This document provides definitions for various Greek word parts and the terms they form when combined. It lists and defines words relating to measurement, photography, telecommunication, writing and distance, formed from the Greek roots "meter", "photo", "tele", "graph" and others. Examples include terms like telephone, thermometer, photographer, diameter, photocopy, and more.
2. Greek Word Parts
Many words are formed from the Greek
word parts.
tele- meaning over a long distance
photo-meaning light
meter- meaning measure
graph- meaning write
3. telephone
a system that uses wires and radio signals to
send sounds (such as people's voices) over
long distances
17. barometer
an instrument that is used to measure air
pressure and predict changes in the weather
18. telecommute
to work at home by using a computer
connection to a company's main office
19. pedometer
an instrument usually in watch form that
records the distance a person covers on foot
by responding to the body motion at each
20. phonograph
an instrument for reproducing sounds by
means of the vibration of a stylus or needle
following a spiral groove on a revolving disc or