (based on Rhino).
29. Gradleware
The company behind Gradle.
Employs full time engineers
Gradle consulting, support, development services etc.
Training: online, public and in-house
General build automation services
Germany, Australia, UK, Poland, Austria, Canada and the US.
30. The Gradle Book
Free HTML version online @
32. Webinars
We are hosting monthly webinars with Gradleware Engineers.
Past webinars (recordings available via
The Gradle Roadmap
In-Depth 1.0 power features
Standardising and administering your build environment
Migrating and upgrading
Permanently Slim - No Lean without Automation
Automation Dog Food
Keep an eye on
33. 惭辞谤别…
User Guide
DSL Reference
API docs github.c
om/gradle/gradle gradle.o
s gra gradleware.c
Professional services available through