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Graphic Design Pitch
Kayna Baugh
My Findings
 So far, the graphic design products I have looked at are:
 Web banners
My Product
The main purpose my graphic design products are to promote and sell.
They exist in mainly masthead, posters and logo formats. Using more than one
format is beneficial as it allows the campaign to be promoted further; on a greater
level. They fit the purpose due to their promotional qualities that can inform the
target audience.
The style of these graphics connote the type of fashion that will be featured in the
event. For example, the serif fonts and images of models represent the high end
clothing and genre of the show.
My Logo Design
Using Photoshop, I
picked my logo
colours based on my
house style.
Final logo represents
the brand name with
Many existing
campaigns do this.
 My campaign will include:
Model photography to represent the clothing brands.
A linear layout on formats such as posters to make it easier for the target audience to
Serif typography to reinforce the traits of the fashion genre. Lettering will most likely
have a small kerning for better spacing. However, Ill most likely use wider amounts of
leading in order to achieve a more stylish look.
A small range of colours; possibly: black, green, blue & white.
One main logo that consists of the letters of my brand name. In addition to this, logos of
sponsors will also be featured.
Enough white space will be denoted on the posters of my campaign so information and
imagery can be successfully included. I will also use anchorage to achieve this.
House style & Font
Bright pastel colours to
appeal to the younger side of
the audience.
Black and white  common
base colours & also appeal
to the older audience
Serif Font to match
typical conventions
of the genre.
Target Audience
 My desired target audience will consist of females living in the
UK; aged between 19-30 who either have an interest in high
end fashion or supporting local designers.
 As the genre of my event is fashion, the spending power of my
audience will range form A-C1 due to the big brands that will be
available for purchase at the event.
Regulatory Bodies
 Regulatory bodies are agencies or government officials who
are responsible for monitoring the content of something.
 So the graphic design products I produce to promote my event,
will have to follow the advertising codes administered by the
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
 In addition to this, the (CAP) The Committees of Advertising
Practice maintain the advertising codes. Rule 1.1. states
marketing communications should be legal, decent, honest and
truthful. Therefore, when designing my graphics package I
must make sure I comply to this by not including any harmful or
misleading content in my work.
Shaping my own work
 Analysing existing campaigns as part of LO1has been very
beneficial and influential when planning the graphic design
products for my own live event.
 It has enabled me to see the common design aspects of typical
fashion graphics. For example, the serif writing and bright
colours are essential elements that are often associated with
the genre.
 Therefore, by using them, I can instantly begin to attract the
correct target audience.

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Graphics pitch

  • 2. + My Findings So far, the graphic design products I have looked at are: Posters Logos Tickets Web banners Maps T-Shirts
  • 3. + My Product Purpose The main purpose my graphic design products are to promote and sell. Format They exist in mainly masthead, posters and logo formats. Using more than one format is beneficial as it allows the campaign to be promoted further; on a greater level. They fit the purpose due to their promotional qualities that can inform the target audience. Style The style of these graphics connote the type of fashion that will be featured in the event. For example, the serif fonts and images of models represent the high end clothing and genre of the show.
  • 4. + My Logo Design Using Photoshop, I picked my logo colours based on my house style. Final logo represents the brand name with initials. Many existing campaigns do this.
  • 5. + Content My campaign will include: Model photography to represent the clothing brands. A linear layout on formats such as posters to make it easier for the target audience to read. Serif typography to reinforce the traits of the fashion genre. Lettering will most likely have a small kerning for better spacing. However, Ill most likely use wider amounts of leading in order to achieve a more stylish look. A small range of colours; possibly: black, green, blue & white. One main logo that consists of the letters of my brand name. In addition to this, logos of sponsors will also be featured. Enough white space will be denoted on the posters of my campaign so information and imagery can be successfully included. I will also use anchorage to achieve this.
  • 6. + House style & Font Bright pastel colours to appeal to the younger side of the audience. Black and white common base colours & also appeal to the older audience Serif Font to match typical conventions of the genre.
  • 7. + Target Audience My desired target audience will consist of females living in the UK; aged between 19-30 who either have an interest in high end fashion or supporting local designers. As the genre of my event is fashion, the spending power of my audience will range form A-C1 due to the big brands that will be available for purchase at the event.
  • 8. + Regulatory Bodies Regulatory bodies are agencies or government officials who are responsible for monitoring the content of something. So the graphic design products I produce to promote my event, will have to follow the advertising codes administered by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). In addition to this, the (CAP) The Committees of Advertising Practice maintain the advertising codes. Rule 1.1. states marketing communications should be legal, decent, honest and truthful. Therefore, when designing my graphics package I must make sure I comply to this by not including any harmful or misleading content in my work.
  • 9. + Shaping my own work Analysing existing campaigns as part of LO1has been very beneficial and influential when planning the graphic design products for my own live event. It has enabled me to see the common design aspects of typical fashion graphics. For example, the serif writing and bright colours are essential elements that are often associated with the genre. Therefore, by using them, I can instantly begin to attract the correct target audience.