Charles H CTO of graphine replacing aljosha D our CTO
His baby daughter is just born so he’s spending some time with his family
He was really looking fwd at finally meeting another alyosha
Aljosha Demeulemeester
CEO of Graphine
middleware company based in Ghent
We are mainly focused on the high-end gaming industry so if I discuss trends or approaches, I’m looking at things from that perfective (entertainment)
#3: Set the tone
Start by showing a trailer of Get Even
High end video game
One of our customers
Set to be released next year
…. (show trailer)
Video? Rendering? Both (mixed)!
#4: - What I want to talk about today is closely connected with the trailer you just saw
- Important trends from our perspective in real-time 3D visualization
- Streaming, scanning and virtual reality
#5: So where does Graphine come in?
entirely focused on state-of-the-art computer graphics processing and visualization
Mainly a product company, technology products
also do consultancy and development projects in our field (real-time 3D and game engines)
#6: Highly specialized technology
Really good in what we do
Microsoft used our demo to showcase the new graphics features of Windows 8.1 during the launch keynote
Graphine founded almost 2 years
Working on the technology for over 5 years
Reseach at the Multimedia Lab of the Univirsity of Ghent and iMinds of course
#7: - Our technology products are focused on texture data
The main data type in real-time computer graphics
Real-time 3D: a range of applications
(sum up de applications)
#8: - Left geometry, set of points, not very interesting I itself
- Right, textures applied; contain the surface properties like color
- Textures = basically digital images project onto the mesh. Just like digital images, textures have pixels and a resolution. The more pixels, or the high the resolution, the sharper and more detailed the final rendered images.
#9: Reason why we focus on texture data is clear: strong impact on final graphics quality
#11: Bottom line: more texture data is better.
This can mean
More detailed graphics
Larger virtual worlds
More diverse, unique virtual worlds
Depends on the applications how to apply the texture budget
#12: We focus on three areas
mainly a memory thing
Render much more content on mainstream hardware
good tools thing
Import for game development
Spend less time creating more high quality content
compression and progressive downloading thing
Faster downloads, start playing faster
Need to get it to the end user
#13: If you want to have more texture data
Need to solve all three areas
One missing, means
you cannot run it on mainstreaming hard
Or create the content within your budget
Or get the content to the end user
#14: Our main product, Granite SDK, is one piece of the puzzle
Integrates into any 3D engine or applications
Focused on texture streaming and compression
#15: Texture streaming is loading texture data while playing the game or running the application
Instead of loading everything at the start
Data is loaded constantly from disk into memory into your video memory where it is need to render the final image
#16: Streaming is not new
Adanced texture streaming: tile based
Divide all content into small tiles
Figure out which tiles are actually view
Only load those, just in time
Need a lot less memory
Memory remains contant, independend of the content in the scene.
So you can keep adding content
#17: End result looks amazing
Nice, very large, high resolution terrain
Very high resolution plane textures
#18: If we zoom in, everything remains razor sharp, all the lines are perfect
We see new details that weren’t visible from a further distance
#19: When we look at the tiles
Much smaller than the object
Tiles top side of the wings will be loaded, not from the backside
It’s clear that this a very powerfull system
#20: Granite solves the visualization of massive amount of data
It also compressed the texture data 2,5 times. This means 2,5 times more content on a blu-ray disk or 2,5 times faster download times
We can’t compress it to zero or some contant amount of course but 2,5 times goes a long way
#21: - So but then the question remains, how to we create the texture content, without throwing a hundreds of people at the problem?
- Wel, you could use
- Offline procedural generation tools
- Time-efficient painting tools
- Focus in this talk on 3D Scanning
#22: Capturing a physical object to reconstruct a digital 3D representation
Used for a wide range of applications already
Expect to be used more and more (for games?)
- Used extensively for characters (body and facial scans)
- Objects
- Entire environments
#28: Scanning objects
Efficient way to create re-usable assets
Easily fits into a game production pipeline
#32: For example this loft scene….
Metrics here?
See this at our booth..
This slide is the setup for the next one that makes the point.
#34: Efficient way to create extremely high quality characters, objects and environments
High requirements:
High resolution rendering: 2560 x 1440, 1920 x 1920 or up
Close interaction with environment
Field of view van 30 – 90 graden (3x zoveel in view)
#40: - VR opens the door for a range of new applications and experiences
- You could imaging going on safari, or going to the desolated site of chernobyl as a guided tour
- You could offer the same experience on a standard lcd screen but you don’t get the sense of prensence, sense of scale and perspective that you have with the headsets
#41: streaming + scanned data + VR = perfect match