"The Fine Art of Landscape"
We are Michigans Premier Landscape Company, Offering High-End Design, Flawless Installation and Impeccable Maintenance
Great Oaks Landscape is one of the rare Design-Build landscape companies in Michigan. We wanted to incorporate every aspect of Landscape services into our company so we expanded and built up one of the most successful All-Season Maintenance companies. We also have two nurseries with rare tree specimens and plant material over 80 acres. All of our tangible resources allow us to be the leaders in every facet of the Landscaping industry, which enables us, to excel in Commercial Developments, Residential, Municipalities, Industrial Developments, Parks & Many other Public Venues. We could have all of the resources in the world but without the most passionate, dedicated staff who strive for excellence everyday we would not be Great Oaks Landscape.
We have an experienced and expert staff of Landscape Architects, Designers, Graphic Designers, Horticulturists, and Arborist.
Our primary services are: Landscape Architecture, Landscape Design, Installation, Maintenance Services, Lawn Care Services, Snow Removal, Lighting, and Tree Care Service making us the most complete and experienced Landscape Design-Build Company in Michigan.
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Great Oaks Landscape Brochure
1. M i c h i g a n s p r e m i e r l a n d s c a p e c o m p a ny ,
offering high - end design , flawless installation
and impeccable maintenance.
l a ndsc a pe
M a in t e n a nc e
248.349.8555 w w w . g r e a t o a k s l a n d s c a p e . c o m
3. When I was a young man, I discovered I had a deep and abiding fascination for the
art of landscaping. This love planted the seeds for a Landscape Architecture
degree, and in 1981, the founding of Great Oaks Landscape Associates, the
company I have devoted my life to for the past three decades.
For almost 30 years now, the company I founded has been creating inspired
outdoor spaces for the areas most prestigious businesses, as well as exquisite
residential landscapes. I am extremely proud of our reputation as Michigans
premier design-build firm and of the dedicated team that brought us to that
level. Our staffs commitment to excellence is evident in their creativity,
attention to detail and unique approach to design.
I believe that a great landscape is created over time and is always studied,
always perfected until it becomes a true piece of art. The architecture of the
building, the topography of the site, the owners personality all these things
influence a truly integrated landscape design.
Today, Great Oaks is the vanguard of luxuriously landscaped properties.
From conception and design to installation and year-round maintenance,
we are uniquely capable of delivering sophisticated results.
Innovation, artistry and a talented team of professionals have all pioneered
our success. And I thoroughly believe that Great Oaks Landscape continues
to excel because of a shared commitment to a single idea: Creating the most
breathtaking outdoor spaces imaginable.
Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
P r e s i d e n t,
C E O & C r e at i v e Di r e c t or
4. T hir ty years of experience . T hir ty years of excellence .
As one of the premier design-build landscape
companies in M ichigan , G reat O aks offers
G r e at O a k s sophisticated design , unparalleled installation ,
Landscape and exceptional maintenance . O ur talented staff
of landscape architects , horticulturists and
installation experts can take your project from
innovative concept to breathtaking year - round
elegance . Q uite simply, we provide the most
complete landscape and horticultural services
in the state . We landscape, therefore we are.
6. Design
At its best, landscape architecture is fine art , with the artist viewing a rough landscape as a
blank canvas to which he brings knowledge , experience , and the creativity to make your dream
landscape come true . D rawing upon a property s innate riches and working with its natural
character , G reat O aks blends traditional and novel solutions to create award - winning
landscapes that have been frequently emulated throughout the company s history .
We can create an environment that exceeds your greatest expectations.
7. L andscape Architecture & Design
Think of us as cultivators of the extraordinary.
We provide complete site planning and detail design. a digital rendering is used to visualize the final product .
O ur designs start with our imagination and evolve into a perfect living landscape.
8. Design-Build process
From concept to completion perfection is our bottom line.
After the initial concept is developed, a detailed, scaled drawing of your
landscape is prepared .
O ur landscape architects take
their cues from the existing natural
setting and site conditions , the style
of architecture , and of course , the
desires and lifestyle of you , the client .
With teamwork and a vast portfolio
of ideas , we develop a concept that is
unique to your site , innovative in its
design and functional in its execution .
At G reat O aks, we don t just create
a design , we live and breathe your
project until it becomes a completed
piece of art .
Three-dimensional renderings create a vision of what the finished site will
look like .
9. Landscaping is more than just trees and flowers. G reat O aks also designs and installs custom pools and water features.
10. I n s ta l l
A good design is just a pretty piece of paper until it actually comes alive. While our talented staff
of designers can create each and every aspect of your outdoor space , we can also work with your
design professional to install your landscape to their exact specifications . E xperienced project
managers , trained horticulturists , skilled craftsmen and equipment operators all experts in
landscape installation come together to make every G reat O aks project a work of art .
11. I n s ta l l at i on
The most talented team, the most up-to-date knowledge,
and the resources to make your landscape dreams come true .
12. Equipment
Trucks, diggers, dozers, loaders other firms suffer from equipment envy.
O ur equipment can plant or transplant
large trees ...
Place enormous boulders of all shapes
and sizes ...
G reat O aks does it all. A nd that includes owning
and maintaining an extensive fleet of state - of - the - art
diggers , loaders , backhoes , excavators and tree spades .
We firmly believe that having the right equipment and
best tools is essential to installing your job flawlessly
and right on time .
And reshape the earth.
13. Nursery
Stop and smell the imagination. A nd the flowers, and the trees, and the shrubs, and
We grow thousands of our own trees at
our nursery in S outh L yon .
O ur main office and Novi nursery We grow and care for a wide variety of
perennials to provide color year round .
O ur expert horticulturists grow and care for an incredible
array of perennials , shrubs and trees . W e also hand - pick
plant material from the finest growers around the country
to assure our clients the highest quality at the best prices
available .
With two private nurseries comprising more than
80 acres, G reat O aks can meet the needs of virtually any
project you have in mind .
We gather rare & unusual plants to
provide unique specimens for your landscape .
14. Maintenance
Design , materials and installation aside, the importance of proper maintenance cannot be overstated.
At G reat O aks, we provide complete lawn care and horticultural services. A nd when green turns
to white , we also offer expert snow removal , guaranteed for timeliness and professionalism .
15. All-Season Maintenance
Professional service you can count on W inter, Spring,
Summer or F all.
Spring & fall cleanups. I rrigation & water management. Shrub & tree maintenance.
16. I t s just not good enough to have a beautiful
landscape installed . I ts beauty will grow with
proper maintenance . O f course we provide
mowing , pruning and fertilizing , but we also
perform expert irrigation management , water
conservation , integrated pest management
and recycling of all biodegradeable waste .
And every job is managed by an in-house
project manager and overseen by a staff
arborist . A t G reat O aks, we love plants
and will take care of yours as if they
were our own .
Planting and care of annuals & perrenials.
Complete lawn services. Commercial entryways.
17. G reat O aks has more than 150 snow -removal vehicles ready to respond to our 24/7 dispatch service.
A landscape company does snow removal? You bet
we do . A nd we re the best in the business . W ith more
than 150 snow - removal trucks , G reat O aks is unmatched
in timeliness , professionalism and follow - through . W hen
other companies are sleeping , we are monitoring weather
reports and following up to make sure scheduled jobs
were completed . I f you ve ever woken up to a heavy
snowfall and wondered if your snow removal firm
has plowed your private drive or company lot ,
stop wondering and hire us .
We warehouse thousands of tons of salt to assure your
properties are always safe and free of ice .
18. Commercial
G reat O aks commercial landscape work is as diverse as it is impressive. G orgeous retail and
office surroundings , sophisticated community entryways , and relaxing parks , wetlands and
public spaces . W hether installed following great oaks design or installed to the
owner s design specifications , perfection is our bottom line .
19. Before a customer even walks through the door, a well-installed & maintained landscape sets the tone for retail complexes...
O ffice parks... ... and commercial buildings of any kind.
20. Residential Communities
Bellagio in Novi, M ichigan.
Pembrooke Park in West Bloomfield, M ichigan. KingsPointe in O akland T ownship, M ichigan.
21. Each residential development caters to a different audience of homeowners. A nd as such, the
entrance and grounds the community s image must be designed specifically with that audience
in mind . A t G reat O aks , we have created gorgeous outdoor spaces for some of the most successful
communities in the area . F rom the entryway that homeowners see as they drive in , to the parks ,
gazebos and green spaces they will enjoy as residents each element is carefully crafted to
create a feeling of identity , comfort and home .
22. Pa r k s & O u t d o o r S pa c e s
Conservatory in O akland T ownship, M ichigan.
Wetland & environmental...
G olf courses... Parks and public play areas in Clinton
Township, M ichigan.
23. A restful sitting area...
Entrance to G eorge G eorge M emorial Park An out-of-the-way nook in G reen O ak T ownship, M ichigan.
in C linton T ownship , M ichigan .
24. Residential
Your home is your castle it expresses who you are, what you love, and most importantly,
it provides you with peace , comfort and tranquility . G reat O aks L andscape takes great
homes and makes them spectacular , by working with homeowners and architects to create
your ideal outdoor surroundings . B ut it s not all flowers and trees . T hink boulders ,
pavers , pergolas , gazebos , dramatic outdoor rooms , breathtaking waterfalls ,
incredible pools ! I f you can dream it , we can build it .
26. Your landscape should complement the style of architecture and the lifestyle you
have chosen .
28. P o ol s & Wat e r F e at u r e s
Beautiful water features can take a landscape from ordinary
to extraordinary . W orking with the finest contractors in the
business , G reat O aks creates dazzling fountains , custom - designed
pools and stunning stone waterfalls . T hese signature details
establish a calming atmosphere and build dynamic visual appeal .
30. Ta k e a C l o s e r L o o k
G reat landscapes are more than
just plants . I t s the details that
make them unique . O utdoor living
spaces , custom pools , waterfalls ,
pergolas , stone walls , fire pits and
paver paths . O ur goal at G reat O aks
L andscape is to make each project
we design blend seamlessly into the
lives of the people who inhabit it .
A truly great outdoor space is an
invitation to live a more inspired life .
A dramatic gazebo... A fire place can transform a patio into
a cozy living room .
31. Flowing water can add calming sounds and dynamic visual appeal to any outdoor space.
Fire pits create an informal gathering This wooden pergola was designed to
area accent the architecture of the home .
l a nd s c a pe
28025 S amuel L inden Court
Novi, M ichigan 48377
www . greatoakslandscape . com