This document provides tips for writing a successful grant proposal. It discusses basic tips like reading the entire application and checking dates and guidelines. Common reasons for failure are identified, such as carelessness, missing deadlines, and being disorganized. Expectations of grantmakers are outlined, such as telling a compelling story and educating the reader about the problem. The document provides tips for writing SMART objectives and developing a strong work plan. Overall, it emphasizes following instructions, developing a checklist, getting reviews, and submitting on time.
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Grant Writing 101 - SWAR Summit
Writing a winning grant proposalWriting a winning grant proposal
Joy Rockenbach, Act 1220 CoordinatorJoy Rockenbach, Act 1220 Coordinator
Arkansas Department of EducationArkansas Department of Education
Arkansas Department of HealthArkansas Department of Health
June 11, 2010June 11, 2010
2. Learning OutcomesLearning Outcomes
Basic grant writing tipsBasic grant writing tips
Reasons why proposal failReasons why proposal fail
Expectations of grantorsExpectations of grantors
Tips for successTips for success
3. Basic Tips:Basic Tips:
Read the entire application!Read the entire application!
Do you qualifyDo you qualify
Check dates and time lineCheck dates and time line
Who will writeWho will write
Is it worth it?Is it worth it?
4. Reasons Why ProposalsReasons Why Proposals
Sloppiness-pay attention to grammar,Sloppiness-pay attention to grammar,
editing details, and specificsediting details, and specifics
Answer the questions!Answer the questions!
Responses dont connect to informationResponses dont connect to information
5. Forcing failure!Forcing failure!
Missing deadlinesMissing deadlines
Missing sectionsMissing sections
Budget doesnt compute or matchBudget doesnt compute or match
work planwork plan
Format is not followedFormat is not followed
6. To ensure failureTo ensure failure
Rely on spell checkRely on spell check
Go over the pageGo over the page
Fail to signFail to sign
appropriate formsappropriate forms
Miss the deadline,Miss the deadline,
ask for anask for an
7. Example of relying onExample of relying on
spell checkspell check
Dear Spat,Dear Spat,
I had a really food crime at the picnic in the bark.I had a really food crime at the picnic in the bark.
It was nice to gel together with old fiends andIt was nice to gel together with old fiends and
enjoy so much slaughter! We should so that moreenjoy so much slaughter! We should so that more
often. The flied chicken was malicious. Thank youoften. The flied chicken was malicious. Thank you
for flinging it.for flinging it.
Your Fiend,Your Fiend,
8. Writing bloopers!Writing bloopers!
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening inA bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in
the church hall. Music will follow.the church hall. Music will follow.
Attend and you will hear an excellent speaker andAttend and you will hear an excellent speaker and
heave a healthy lunch.heave a healthy lunch.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing ofThe ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of
every kind. They may be seen in the basement onevery kind. They may be seen in the basement on
Friday afternoon.Friday afternoon.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the FirstWeight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First
Presbyterian Church. Please use large double doorPresbyterian Church. Please use large double door
at the side entranceat the side entrance
9. To ensure failureTo ensure failure
Rely on spell checkRely on spell check
Go over the pageGo over the page
Fail to signFail to sign
appropriate formsappropriate forms
Miss the deadline,Miss the deadline,
ask for anask for an
10. Expectations ofExpectations of
Write a compelling storyWrite a compelling story
Grab readers attentionGrab readers attention
Educate the reader about YOUREducate the reader about YOUR
Use YOUR words and bring the storyUse YOUR words and bring the story
to lifeto life
Goalspie in the sky, where you wantGoalspie in the sky, where you want
toto BEBE when the grant money is gonewhen the grant money is gone
Action steps or process steps orAction steps or process steps or
strategieshow you will get thestrategieshow you will get the
objectives doneobjectives done
15. To maximize successTo maximize success
Make sure you areMake sure you are
Follow allFollow all
Develop a check listDevelop a check list
Use forms if theyUse forms if they
are providedare provided
Ask a third party toAsk a third party to
16. SuccessSuccess
Get it in on timeGet it in on time
Have the right amount of postageHave the right amount of postage
Make sure you have enclosed allMake sure you have enclosed all
required forms and required number ofrequired forms and required number of