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By Zoilo Broach
1. Nationalities
2. Stem Changing Verbs
3. Para
4. IOP
5. Pronoun Placement
6. Gustar
7. Affirmative and Negative Words
8. Superlatives
9. Reflexives
10. Affirmative tu commands + irregulars + pronoun placement
11. negative tu command + irregulars + pronoun placement
12. Sequencing events
Grammar book first check
o > ue       e>i             e > ie        u > ue

 Poder,     Pedir, Pide    Tener, Tie    Jugar,
  Puede                       ne             Juega
- Means for or
 in order to
   Tells to whom or for whom
   Can :
      - Come before a verb
      - attach to an infinitive
      - attach to a gerund
      - attach to an affirmative command
1.   Attach the pronoun to the infinitive
2.   Attach the pronoun to a progressive tense
3.   Attach the pronoun to an affirmative command
4.   Place the pronoun before a conjugated verb
   Means to like
   Follows an indirect object pronoun

   Example: He likes to eat.
           - Le gusta come.
Affirmative   Negative
Algo          Nada
Alguien       Nadie
Alguna        Ninguno
Siempre       Nunca
Tambien       tampoco
Expresses extremes in adjectives. Drop the last
vowel and add the ending isimo(a). If last
consonant is c, g, or z then spelling is changed.
 c > qu

 g > gu

   When the direct object is also the doer then a
    pronoun called a reflexive is added in front of
    the verb.
   These are me, te, se, nos, and se.
   Use the correct pronoun, put in tu form and
    drop the s.
   He shaves himself : Se afeita
   When giving instructions/commands to

   Put verb in tu form and drop the s.

   Example : Comer  Come
   Telling someone not to do something
   Put in yo form, change to opposite vowel, and
    add an s.
   ar > e
   er/ir > a

   Example : No hables
   Primero = First
   Entonces = Next
   Antes = Before
   Despues = After
   Por fin = Finally
-Ar verbs
e           amos
Aste        asteis
o           aron

-Er verbs
I           imos
iste        isteis
io          ieron
Un dia          One day
Una vez         Once
Ayer            Yesterday
A noche         At night
Hace un ano     A year ago
Ya              Already
El mes pasado   Last month
Anteayer        Day before yesterday
Por una hora    For one hour
Por fin         Finally
Una dia         One day
A las ocho      At eight
Dos veces       twice
-car > que   Tocar > toque
-gar > gue   Jugar > jugue
-zar > ce    Comenzar > comence
   Deber = should
   Use Deber + infinitive

Example : Yo debo bailo.

       Debo                  Debemos
       Debes                 Debeis
       debe                  Deben
   Modal verb examples : deber, desear, necesitar,
   No side-by-side conjugated verbs

Example: Yo debo canto = Incorrect
   -er and ir verbs change to iendo
   -ar verbs change to ando
   If verb ends in a double vowel (like leer) it
    changes to yendo
   Example: Cantar > Cantando
              Mover > Moviendo
   If ending in o or a adjective changes to 
   If ending in e or a consonant then add mente

Example: Feliz > Felizmente
        Rapido > Rapidamente

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Grammar book first check

  • 2. 1. Nationalities 2. Stem Changing Verbs 3. Para 4. IOP 5. Pronoun Placement 6. Gustar 7. Affirmative and Negative Words 8. Superlatives 9. Reflexives 10. Affirmative tu commands + irregulars + pronoun placement 11. negative tu command + irregulars + pronoun placement 12. Sequencing events
  • 4. o > ue e>i e > ie u > ue Poder, Pedir, Pide Tener, Tie Jugar, Puede ne Juega
  • 5. - Means for or in order to
  • 6. Tells to whom or for whom Can : - Come before a verb - attach to an infinitive - attach to a gerund - attach to an affirmative command
  • 7. 1. Attach the pronoun to the infinitive 2. Attach the pronoun to a progressive tense 3. Attach the pronoun to an affirmative command 4. Place the pronoun before a conjugated verb
  • 8. Means to like Follows an indirect object pronoun Example: He likes to eat. - Le gusta come.
  • 9. Affirmative Negative Algo Nada Alguien Nadie Alguna Ninguno Siempre Nunca Tambien tampoco
  • 10. Expresses extremes in adjectives. Drop the last vowel and add the ending isimo(a). If last consonant is c, g, or z then spelling is changed. c > qu g > gu Z>c
  • 11. When the direct object is also the doer then a pronoun called a reflexive is added in front of the verb. These are me, te, se, nos, and se. Use the correct pronoun, put in tu form and drop the s. He shaves himself : Se afeita
  • 12. When giving instructions/commands to someone. Put verb in tu form and drop the s. Example : Comer Come
  • 13. Telling someone not to do something Put in yo form, change to opposite vowel, and add an s. ar > e er/ir > a Example : No hables
  • 14. Primero = First Entonces = Next Antes = Before Despues = After Por fin = Finally
  • 15. -Ar verbs e amos Aste asteis o aron -Er verbs I imos iste isteis io ieron
  • 16. Un dia One day Una vez Once Ayer Yesterday A noche At night Hace un ano A year ago Ya Already El mes pasado Last month Anteayer Day before yesterday Por una hora For one hour Por fin Finally Una dia One day A las ocho At eight Dos veces twice
  • 17. -car > que Tocar > toque -gar > gue Jugar > jugue -zar > ce Comenzar > comence
  • 18. Deber = should Use Deber + infinitive Example : Yo debo bailo. Debo Debemos Debes Debeis debe Deben
  • 19. Modal verb examples : deber, desear, necesitar, poder. No side-by-side conjugated verbs Example: Yo debo canto = Incorrect
  • 20. -er and ir verbs change to iendo -ar verbs change to ando If verb ends in a double vowel (like leer) it changes to yendo Example: Cantar > Cantando Mover > Moviendo
  • 21. If ending in o or a adjective changes to amente. If ending in e or a consonant then add mente Example: Feliz > Felizmente Rapido > Rapidamente