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District Logo/Graphic Standards
          & Style Guide
       Prepared by PTISD
    Communication Department
 The district has varying needs
  in designing materials for
  print, web and other media.
  This guide includes sections
  that address the various visual
  elements and styles used in
  various media and the
  guidelines for their use. If you
  have any questions or
  comments please feel free to
  contact the office of
  info@ptisd.org .

 Your input is valued and
Our Brand
 The official PTISD motto is:

 The official tagline is:
Student-Centered Schools. Future-Ready Students. Community Connected
Our Brand
 The official PTISD motto is:

 The official tagline is:
Student-Centered Schools. Future-Ready Students. Community Connected
The Mission
Our mission is to continue a tradition of
              excellence by
      providing a high-quality and
 challenging educational environment,
   maximizing opportunities for the
         success of all students,
       equipping them to become
       responsible, involved, and
           productive citizens.
Using the Logo
The official colors are navy blue and
gold  see color guide below. The
logo may be used in black and white,
solid navy blue or reversed out on a
black or navy background.

Color Guide
 The Pantone colors should be
   used in every possible situation.
   Do not use alternate colors.
       Navy Blue
       PANTONE 539

       PANTONE 116
Our official font in the PTISD logotype and word
mark is


The font in the logotype or the word mark may not be
altered or changed. The words Pine and Tree are separated
into two words and always on top for the logo.
Logo Mark
On Black or Dark Background
The Official Seal
         Two Color
         Official Colors
          Blue - PANTONE 539
          Gold/Yellow - PANTONE 116
Official Seal
Whenever possible the
logo/logotype should be
printed in two colors: Blue
and Gold. However, when
two colors are not
possible, the logo may be
printed in blue only or
black only.
Official Seal on Dark Background
One Color and Black
Business Cards
Cards may be created with
a vertical design or
horizontal design. Contact
the communication office
to get a template for
ordering new business
cards. You will need to
provide your name, title,
and contact information.
 This example is for a
  campus admin/teacher.
 The school name will
  appear in the upper left
  corner and is set in
  Times New Roman type.
  The address will be
  centered at the bottom
  of the page with a half
  inch margin.
Multimedia Guidelines
 It is critical that the district logo
  be used properly on all
  multimedia presentations. This
  includes the Internet and
  PowerPoint presentations. The
  logo must have a transparent
  background if being used on top
  of a color background in order to
  avoid having a white box behind

 PowerPoint templates and logos
  with a transparent background
  are available for download on the
  district website. If you need
  assistance, please contact the
  Communication Office.
 E-mails used for district-
  related purposes need to be
  more formal, polished, and
  professional in tone as well
  as concise and easy to read.
 Always be aware that by law
  all PTISD e-mails are public
  documents open to public
 Use black or dark colors for
  type in e-mails; avoid using
  bright or lightly shaded
  type, only because it can be
  difficult to read.
 All employees are encouraged
  to review district policy on
  appropriate use of e-mail and
  the network. The policy can be
  found on the Technology
  Department Web site.
 Also, it is always good to keep
  your signature information
  current. To view your
  information, open an e-mail
  that you have sent and
  double-click on your name at
  the top of the e-mail. Adding
  information to your signature
  is a great way to share
Names and Title Guidelines
Specific standards that apply to the names and titles of things and people
in our organization are outlined below.

Pine Tree Independent School
 The formal name, the Pine Tree
   Independent School District,
   should always be used in the
   first reference in any
   communication. It should be
   followed by (PTISD) to specify
   subsequent references. It may
   also be referred to as the
   district (not capitalized) in
   subsequent references.
Names and Title Guidelines
Specific standards that apply to the names and titles of things and people
in our organization are outlined below.

                                        Superintendent of Schools and Other
                                         The formal position title is
                                            superintendent of schools. Like
                                            all titles (principal, regional
                                            superintendent, manager, etc.), it is
                                            capitalized only when used as a
                                            formal title before the name, such
                                            as Superintendent of Schools TJ
                                            Farler. This title should always be
                                            used in the first reference of any
                                            communication. Subsequent
                                            references may be written as the
                                            superintendent of schools, the
                                            superintendent, or Dr. Farler.
Names and Title Guidelines
 Academic DegreesIn lists
  of individuals that appear in
  formal programs and on
  inside cover pages of official
  district documents, indicate
  advanced degrees
  (doctorate). Do so using
  abbreviations with periods
  and no spaces (e.g., Daniel
  Jones, Ph.D.; Mary Smith,
Names and Title Guidelines
              Board of TrusteesThe formal
               title of the governing body is the
               Pine Tree Independent School
               District Board of Trustees. This
               should always be used in the first
               reference of any communication.
               Subsequent references may be
               the board (not capitalized) or
               school board. To maintain
               consistency in communications,
               please do not use Board of
               Education. An individual is
               referred to as either a trustee,
               school-board member, or
               board member. These individual
               titles are capitalized only when
               used as a formal title before the
Names and Title Guidelines
Offices and Departments               Capitalize the word in plural
 In PTISD, organizational units        uses as well (e.g., the Human
   that report directly to the          Resources and Communication
   superintendent of schools are        Offices). Use a lowercase o
   called offices. These direct        or d in the office or the
   report offices are made up of       department in subsequent
   departments. Capitalize the          references (e.g. Almost every
   word office or department        employee in the department
   in the name of an office or          attended the fitness rally.)
   department (e.g., the Office of
   Facility Services, the Office of
   Human Resources, the Special
   Education Department).
School Campuses
Use the following names
for campuses and add
grade levels whenever appropriate:

   Primary Campus, grades PK-K (PTP)
   Elementary Campus, grades 1-2 (PTE)
   Intermediate Campus, grades 3-4 (PTI)
   Middle School Campus, grades 5-6 (PTM)
   Junior High Campus, grades 7-8 (PTJH)
   PT High School Campus, grades 9-12 (PTHS)
   ExCEL High School Campus, grades 9-12 (PTEx)
   P.A.C.E. Alternative Campus
Facility Names
 Pirate Center  Newest
  Gymnasium on the
  PTHS campus
 High School Theater 
  (not Little Theater)
 Pine Tree Road
  Auditorium  Next to
  the Primary Campus
 Central Administration
  and Tax Office
Facility Names
 Pine Tree Pirate
Located on Pine Tree Road as of 10/2012.
Check back for updates on designated names
for new and existing stadium.

 Director of Communication, Vickie Echols
 vechols@ptisd.org / info@ptisd.org

More Related Content

Graphic & Communication Standards

  • 1. District Logo/Graphic Standards & Style Guide Prepared by PTISD Communication Department
  • 2. Introduction The district has varying needs in designing materials for print, web and other media. This guide includes sections that address the various visual elements and styles used in various media and the guidelines for their use. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact the office of Communication: info@ptisd.org . Your input is valued and appreciated.
  • 3. Our Brand The official PTISD motto is: A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE FOR ALL The official tagline is: Student-Centered Schools. Future-Ready Students. Community Connected
  • 4. Our Brand The official PTISD motto is: A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE FOR ALL The official tagline is: Student-Centered Schools. Future-Ready Students. Community Connected
  • 5. The Mission Our mission is to continue a tradition of excellence by providing a high-quality and challenging educational environment, maximizing opportunities for the success of all students, equipping them to become responsible, involved, and productive citizens.
  • 6. Using the Logo The official colors are navy blue and gold see color guide below. The logo may be used in black and white, solid navy blue or reversed out on a black or navy background. Color Guide The Pantone colors should be used in every possible situation. Do not use alternate colors. Navy Blue PANTONE 539 Gold PANTONE 116
  • 7. LOGO Font Our official font in the PTISD logotype and word mark is MINION PRO SEMIBOLD for PINE TREE FUTURA BOLD CONDENSED for INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTICT. The font in the logotype or the word mark may not be altered or changed. The words Pine and Tree are separated into two words and always on top for the logo.
  • 9. On Black or Dark Background
  • 10. The Official Seal Two Color Official Colors Blue - PANTONE 539 Gold/Yellow - PANTONE 116
  • 11. Official Seal Whenever possible the logo/logotype should be printed in two colors: Blue and Gold. However, when two colors are not possible, the logo may be printed in blue only or black only.
  • 12. Official Seal on Dark Background
  • 13. One Color and Black
  • 14. Business Cards Cards may be created with a vertical design or horizontal design. Contact the communication office to get a template for ordering new business cards. You will need to provide your name, title, and contact information.
  • 15. Letterhead This example is for a campus admin/teacher. The school name will appear in the upper left corner and is set in Times New Roman type. The address will be centered at the bottom of the page with a half inch margin.
  • 16. Multimedia Guidelines It is critical that the district logo be used properly on all multimedia presentations. This includes the Internet and PowerPoint presentations. The logo must have a transparent background if being used on top of a color background in order to avoid having a white box behind it. PowerPoint templates and logos with a transparent background are available for download on the district website. If you need assistance, please contact the Communication Office.
  • 17. Emails E-mails used for district- related purposes need to be more formal, polished, and professional in tone as well as concise and easy to read. Always be aware that by law all PTISD e-mails are public documents open to public scrutiny. Use black or dark colors for type in e-mails; avoid using bright or lightly shaded type, only because it can be difficult to read.
  • 18. Emails All employees are encouraged to review district policy on appropriate use of e-mail and the network. The policy can be found on the Technology Department Web site. Also, it is always good to keep your signature information current. To view your information, open an e-mail that you have sent and double-click on your name at the top of the e-mail. Adding information to your signature is a great way to share information.
  • 19. Names and Title Guidelines Specific standards that apply to the names and titles of things and people in our organization are outlined below. Pine Tree Independent School District The formal name, the Pine Tree Independent School District, should always be used in the first reference in any communication. It should be followed by (PTISD) to specify subsequent references. It may also be referred to as the district (not capitalized) in subsequent references.
  • 20. Names and Title Guidelines Specific standards that apply to the names and titles of things and people in our organization are outlined below. Superintendent of Schools and Other Titles The formal position title is superintendent of schools. Like all titles (principal, regional superintendent, manager, etc.), it is capitalized only when used as a formal title before the name, such as Superintendent of Schools TJ Farler. This title should always be used in the first reference of any communication. Subsequent references may be written as the superintendent of schools, the superintendent, or Dr. Farler.
  • 21. Names and Title Guidelines Academic DegreesIn lists of individuals that appear in formal programs and on inside cover pages of official district documents, indicate advanced degrees (doctorate). Do so using abbreviations with periods and no spaces (e.g., Daniel Jones, Ph.D.; Mary Smith, Ed.D.).
  • 22. Names and Title Guidelines Board of TrusteesThe formal title of the governing body is the Pine Tree Independent School District Board of Trustees. This should always be used in the first reference of any communication. Subsequent references may be the board (not capitalized) or school board. To maintain consistency in communications, please do not use Board of Education. An individual is referred to as either a trustee, school-board member, or board member. These individual titles are capitalized only when used as a formal title before the name.
  • 23. Names and Title Guidelines Offices and Departments Capitalize the word in plural In PTISD, organizational units uses as well (e.g., the Human that report directly to the Resources and Communication superintendent of schools are Offices). Use a lowercase o called offices. These direct or d in the office or the report offices are made up of department in subsequent departments. Capitalize the references (e.g. Almost every word office or department employee in the department in the name of an office or attended the fitness rally.) department (e.g., the Office of Facility Services, the Office of Human Resources, the Special Education Department).
  • 24. School Campuses Use the following names for campuses and add grade levels whenever appropriate: Primary Campus, grades PK-K (PTP) Elementary Campus, grades 1-2 (PTE) Intermediate Campus, grades 3-4 (PTI) Middle School Campus, grades 5-6 (PTM) Junior High Campus, grades 7-8 (PTJH) PT High School Campus, grades 9-12 (PTHS) ExCEL High School Campus, grades 9-12 (PTEx) P.A.C.E. Alternative Campus
  • 25. Facility Names Pirate Center Newest Gymnasium on the PTHS campus High School Theater (not Little Theater) Pine Tree Road Auditorium Next to the Primary Campus Central Administration and Tax Office
  • 26. Facility Names Pine Tree Pirate Stadium Located on Pine Tree Road as of 10/2012. Check back for updates on designated names for new and existing stadium.
  • 27. Contact FOR QUESTIONS & ASSISTANCE, CONTACT: Director of Communication, Vickie Echols 903-295-5136 vechols@ptisd.org / info@ptisd.org