Jak se dělá webdesignJan ValuštíkV rámci předmětu Seminář webdesignu na FI MUNI jsem přednášel pro nadšence webdesignu. Nemůžu jinak než se o přednášku s vámi podělit a všem studentům FI doporučit tento předmět.
bzb - effective brand solutions credentials 2012_10bzb - effective brand solutionsbzb - effective brand solutions specjalizuje się w budowaniu i wzmacnianiu wartości marki. Wspiera marki strategicznie, kreatywnie i realizacyjnie na każdym etapie ich rozwoju.
bzb - effective brand solutions jako cel stawia sobie tworzenie skutecznych i kreatywnych rozwiązań marketingowych i reklamowych, efektywnie wspierających kierunek rozwoju marek i optymalnych kosztowo .
Szczególną uwagę przykłada do atrakcyjnej i angażującej kreacji oraz właściwemu doborowi kanałów komunikacji zwiększając skuteczność dotarcia do grupy docelowej.
Opis firmy
bzb - effective brand solutions specjalizuje się w budowaniu i wzmacnianiu wartości marki. Wspiera marki strategicznie, kreatywnie i realizacyjnie na każdym etapie ich rozwoju. Kompleksowo realizuje projekty zarówno dla nowych, dopiero powstających brandów jak i dla stabilnych, rozpoznawalnych marek.
DDS Poland - Wybrane realizacjeDDS PolandSprawdź co do tej pory udało nam się zdziałać. Przedstawiamy kilka wybranych realizacji DDS Poland. Zapoznaj się z naszym portfolio.
XVI Targi eHandlu - SaveCart - Walery Stasiak - " Jak można wykorzystać techn...ecommerce poland expoRynek e-commerce rozwija się dynamicznie i to w wielu obszarach. Jednym z takich obszarów jest rozpoznawanie obrazów statycznych i dynamicznych oraz ich wykorzystanie w e-commerce. Pozyskanie obrazu (np. poprzez wgranie przez aplikację), jego analiza i rozpoznanie przez algorytm, a następnie zarekomendowanie identycznego lub wysoce podobnego produktu zdecydowanie ułatwia podejmowanie decyzji zakupowych przez konsumenta.
Osobie znajdującej się na stronie sklepu internetowego, a nawet na portalu informacyjnym możemy od razu zarekomendować produkty podobne do tych, które znalazły się na karcie produktu lub w artykule na blogu. Wyłącznie poprzez rozpoznawanie obrazów.
Podczas prezentacji w skrócie wyjaśniona zostanie technologia rozpoznawania obrazów, zostaną pokazane przykładowe wdrożenia technologii rozpoznawania obrazów w widgetach (ramkach) rekomendacji u klientów e-commerce, a także zaprezentowane możliwe wykorzystania tej technologii w przyszłości.
RTB presentation by Marcel Vašš / ETARGET CEOEtarget This document discusses retargeting and real-time bidding (RTB) for digital advertising. It begins with an overview of retargeting and the importance of using a media mix of pay-per-click (PPC), display, and retargeting advertising. It then discusses how to approach retargeting using a "buying circle" approach of introducing, building trust, reminding, and converting customers over 21 days using a full media mix. The document also covers RTB basics, how RTB works through demand and supply-side platforms in real-time auctions, campaign strategies, pricing, targeting options, an RTB case study in Slovakia, and European and CEE market predictions for RTB growth. It
Online advertising of small and medium businesses in Cee regionEtarget Research made in Central Europe about behaviour, practices and expectations of SMB sector in online marketing and general advertising. Budgets, Channels etc.
Tatrabanka LOX Facebook ad Case StudyEtarget Tatrabanka used eTarget's Premium Facebook Ad format Logout Experience. Over two 1-day campaigns, the first reached 1.99 million impressions with a 1.6% click-through rate, generating over 3,000 clicks. The second reached 1.97 million impressions with a 0.4% click-through rate, generating under 250 clicks. The ad format allowed clicks on various elements like cover photos and profile pictures. For more information on eTarget's products, contact Matej Kolarovsky.
MOBILE ADVERTISINGEtarget This document summarizes the mobile advertising capabilities of eTarget, including precise targeting across many European countries, the largest mobile platform worldwide, choosing from various site channels, and options for geographical, behavioral, contextual, and retargeting. It provides technical specifications for standard mobile banners and contact information.
DISPLAY RETARGETINGEtarget This document summarizes an advertising company's retargeting and display advertising solutions. It explains that most website visitors leave without converting and that retargeting can remind these visitors of a brand by showing them banners on other sites. It describes how the solution works by segmenting visitors, customizing banners, and serving ads across a large network of websites. The company also offers a Facebook retargeting product to generate more conversions by reaching visitors directly on Facebook. Contact details are provided for those interested in the products.
FACEBOOK ADVERTISINGEtarget This document discusses Facebook advertising formats available through eTarget, including Logout Experience ads displayed when a user logs out of Facebook, Sponsored Stories that allow friends to spread word of a brand, Sponsored Search Results for driving app installs and discovery, and Mobile App Install ads. Case studies show successful results for Logout Experience ads in increasing reach and video views. Contact information is provided to inquire about products.
ROI - measurement vs. marketers intuitionEtarget This document discusses return on investment (ROI) measurement and calculation for marketers. It explains that ROI is calculated as profit divided by investment. It also discusses factors that influence ROI methodology, such as business size, product uniqueness, and purchasing complexity. The document outlines four types of sales processes and their measurement challenges from last click sales to multi-channel customer journeys. It provides tips on metrics, testing, and tools to measure ROI and concludes that the total ROI is the sum of partial ROIs when measured smartly.
Basic info about Etarget - Leading PPC network in CEEEtarget Etarget is a leading pay-per-click advertising network operating in 9 Central and Eastern European countries. It has over 20,000 customers and has been in business since 2002. Etarget displays ads on over 6,000 websites and allows advertisers to manage campaigns 24/7 through its online system. Advertisers only pay for interested prospects, not impressions. Etarget offers retargeting, anti-retargeting, and automatic campaign generation through RSS feeds to help advertisers acquire new customers.
Online advertising of small and medium businesses in Cee regionEtarget Research made in Central Europe about behaviour, practices and expectations of SMB sector in online marketing and general advertising. Budgets, Channels etc.
Tatrabanka LOX Facebook ad Case StudyEtarget Tatrabanka used eTarget's Premium Facebook Ad format Logout Experience. Over two 1-day campaigns, the first reached 1.99 million impressions with a 1.6% click-through rate, generating over 3,000 clicks. The second reached 1.97 million impressions with a 0.4% click-through rate, generating under 250 clicks. The ad format allowed clicks on various elements like cover photos and profile pictures. For more information on eTarget's products, contact Matej Kolarovsky.
MOBILE ADVERTISINGEtarget This document summarizes the mobile advertising capabilities of eTarget, including precise targeting across many European countries, the largest mobile platform worldwide, choosing from various site channels, and options for geographical, behavioral, contextual, and retargeting. It provides technical specifications for standard mobile banners and contact information.
DISPLAY RETARGETINGEtarget This document summarizes an advertising company's retargeting and display advertising solutions. It explains that most website visitors leave without converting and that retargeting can remind these visitors of a brand by showing them banners on other sites. It describes how the solution works by segmenting visitors, customizing banners, and serving ads across a large network of websites. The company also offers a Facebook retargeting product to generate more conversions by reaching visitors directly on Facebook. Contact details are provided for those interested in the products.
FACEBOOK ADVERTISINGEtarget This document discusses Facebook advertising formats available through eTarget, including Logout Experience ads displayed when a user logs out of Facebook, Sponsored Stories that allow friends to spread word of a brand, Sponsored Search Results for driving app installs and discovery, and Mobile App Install ads. Case studies show successful results for Logout Experience ads in increasing reach and video views. Contact information is provided to inquire about products.
ROI - measurement vs. marketers intuitionEtarget This document discusses return on investment (ROI) measurement and calculation for marketers. It explains that ROI is calculated as profit divided by investment. It also discusses factors that influence ROI methodology, such as business size, product uniqueness, and purchasing complexity. The document outlines four types of sales processes and their measurement challenges from last click sales to multi-channel customer journeys. It provides tips on metrics, testing, and tools to measure ROI and concludes that the total ROI is the sum of partial ROIs when measured smartly.
Basic info about Etarget - Leading PPC network in CEEEtarget Etarget is a leading pay-per-click advertising network operating in 9 Central and Eastern European countries. It has over 20,000 customers and has been in business since 2002. Etarget displays ads on over 6,000 websites and allows advertisers to manage campaigns 24/7 through its online system. Advertisers only pay for interested prospects, not impressions. Etarget offers retargeting, anti-retargeting, and automatic campaign generation through RSS feeds to help advertisers acquire new customers.