Bilaga till Kanalen v33Kristian KrassmanSocialdemokrater i Österåkers 4-sid bilaga till tidningen Kanalen. Denna distribueras till samtliga hushåll i både Österåker och Vaxholm.
Digitala tjänsterDag ForsénTrender och best practice när det gäller digitalisering av vård och omsorg
Abogado, asesor, consultor litigante administrador de empresas inocencio mele...M&s Consultorías Legal Entreprise Austral Group. Inocencio Meléndez Julio.CURRÍCULUM VITAE
Inocencio Meléndez Julio
Licenciado en Derecho
Licenciado en Administración de Empresas
PhD en Derecho Patrimonial y Contratación Contemporánea.
MSc. en Derecho de los Contratos Administrativos, Civiles, Comerciales y Financieros.
MSc. en Administración, con énfasis en Gestión y Estructuración de Contratos de Obra Pública, de Concesiones de Infraestructura del Transporte, Concesiones Viales y Servicios Públicos. Diploma de Estudios Avanzados D.E.A en Responsabilidad Contractual, Extracontractual Civil y del Estado con Suficiencia Investigadora en Derecho Civil- Contratos y Daños
Especialista en Derecho Administrativo Económico
Especialista en Derecho Público, Ciencias y Sociología Políticas
Especialista en Gobierno y Control Distritos Ciudades Capitales
Especialista en Derecho Procesal
La vida conforme al Espíritu de Dios. Los Frutos del Espíritu Santo: “ Lo que el espíritu produce es amor, alegría, paz, paciencia, amabilidad, bondad, fidelidad, humildad, oración, salud, servicio a los demás y dominio propio. Contra tales cosas no hay ley.”
Carta de San Pablo a los Gálatas, Capítulo 5, Versículo 22.
Consultor- Asesor en Gestión, estructuración legal, técnica y financiera de Proyectos Estratégicos Corporativos en Contratos de Obra Pública, Contratos de Concesiones Viales, Infraestructura de Transporte, y asuntos del Derecho Constitucional, Administrativo, Civil, Comercial, Responsabilidad Contractual, Extracontractual Civil y del Estado, Derecho de Daños, y Derecho Patrimonial.
Concesiones de Servicios Públicos de energía eléctrica, gas natural, combustible y comprimido, Hidrocarburos, refinería, telecomunicaciones, telefonía fija, básica conmutada, celulares, larga distancia nacional internacional, internet, trunking, televisión, canales y espacios, televisión comunitaria, nacional regional y satelital; Aseo, saneamiento básico, acueducto, aguas, alcantarillado y cloacas; tratamiento de residuos sólidos.
Concesiones de infraestructura del transporte terrestre de carga y pasajeros, terminales de transporte terrestre, concesiones de aeropuerto, concesiones de transporte férreo, concesiones de transporte marítimo y fluvial, licencias administrativas.
Estructuración de la matriz de riesgos contractuales en negocios civiles, comerciales, financieros, riesgos en los contratos administrativos de obras públicas y concesiones viales y de servicios públicos.
Asesoría y consultoría jurídica en reclamaciones económicas derivadas de los contratos, indemnizaciones patrimoniales del derecho de daños, responsabilidad contractual extracontractual, civil y del Estado, Asesorías en Derecho Patrimonial y reparación integral de daños resarcibles; Derecho Civil, Derecho Comercial, Derecho de Sociedades, Regulación, Derecho del Consumidor, y reclamaciones de siniestralidad en el Derecho de Seguros; Asesorí
Hjælpemiddelinstituttet ADHD- og Aspergerskonferencen KoldingJenny StrömFå struktur på hverdagen, støtte i hjemmet og i skolen v/ Jenny Ström, it-pædagog og hjælpemiddelkonsulent, Sverige
Jenny Ström har selv som voksen fået diagnoserne ADHD og Aspergers syndrom, og hun har tre børn med lignende diagnoser. Hun bruger sit eget hjem som en udstilling, hvori hun viser hjælpemidler, produkter og strategier fra mere end 120 virksomheder og organisationer i et autentisk hjemmemiljø.
I oplægget præsenterer Jenny Ström en række tekniske produkter, hjælpemidler og tjenester, som kan støtte personer med ADHD, Aspergers syndrom mm. Hendes motto er at bruge individets stærke sider til at arbejde med og kompensere for de svagheder, personen oplever.
Internet of things i dagziggycreativecolonyTräffa Ziggy på Internetdagarna 2012. Vi kommer ställa ut några av våra internet of things-projekt som vi jobbat med. Här har vi samlat några intressanta internet of things-projekt som finns på marknaden.
Internet of things räddar världenDarja IsakssonPresentation på webbdagarna som förklarar
- varför internet of things redan är här
- varför det är viktigt för vår framtid, och
- vad vi behöver göra för att använda det till att rädda världen
Nfhk2011 tone mork_plenar3NFHK2011Den nordiska välfärdsmodellen
- en modell med utvecklingsmöjligheter för att möta morgondagens utmaningar
Tone Mørk, direktör, NVC
Home CareApollo Hospitals Group and ATNFThis document discusses home healthcare services provided by Health @ Home in Nepal. It begins by listing some common myths about home healthcare. It then provides testimonials from satisfied clients who received cancer care or treatment for tuberculosis. The document outlines several benefits of home healthcare for hospitals and patients. It provides examples of different types of patients who have received care at home, from newborns to elderly patients with various medical conditions. It discusses the company's use of technology and opportunities for innovation. In the end, it calls for collaboration to further develop home healthcare.
Nfhk2011 mäkilä parallel25NFHK2011The importance of documentation in school health care while determining conscript’s fitness for the military service: Maarit Mäkilä, Harri Pihlajamäki, Mia Mäkinen, Päivi Rautava 26.08.2011 NFHK 2011
Teknik inom vård & Omsorgkba2015Samarbete mellan gymnasieelever från teknik och omsorgsprogrammen. Hur kan vi använda tekniken för att hjälpa de ä och dem som arbetar med ä?
Be Digital or Be Extinct. Wharton Guest Lecture by Sandeep Kishore – Corporat...HCL TechnologiesThe era of Digital Darwinism is upon us. Businesses have no choice but to adopt digital technologies or disappear. Traditional businesses which do not leverage digital technologies risk becoming irrelevant or losing business to native digital companies which understand technology better. The good news is that most companies realize the importance of digital. However, the not so good news is that many still approach digital as “nice” or “cool to have” rather than treating it as an important aspect for business. Digital is no longer good to have: either be digital or be extinct – there is simply no other option.
Nfhk2011 mari hakkala_parallel9NFHK2011This document discusses health promotion in Finland. It describes a national development program called KASTE that aims to link knowledge management practices to health promotion through measures like prevention, workforce development, and integrated social and health care services. It also describes a regional health promotion program managed through nursing and tools used for health promotion management. Finally, it discusses challenges around knowledge exploitation and the need for training on health promotion strategies and management tools to better implement national health promotion programs at the local level in Finland.
Transition of face-to-face care to telecare in a homecare organisation: a new...Thijs van HouwelingenThe transition of face-to-face care to telecare (care at distance using videoconferencing) requires new skills and knowledge for nurses and other health care professionals: eHealth competencies and also competencies on self-management support.
How internet of things can revolutionize healthcareAyush NarulaThe document discusses how the Internet of Things (IoT) can revolutionize healthcare by allowing for data collection from sensors and devices, data interpretation by microcontrollers, and data storage on servers. This new system would collect patient data, interpret it to create a knowledge hierarchy, and store it, potentially revolutionizing healthcare. However, ensuring security and privacy of patient data is a limitation that must be addressed.
The Internet of Things. Wharton Guest Lecture by Sandeep Kishore – Corporate ...HCL TechnologiesInternet became mainstream around 20 years ago and the rapid pace of technology development we have seen over these years is fascinating. We are now looking at the biggest revolution ever, in the world of connectivity - Internet of Things (IoT). Everything we can think of around us - at home, work, in the car, or at a retail store -- will be interconnected, exchanging data and information, thus leading to an extremely intelligent network of things. It will lead to richer user experience, improved efficiencies and higher collaboration across the ecosystem. Exciting times await us...
The future vision of Homecare medicinesHome Care AidThis document summarizes the key findings and recommendations from a review of homecare medicines in England. It finds issues with the current homecare medicines market such as unstable cash flows, weak governance, and a lack of collaboration between organizations. It recommends strengthening governance within NHS trusts, developing national standards for homecare providers, and more open and collaborative procurement between trusts, commissioners, providers, and patients to improve services and value for money. The goal is to establish safer, more effective and efficient homecare medicine delivery that works in the best interests of both patients and taxpayers.
Sensors for Home Healthcare Applications: Market & Technology Analysis 2013 R...Yole DeveloppementThe market for sensors in home healthcare applications will explode from $559M in 2013 to $1.2B by 2018!
Sensors for home care will explode over the next five years
From 2000 - 2050, the proportion of the world's population aged 60 and over will grow from about 16% to 25% -- an increase linked to a marked growth of chronic diseases (Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancers, etc.). Healthcare systems’ rising costs and a physicians’ shortage are paving the way for increased home care.
Sensors previously developed for non-medical applications are transitioning to home care applications, and the market for sensors dedicated to home care applications is poised to grow from $559M in 2013 to $1.2B by 2018.
During Yole's research, the following sensors were investigated: accelerometers, barometers, electrochemical biosensors, flow sensors, gyroscopes, humidity sensors, IR temperature sensors, magnetometers, microfluidic chips, microphones, photodetectors, pressure sensors, proximity IR sensors, RF MEMS, RFID, and strain sensors. For each sensors, Yole’s Home Care Report provides market data and unit/value forecasts.
Collectively, these sensors have numerous applications in the home care market, from fall detection systems to tremor monitoring in Parkinson’s disease.
Today, the three most-used sensors are photodetectors, pressure sensors and electrochemical sensors.
A highly segmented market
Home care, also called home healthcare, refers to the at-home care provided to a person with special needs. This includes people who are ageing, chronically ill, recovering from surgery, or disabled.
Transferring a patient from a hospital to his/her home implies a relocation of care systems. In order to maintain the same level of care quality with less human involvement, home care sensors are vital replacements for specific applications ordinarily performed by nurses, such as guaranteeing the patient’s comfort, ensuring their safety, monitoring body parameters and treatments, and drug delivery.
Using a disruptive segmentation, Yole’s analysts have gathered all of the information necessary for understanding each application’s market needs.
More information on that report at
Advances in Telecare over the past 10 yearsAyush NarulaTelecare uses technology to enable independent living and remote monitoring of individuals in their home. It has grown over the past 10 years due to the rising aging population. Telecare provides benefits like safety, security, communication and home automation but has faced slow user acceptance. Research on telecare has been conducted in countries like the UK, Europe, New Zealand and worldwide. The document reviews 10 years of telecare research and analyzes methods, technologies used like sensors and apps, and limitations while concluding that telecare is a solution to increasing healthcare demands due to aging populations.'s INTERNET OF CARING THINGSTrendWatchingThis document summarizes an emerging trend called the "Internet of Caring Things", which refers to connected devices that actively care for users' well-being, safety, health and relationships. It provides examples of devices in five categories: healthy things to track fitness and health; mindful things for mental wellness; safety things to protect users; security things to monitor possessions; and family things to stay connected to loved ones. The trend is driven by falling technology costs and more connected devices. Users will expect brands to leverage data from these devices to enhance their lives and raise privacy concerns.
Disrupting and Enhancing Healthcare with the Internet of ThingstodbotdotcomTalk given to graduate students of the Heath, Technology & Engineering program at USC on 6 Mar 2013. Covers some basics of Internet of Things (IoT), some example healthcare-related IoT device, and how IoT can change how we approach healthcare.
The many faces of IoT (Internet of Things) in HealthcareStocker PartnershipFrom The Guardian to Cisco, big business to small, it seems that everybody is talking about the Internet of Things — but what exactly is IoT and why does it matter?
Taking a deep dive, we explore the many faces of IoT in Healthcare. Technology research and advisory company, Gartner, currently place the Internet of Things at the peak of inflated expectations and there are certainly challenges. But IoT also holds real promise for healthcare and it is already making an impact today.
We demonstrate why the Internet of Things has a far reaching impact across all determinants of health and how it could lead to a broader model of healthcare. We look at some of the technologies that are available to buy or that are already in development today, whilst also exploring some of the very real challenges that integrating such technologies into healthcare presents. Finally, we offer some ideas about how you can get involved, whether you are a healthcare professional or not.
An Introduction to the Internet of ThingsMohammad BabaeeAs an introduction to the different aspects of the Internet of Things, this presentation covers everything from terminology and history to applications and explanation of different layers of IoT.
This was presented on July 27th 2016 at Monenco Iran.
Möte 2011 02-23Gorbra2011Ökad gemenskap, trygghet och bekvämlighet kan få fler ä att vilja och kunna bo kvar längre. Det är förhoppningen i samverkansprojektet Gôrbra för ä.
Syftet med Gôrbra för ä är att Göteborgs stad ska göra strategiska investeringar i tillgänglighet, teknik och gemenskap, så att ä kan bo hemma längre med större boendekvalitet. Staden satsar sju miljoner i projektet och får ytterligare fem av Hjälpmedelsinstitutet i regeringsuppdraget Teknik för ä II, där Göteborgs stad är ett av tre nationella försöksområden.
Internet of things i dagziggycreativecolonyTräffa Ziggy på Internetdagarna 2012. Vi kommer ställa ut några av våra internet of things-projekt som vi jobbat med. Här har vi samlat några intressanta internet of things-projekt som finns på marknaden.
Internet of things räddar världenDarja IsakssonPresentation på webbdagarna som förklarar
- varför internet of things redan är här
- varför det är viktigt för vår framtid, och
- vad vi behöver göra för att använda det till att rädda världen
Nfhk2011 tone mork_plenar3NFHK2011Den nordiska välfärdsmodellen
- en modell med utvecklingsmöjligheter för att möta morgondagens utmaningar
Tone Mørk, direktör, NVC
Home CareApollo Hospitals Group and ATNFThis document discusses home healthcare services provided by Health @ Home in Nepal. It begins by listing some common myths about home healthcare. It then provides testimonials from satisfied clients who received cancer care or treatment for tuberculosis. The document outlines several benefits of home healthcare for hospitals and patients. It provides examples of different types of patients who have received care at home, from newborns to elderly patients with various medical conditions. It discusses the company's use of technology and opportunities for innovation. In the end, it calls for collaboration to further develop home healthcare.
Nfhk2011 mäkilä parallel25NFHK2011The importance of documentation in school health care while determining conscript’s fitness for the military service: Maarit Mäkilä, Harri Pihlajamäki, Mia Mäkinen, Päivi Rautava 26.08.2011 NFHK 2011
Teknik inom vård & Omsorgkba2015Samarbete mellan gymnasieelever från teknik och omsorgsprogrammen. Hur kan vi använda tekniken för att hjälpa de ä och dem som arbetar med ä?
Be Digital or Be Extinct. Wharton Guest Lecture by Sandeep Kishore – Corporat...HCL TechnologiesThe era of Digital Darwinism is upon us. Businesses have no choice but to adopt digital technologies or disappear. Traditional businesses which do not leverage digital technologies risk becoming irrelevant or losing business to native digital companies which understand technology better. The good news is that most companies realize the importance of digital. However, the not so good news is that many still approach digital as “nice” or “cool to have” rather than treating it as an important aspect for business. Digital is no longer good to have: either be digital or be extinct – there is simply no other option.
Nfhk2011 mari hakkala_parallel9NFHK2011This document discusses health promotion in Finland. It describes a national development program called KASTE that aims to link knowledge management practices to health promotion through measures like prevention, workforce development, and integrated social and health care services. It also describes a regional health promotion program managed through nursing and tools used for health promotion management. Finally, it discusses challenges around knowledge exploitation and the need for training on health promotion strategies and management tools to better implement national health promotion programs at the local level in Finland.
Transition of face-to-face care to telecare in a homecare organisation: a new...Thijs van HouwelingenThe transition of face-to-face care to telecare (care at distance using videoconferencing) requires new skills and knowledge for nurses and other health care professionals: eHealth competencies and also competencies on self-management support.
How internet of things can revolutionize healthcareAyush NarulaThe document discusses how the Internet of Things (IoT) can revolutionize healthcare by allowing for data collection from sensors and devices, data interpretation by microcontrollers, and data storage on servers. This new system would collect patient data, interpret it to create a knowledge hierarchy, and store it, potentially revolutionizing healthcare. However, ensuring security and privacy of patient data is a limitation that must be addressed.
The Internet of Things. Wharton Guest Lecture by Sandeep Kishore – Corporate ...HCL TechnologiesInternet became mainstream around 20 years ago and the rapid pace of technology development we have seen over these years is fascinating. We are now looking at the biggest revolution ever, in the world of connectivity - Internet of Things (IoT). Everything we can think of around us - at home, work, in the car, or at a retail store -- will be interconnected, exchanging data and information, thus leading to an extremely intelligent network of things. It will lead to richer user experience, improved efficiencies and higher collaboration across the ecosystem. Exciting times await us...
The future vision of Homecare medicinesHome Care AidThis document summarizes the key findings and recommendations from a review of homecare medicines in England. It finds issues with the current homecare medicines market such as unstable cash flows, weak governance, and a lack of collaboration between organizations. It recommends strengthening governance within NHS trusts, developing national standards for homecare providers, and more open and collaborative procurement between trusts, commissioners, providers, and patients to improve services and value for money. The goal is to establish safer, more effective and efficient homecare medicine delivery that works in the best interests of both patients and taxpayers.
Sensors for Home Healthcare Applications: Market & Technology Analysis 2013 R...Yole DeveloppementThe market for sensors in home healthcare applications will explode from $559M in 2013 to $1.2B by 2018!
Sensors for home care will explode over the next five years
From 2000 - 2050, the proportion of the world's population aged 60 and over will grow from about 16% to 25% -- an increase linked to a marked growth of chronic diseases (Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancers, etc.). Healthcare systems’ rising costs and a physicians’ shortage are paving the way for increased home care.
Sensors previously developed for non-medical applications are transitioning to home care applications, and the market for sensors dedicated to home care applications is poised to grow from $559M in 2013 to $1.2B by 2018.
During Yole's research, the following sensors were investigated: accelerometers, barometers, electrochemical biosensors, flow sensors, gyroscopes, humidity sensors, IR temperature sensors, magnetometers, microfluidic chips, microphones, photodetectors, pressure sensors, proximity IR sensors, RF MEMS, RFID, and strain sensors. For each sensors, Yole’s Home Care Report provides market data and unit/value forecasts.
Collectively, these sensors have numerous applications in the home care market, from fall detection systems to tremor monitoring in Parkinson’s disease.
Today, the three most-used sensors are photodetectors, pressure sensors and electrochemical sensors.
A highly segmented market
Home care, also called home healthcare, refers to the at-home care provided to a person with special needs. This includes people who are ageing, chronically ill, recovering from surgery, or disabled.
Transferring a patient from a hospital to his/her home implies a relocation of care systems. In order to maintain the same level of care quality with less human involvement, home care sensors are vital replacements for specific applications ordinarily performed by nurses, such as guaranteeing the patient’s comfort, ensuring their safety, monitoring body parameters and treatments, and drug delivery.
Using a disruptive segmentation, Yole’s analysts have gathered all of the information necessary for understanding each application’s market needs.
More information on that report at
Advances in Telecare over the past 10 yearsAyush NarulaTelecare uses technology to enable independent living and remote monitoring of individuals in their home. It has grown over the past 10 years due to the rising aging population. Telecare provides benefits like safety, security, communication and home automation but has faced slow user acceptance. Research on telecare has been conducted in countries like the UK, Europe, New Zealand and worldwide. The document reviews 10 years of telecare research and analyzes methods, technologies used like sensors and apps, and limitations while concluding that telecare is a solution to increasing healthcare demands due to aging populations.'s INTERNET OF CARING THINGSTrendWatchingThis document summarizes an emerging trend called the "Internet of Caring Things", which refers to connected devices that actively care for users' well-being, safety, health and relationships. It provides examples of devices in five categories: healthy things to track fitness and health; mindful things for mental wellness; safety things to protect users; security things to monitor possessions; and family things to stay connected to loved ones. The trend is driven by falling technology costs and more connected devices. Users will expect brands to leverage data from these devices to enhance their lives and raise privacy concerns.
Disrupting and Enhancing Healthcare with the Internet of ThingstodbotdotcomTalk given to graduate students of the Heath, Technology & Engineering program at USC on 6 Mar 2013. Covers some basics of Internet of Things (IoT), some example healthcare-related IoT device, and how IoT can change how we approach healthcare.
The many faces of IoT (Internet of Things) in HealthcareStocker PartnershipFrom The Guardian to Cisco, big business to small, it seems that everybody is talking about the Internet of Things — but what exactly is IoT and why does it matter?
Taking a deep dive, we explore the many faces of IoT in Healthcare. Technology research and advisory company, Gartner, currently place the Internet of Things at the peak of inflated expectations and there are certainly challenges. But IoT also holds real promise for healthcare and it is already making an impact today.
We demonstrate why the Internet of Things has a far reaching impact across all determinants of health and how it could lead to a broader model of healthcare. We look at some of the technologies that are available to buy or that are already in development today, whilst also exploring some of the very real challenges that integrating such technologies into healthcare presents. Finally, we offer some ideas about how you can get involved, whether you are a healthcare professional or not.
An Introduction to the Internet of ThingsMohammad BabaeeAs an introduction to the different aspects of the Internet of Things, this presentation covers everything from terminology and history to applications and explanation of different layers of IoT.
This was presented on July 27th 2016 at Monenco Iran.
Möte 2011 02-23Gorbra2011Ökad gemenskap, trygghet och bekvämlighet kan få fler ä att vilja och kunna bo kvar längre. Det är förhoppningen i samverkansprojektet Gôrbra för ä.
Syftet med Gôrbra för ä är att Göteborgs stad ska göra strategiska investeringar i tillgänglighet, teknik och gemenskap, så att ä kan bo hemma längre med större boendekvalitet. Staden satsar sju miljoner i projektet och får ytterligare fem av Hjälpmedelsinstitutet i regeringsuppdraget Teknik för ä II, där Göteborgs stad är ett av tre nationella försöksområden.
CSR Forum 2013: Change & BordersCSR VästsverigeCSR Forum är Västsveriges största CSR-event och arrangeras årligen av CSR Västsverige. Välkommen till en dag fylld med intressanta föredragshållare, spännade utställare och oändliga möjligheter till nätverkande!
2013 års tema ”Change & Borders – Framåt tillsammans” handlade om förändring och vilka hinder vi tillsammans behöver ta oss förbi för att komma framåt och skapa en långsiktigt hållbar utveckling. Här kan du se konferensens program.
Det liberala alternativet. Folkpartietsförslag till budget 2014 Liberalerna GöteborgDet liberala alternativet är Folkpartiet liberalerna i Göteborgs förslag till budget för Göteborgs stad 2014.
2. Vårt uppdrag från kommunstyrelsen
”Alla ä göteborgare ska ges möjlighet
till en fungerande och stimulerande vardag
präglad av ett tryggt boende och
inflytande över sin egen livssituation”
Trygga och
Kultur och hälsa
3. Gammal och fri
Göteborgs stad har påbörjat ett
gemensamt förbättringsarbete så
att befintliga boendemiljöer bättre
ska kunna stödja ett aktivt och
hälsosamt åldrande och en
…långsiktigt klok samhällsekonomi!
Hur bor ä i Göteborg?
Utformningen av bostaden/boendemiljön ger människor olika
förutsättningar att påverka sin hälsa och livskvalitet
5% äboende
79 300 ålderspensionärer 2011
2% seniorboende
92 800 ålderspensionärer 2025
11% med hemtjänst
95% i vanlig bostad varav
6. Äldres boendeuppdrag från KS
August 23, 2013
1. Ökade möjligheter att bo
ändamålsenligt i det ordinarie
2. Öka antalet boendealternativ
Två mål och fyra strategier
Öka kunskapen
Utveckla behovsanalysen
Öka normaliseringen
Uppmuntra seniorer att se över sitt boende i tid, ta eget ansvar
Öka tillgängligheten
Inom befintligt bostadsbestånd
Öka antalet boendealternativ
7. Stort samarbetsprojekt
och försöksverksamhet
Sex stadsdelsförvaltningar,
fyra bostadsföretag, fastighetskontoret, arkitektkontor, Gbg
pensionärsråd, GR/FoU i Väst, …
VD, chefer, hemtjänstpersonal,
sjukgymnaster, arbetsterapeuter,
arkitekter, fastighetsingenjörer…
ä och anhöriga
Mål: Skapa förutsättningar för
bättre boende för ä med
• ökad gemenskap
• ökad tillgänglighet
• ökad välfärdteknologi
4 projekt, 11 delprojekt, flera 100 deltagare
Inventera och matcha
Enkla, strategiska
Bygga om/
renovera badrum
Anhörigstöd, teknikstöd,
9. ” Det ger kunskap om 65+, bättre dialog och boendeplanering för
att utveckla mitt ansvarsområde.” Sektorschef inom äomsorgen…
Lokala bomässor
13 % T-märktes
11. ”Nu när man inte har sommarland kan man sitta
här och umgås” Anna-Lisa Löfdahl, Hyresgäst hos Örgryte Bostads AB
Invigning 15 maj 2012
ʰäٲåäԲ 442 lgh, 41% 65+ (Gbg 14,9%)
Samarbeta och lyssna på äs önskemål :
tillgängliga mötesplatser ute
- inte inne som var planerad
13. “Idag känner jag fler grannar än någonsin”
Signe Dahlman, 84 år, hyresgäst hos Poseidon
Lokal mötesplats
Pedal på sopkärl
beräkningar av åtgärder inkl badrum visar
en samhällsekonomisk
besparing som är två
gånger så hög som
Stackmolnsgatan, 216 lgh,
60-tal, 28% 65+ (Gbg 14,9%)
Bekvämt och vackert
15. ”Dörrögat är en trygghet för mig”
Eva Philis, hyresgäst hos Familjebostäder
beräkningarna av åtgärder inkl badrum visar
besparingar som är fem
gånger så höga
som kostnaderna
Bankogatan 177 lgh,
byggt på 50-talet,
48% 65+ (Gbg 14,9%)
Plan för mark och belysning
16. ”Det går att renovera små badrum så att de blir mer ändamålsenliga för ä med rollator” Fastighetsingenjör, Bostadsbolaget
…”Men det behövs funktionell design och
utveckling av nya produkter.”
17. ”Det är som en helt liten
ny värld öppnar sig”
Astrid Åsblom, bor i Centrum, provar surfplatta
GPS-larm har testats:
Ger ökad frihet och trygghet, många frågor återstår
IKT-stöd som anhörigstöd har testats:
Surfplattor – succé för öppna träffar
Facebook, Skype ger ökad gemenskap
Seminarium och utbildning i teknikstöd :
Har genomförts/pågår utifrån önskemål
Inspirationsmiljö för ny teknik
på Anhörigcenter Väst i A-F-H/Västra Göteborg
18. August 23, 2013
Vi har lärt oss mycket…
Att det är viktigt att skapa goda förutsättningar för både ä och personal
Gör rätt saker på rätt sätt! Samarbete lönar sig!
Det multidiceplinära anslaget på problemlösning…
måste fortsätta
Äldre människors deltagande & konkret åtgärder…
måste fortsätta
Kommunikation under & efter olika satsningar
måste fortsätta
Utvärdering & Forskning samt utveckling av nya produkter
måste fortsätta
Vinster – den samhällsekonomiska diskussionen
måste fortsätta
Tillgänglighet behöver inte kosta mer…
let’s go for it!
19. Gôrbra har skapat förutsättningar för
att kraftsamla kring ett gott kvarboende
Dags att gå från försök till ordinarie verksamhet
21. 3 februari
Trygghetsboende – en ny boendeform
Gemensamhetslokal och trygghetsvärd
Fastighetsägare kan söka driftsbidrag hos fastighetsnämnden
Tillgänglighet: i bostaden, gemensamma utrymmen och utvändigt, det ska
var lätt för den med rullator…
Säkerhet: dusch, tittöga, dörröppnare, sittplats i entrén, bländfri
Bekvämt: nära till kollektivtrafik och affärer…
Hyresrätt eller bostadsrätt, nybyggt eller i befintligt bostadsområde
23. Bostadsbolaget, Öster om Heden
Bohusgatan, Hallandsgatan, Skånegatan, Sten Sturegatan, Engelbrektsgatan
491 lägenheter – 1989-91
50 lgh trygghetsboende
gemensamhetslokal och
24. 3 februari
Vem kan söka bostaden?
70 år och ä som söker trygghet och gemenskap
Var söker man?
Boplats Göteborg, Rosenlundsplatsen 1