This document defines various parts of English grammar including adjectives, adverbs, articles, nouns, prepositions, verbs, and verb tenses. It discusses the simple present, present continuous, present perfect, and present perfect continuous tenses for the present; simple past, past continuous, past perfect, and past perfect continuous for the past; and simple future, future continuous, future perfect, and future perfect continuous for the future. Examples are provided to illustrate the proper use of each tense.
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- Adjectives (beautiful,pretty,handsome,smart,...etc)
- Adverbs(night,tomorrow,atcinema,cerfully,..etc)
- Articles( the,a,an, that, this,these,those)
- Nouns(people,country,city,name of people,things,animals,...etc)
- Prepositions(and, so,then, or,...etc)
- Verbs( irregular, regular,finte,non-finite paint,cook,sing,read,...etc)
- Tenses:
o Present: whatyouare currentlydoingatthe time.
 Simple presenttense
ï‚· The action issimplymentionedandthere isnothingbeingsaidabout
itscompleteness.Itisusedtotalk aboutan actionwhichhappenson
a regularbasis. (eg:I ate,she studiesinthe classroom, youplay)
 Presentcontinuous
 The action ison-going/stil goingonandhence continuous.(eg:I’m
eatingbakso,she iswalkingbyherself,youare watchinga movie)
 Presentperfect
ï‚· The action iscomplete orhas endedandhence termedperfect.( i
have eaten,she haswritten,youhave done yourhomework)
 Presentperfectcontinuous
ï‚· The action has beentakingplace forsome time andisstill ongoing.
(eg:I have beeneating,she hasbeenwatching ICEAGE)
o Past : whatyou didsome time back.
 Simple pasttense
ï‚· The action issimplymentionedandunderstoodtohave takenplace
inthe past.(eg:I played,she slept,youate)
 Past continuous
ï‚· The action wasongoingtill acertaintime inthe past.( eg:i was
sleeping,she wasreading, youwere dancing)
 Past perfect
ï‚· The action isusedto expresssomethingthathappenedbefore
anotheractionin the pass.(eg:i hadeaten,she hadwatched,you
had worked)
 Past perfectcontinuous
ï‚· Is usedto expresssomethingthatstartedinthe past and continued
until anothertime inthe past.(eg:i had beendancing,she hadbeen
cookingpasta,youhad beenwritingaletter)
o Future : what youwill dolater.
 Simple future tense
ï‚· Is usedwhenwe planormake a decisiontodosomething.Nothing
issaid abouttime inthe future.(inthe currenttime) (eg:i will play,it
will rain,she will eatbakso,youare goingto go to library,i’mgoing
to watch a movie)
 Future continuous
2. ï‚· Is usedto expressactionataparticularmomentinthe future.
However,the actionwill nothave finisedatthe moment.(eg: i will
be studyingat 4pm tomorrow,she will be cookingpastafordinner
 Future perfect
ï‚· It expressesanactionthat will occurinthe future before another
actionor time inthe future.(eg:i will have eatenbyhalf pastnine)
 Future perfectcontinuous