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Too, too much, too many,
Too - 仄舒, 亟仆亟勵勵 , 亳亶 亳
Too 仆 仄亟亞
仆亳亶仆 亟 仂仆仂.
亳 仆:
Youre driving too fast.
Too  仄唏仆, 弍舒, 勵勵仆仍仆
丱仂仍弍仂仂 勵亞亳亶仆 勵勵亞 亞勵亶亞仆. 亅仆
仂亳仂仍亟仂仍亟 唏亞勵勵仍弍 弍仂仍仂仆 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亟 仂仆仂.
Ive been there too.
Too much -  亳
Too 仆 勵亞亳亶仆 亟 仂仂仂仂仂仂 too much, too many
亳亶仆 亞亞 亳仍亳亶仍仆.
Too much 仂仂仍仂亞亟仂亞勵亶 仆 勵亞亳亶仆 唏仄仆唏.
亳 仆:
There is too much poverty in the world.
Too much
Too many  仄舒 仂仍仂仆
Too many 仂仂仍仂亞亟仂 亰勵亶仍亳亶亞 亰舒舒仆舒.
亳 仆:
There are too many people have their own job.
Too many
Enough  舒仆亞舒仍舒亶, 勵仍亶, 勵仍勵亶
Enough = sufficient, as much or many as
Enough 仄亟亞 仆亳亶仆 舒亟 仂仆仂.
亳 仆:
My schools computer is not fast enough.
Enough 仄亟亞 仆亳亶仆 舒亟 仂亟仂亞 弍仂仍 仆 勵亞亳亶仆 亟
亳 仆:
Weve enough time.
舒亳仄 仂亳仂仍亟仂仍亟 亟舒亶于舒 勵亞 弍亳 仂亟仂仂亶仍仂亞
亳 仆:
Weve enough bread.
1. Ken is always at home. He doesn't go out _________ .
2. You drink __________ coffee. It's not good for you .
3. You are always tired. I think you ___________ hard .
4. There was nowhere to sit on the beach. There
were _________ people .
5. I can't wait for them. I haven't got ________ time.
6. I don't like the weather here. It's ________ cold.

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  • 1. Too, too much, too many, enough
  • 2. Too - 仄舒, 亟仆亟勵勵 , 亳亶 亳 Too 仆 仄亟亞 仆亳亶仆 亟 仂仆仂. 亳 仆: Youre driving too fast. Too
  • 3. Too 仄唏仆, 弍舒, 勵勵仆仍仆 丱仂仍弍仂仂 勵亞亳亶仆 勵勵亞 亞勵亶亞仆. 亅仆 仂亳仂仍亟仂仍亟 唏亞勵勵仍弍 弍仂仍仂仆 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亟 仂仆仂. 亳: Ive been there too. Too
  • 4. Too much - 亳 Too 仆 勵亞亳亶仆 亟 仂仂仂仂仂仂 too much, too many 亳亶仆 亞亞 亳仍亳亶仍仆. Too much 仂仂仍仂亞亟仂亞勵亶 仆 勵亞亳亶仆 唏仄仆唏. 亳 仆: There is too much poverty in the world. Too much
  • 5. Too many 仄舒 仂仍仂仆 Too many 仂仂仍仂亞亟仂 亰勵亶仍亳亶亞 亰舒舒仆舒. 亳 仆: There are too many people have their own job. Too many
  • 6. Enough 舒仆亞舒仍舒亶, 勵仍亶, 勵仍勵亶 Enough = sufficient, as much or many as necessary Enough 仄亟亞 仆亳亶仆 舒亟 仂仆仂. 亳 仆: My schools computer is not fast enough. Enough
  • 7. Enough 仄亟亞 仆亳亶仆 舒亟 仂亟仂亞 弍仂仍 仆 勵亞亳亶仆 亟 仂仆仂. 亳 仆: Weve enough time. 舒亳仄 仂亳仂仍亟仂仍亟 亟舒亶于舒 勵亞 弍亳 仂亟仂仂亶仍仂亞 弍仂仍亟仂亞. 亳 仆: Weve enough bread. Enough
  • 8. 1. Ken is always at home. He doesn't go out _________ . 2. You drink __________ coffee. It's not good for you . 3. You are always tired. I think you ___________ hard . 4. There was nowhere to sit on the beach. There were _________ people . 5. I can't wait for them. I haven't got ________ time. 6. I don't like the weather here. It's ________ cold. Exercise: