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Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation

   Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation
                                              Last Updated: 27OCT11
                                        Peter Rovick, Babson M09, Bucknell 91

                           Please send additional suggestions to provick@hotmail.com

Newsletters  free subscriptions available
    1.   NewNet Clean Energy Investor Newsletter: http://www.newenergyworldnetwork.com/
    2.   EBR: Energy Business Review: http://www.energy-business-review.com/
    3.   Research Views: http://www.researchviews.com/
    4.   Energy Central: www.energycentral.com/
    5.   Renewable Energy Weekly: www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/subscribe
    6.   Greenbiz.com: http://www.greenbiz.com/home
    7.   Clean Edge: http://www.cleanedge.com/newsletter/
    8.   Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC): http://www.irecusa.org/index.php?id=6

Research: (fees may apply  but may be available for free to students if library subscribes)
    1.   Greentech Media: http://www.greentechmedia.com/
    2.   IDC  Green/Sustainability: www.idc.com/research/greenit.jsp
    3.   IBIS World: www.ibisworld.com
    4.   Energy Business Reports (fees apply)
              a. energybusinessreports.com
    5.   Sierra Energy Group  the research & analysis division of Energy Central (fees apply) www.sierraenergygroup.net/

News/Publishing/Market Research/Events/Jobs
    1.   Clean Edge: http://www.cleanedge.com/
    2.   Renewablesbiz: www.renewablesbiz.com  news & analysis
    3.   EnergyPulse: the news site for Energy Central: http://www.energypulse.net
    4.   Greentech Media: http://www.greentechmedia.com/
    5.   Cleantech Group LLC: http://cleantech.com/
    6.   Massachusetts Clean Energy Center: http://www.masscec.com/
    7.   Massachusetts Department of Energy & Environmental Affairs (DOER):
    8.   Renewable Energy World: http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/home
    9.   Business Green: http://www.businessgreen.com/

General Websites:
    1.   Think Green Resources: http://www.thinkgreenresources.com/
    2.   Green Power Top 50 List: http://www.epa.gov/greenpower/toplists/top50.htm

    1.   Publisher - Energy Central:
              a. Intelligent Utility:http://www.intelligentutility.com/intelligent-utility-magazine
              b. EnergyBiz: http://www.energycentral.com/magazines/energybiz
    2.   Conservation Magazine: http://www.conservationmagazine.org/
    3.   Pennwell: http://www.pennwell.com

Peter Rovick  Babson M09, Bucknell 91                                                              provick@hotmail.com
Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation

Industry Organizations:
   1.    Ceres: www.ceres.org
             a. Principles: http://www.ceres.org/Page.aspx?pid=416
             b. Publications: http://www.ceres.org/Page.aspx?pid=592
   2.    American Wind Energy Association: www.awea.org/
   3.    DSIRE  Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency: http://www.dsireusa.org/

Living Green
   1.    Practically Green: www.practicallygreen.com
   2.    Citizens Energy: http://www.citizensenergy.com/english/pages/Sitemap <-- scroll to Citizens Unite links
   3.    Sustainable Wellesley: www.sustainablewellesley.com/  town initiative (start your own?)

   1.    www.greenresourcecouncil.org/green_resources.cfm
   2.    www.masssave.com/
   3.    http://earth911.com/
   4.    http://eartheasy.com
   5.    www.bluhomes.com

   1.    www.earthwatch.org
   2.    www.clf.org
   3.    www.crwa.org
   4.    www.earthscan.co.uk
   5.    www.ecc1.org
   6.    www.earthconservation.net
   7.    www.nationalgeographic.com/earthpulse
   8.    www.earthlab.com
   9.    conservetheearth.org
   10.   www.conservation.org
   11.   www.nature.org
   12.   www.wcs.org

Employment / Jobs / Positions:
   1. Industry
         a. www.energycentraljobs.com/
         b. www.energycrossing.com/
   2. Green / Sustainability / Cleantech
         a. www.greenjobs.com/public/index.aspx
         b. www.greenenergyjobs.com/
         c. www.greenenergyjobsonline.com/
         d. www.sustainablebusiness.com/index.cfm/go/greendreamjobs.main
         e. www.cleantechrecruits.com/
         f. www.sustainablebusiness.com/
         g. www.sustainableenergyjobs.com/
         h. www.thegreenjobbank.com/
         i. www.5milliongreenjobs.org/

Peter Rovick  Babson M09, Bucknell 91                                                         provick@hotmail.com
Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation
   3. Alternative / Renewable Energy
          a. www.alternativeenergy.com/jobs
          b. www.renewableenergyjobs.com
          c. www.renewableenergyjobs.net
            d.   http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/careers/jobseekers
            e.   http://jobs.cleanedge.com/
            f.   www.energyplacement.com/jobs/renewable_energy_jobs_alternative
            g.   www.renewableenergyworld.com
            h.   www.acore.org/careers_in_renewable_energy
            i.   By Niche
                      i.    Wind
                                1.   www.windindustryjobs.com
                      ii.   Solar
                                1.   www.solarenergyjobs.org/
                                2.   www.ases.org
                    iii.    Hydrogen/Fuel Cell
                                1.   www.HydrogenandFuelCellJobs.org/
            j.   By State
                       i. www.masstech.org/is/MA_CE_employers.htm
                      ii. http://www.cleaneconomynetwork.org/
   4. Traditional (Oil, Gas, Coal, Nuclear)
            a.   www.oilandgasjobsonline.com
   5. Environmental
            a.   www.environmentaljobs.com
            b.   www.ecoemploy.com
            c.   www.environmentaljobs.com
            d.   www.ecojobs.com
   6. General
         a. http://www.indeed.com/
         b. www.careerbuilder.com/  then search by term(s)
         c. www.monster.com
         d. www.hotjobs.com
         e. www.professionalenergyjobs.com/
         f. www.simplyhired.com/a/jobs/list/q-alternative+energy

   1.   Employer HQ Locations: www.birdinthebush.org/cleantechmaps/

Career Guides:
   1.   www.greencareersguide.com/Clean-Energy.html
   2.   www.khake.com/page49.html
   3.   www.vault.com/wps/portal/usa/corporate-responsibility/green-programs?profileType=3041

Peter Rovick  Babson M09, Bucknell 91                                                 provick@hotmail.com
Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation

Companies / Employers:
   1. Consulting:
            a.   LISTS:
                     ii. TOP 200 Environmental Consulting Firms:
                    iii. http://valuationresources.com/Reports/SIC8748EnvironmentalConsultingFirms.htm
            b.   COMPANIES:
                      i. Kema: www.kema.com
                     ii. IHS/CERA: www.ihscera.com
                    iii. Cadmus: http://www.cadmusgroup.com/
   2. Advisors/Analysis/Reporting:
         a. IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates速, Inc. (IHS CERA速) www.cera.com
   3. Industry
         a. Massachusetts Department of Energy & Environmental Affairs (DOER):
            b.   Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP):
            c.   http://www.mass.gov/dep/
            d.   List of Renewable Energy Businesses in MA (and other states):
            e.   Aerotek: energy.aerotek.com/
            f.   Citizens Energy Corp: hwww.citizensenergygroup.com/ACareers.aspx

Alumni Clubs (several allow free membership  even for non-alums)
   1.   Massachusetts:
           a. Babson: babson.imodules.com/s/651/group.aspx?sid=651&gid=115
           b. MIT Energy Club: www.mitenergyclub.org/  excellent  subscribe to newsletter
           c. MIT (Sloan): http://www.sloanee.com/
           d. Boston University:
           e. Harvard: www.harvardenergyclub.org/
           f. Tufts (Fletcher): http://fletcher.tufts.edu/studentgroups/eef/

Peter Rovick  Babson M09, Bucknell 91                                                   provick@hotmail.com
Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation


   1. Environmental Consciousness:
            a.   E2  The Economies of Being Environmentally Conscious (PBS television series) http://www.pbs.org/e2/index.html
                       i. This great evolving television series is categorized into themes including design, energy, transport, etc.
                           Free video trailers & episode excerpts available via the above link.
   2. Architecture/Design:
            a.   Green Roofs:
                       i.    Green Roofs - Cooling Los Angeles (2006):
                             http://www.fypower.org/pdf/LA_GreenRoofsResourceGuide.pdf <-- detailed PDF produced by the City of
                             Los Angeles -
                       ii.   Environment This Week: http://www.ArchitectureWeek.com/2010/0623/environment.html
                      iii.   Green Roof - Awards of Excellence: http://www.greenroofplants.com/media_booklet.pdf
                      iv.    Gap HQ in San Bruno:
                                  1. http://www.greenroofs.com/projects/pview.php?id=26 <-- lists Designers/Manufacturers
                                  2. http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/Gap_Offices_in_San_Bruno.html
   4. Legal:
            a.   CLF  Conservation Law Foundation: www.clf.org

Public Policy
   1.   www.whitehouse.gov/issues/energy_and_environment/
   2.   www.energycommission.org/
   3.   www.ieeeusa.org/volunteers/committees/epc/
   4.   www.nationalaglawcenter.org/assets/crs/RL33588.pdf
   5.   www.iea.org/Textbase/pm/grindex.aspx
   6.   www.energy.gov/about/timeline1939-1950.htm
   7.   www.recovery.gov
            a. www.recovery.gov/?q=content/agency-summary&agency_code=89
            b. www.recovery.gov/?q=content/agency-
   8.   www.energy.gov/recovery/funding.htm
   9.   Wikipedia:
            a. Energy Policy Act of 2005, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, and Emergency Economic Stabilization
                 Act of 2008
                        i. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_Energy_Acts
            b. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_policy_of_the_United_States
            c. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_Economic_Stabilization_Act_of_2008
            d. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Independence_and_Security_Act_of_2007
            e. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Policy_Act_of_2005

ISO 14000: Global Green Standards
   1.   http://www.iisd.org/greenstand/default.htm

        ABOUT: Peter has been an ardent volunteer for organizations in the green space including The Wellesley Trails Committee,
        The Wellesley Conservation Council, The Babson Alumni Green Forum (Chair 2009-2012), and The Charles River Watershed
        Association (CRWA). He also leads the WGBH Green Tour of WGBH LEED certified TV (PBS) & radio studios (NPR/PRI).

Peter Rovick  Babson M09, Bucknell 91                                                        provick@hotmail.com

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Green / Energy Resources Website List

  • 1. Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation Last Updated: 27OCT11 Peter Rovick, Babson M09, Bucknell 91 Please send additional suggestions to provick@hotmail.com Newsletters free subscriptions available 1. NewNet Clean Energy Investor Newsletter: http://www.newenergyworldnetwork.com/ 2. EBR: Energy Business Review: http://www.energy-business-review.com/ 3. Research Views: http://www.researchviews.com/ 4. Energy Central: www.energycentral.com/ 5. Renewable Energy Weekly: www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/subscribe 6. Greenbiz.com: http://www.greenbiz.com/home 7. Clean Edge: http://www.cleanedge.com/newsletter/ 8. Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC): http://www.irecusa.org/index.php?id=6 Research: (fees may apply but may be available for free to students if library subscribes) 1. Greentech Media: http://www.greentechmedia.com/ 2. IDC Green/Sustainability: www.idc.com/research/greenit.jsp 3. IBIS World: www.ibisworld.com 4. Energy Business Reports (fees apply) a. energybusinessreports.com 5. Sierra Energy Group the research & analysis division of Energy Central (fees apply) www.sierraenergygroup.net/ News/Publishing/Market Research/Events/Jobs 1. Clean Edge: http://www.cleanedge.com/ 2. Renewablesbiz: www.renewablesbiz.com news & analysis 3. EnergyPulse: the news site for Energy Central: http://www.energypulse.net 4. Greentech Media: http://www.greentechmedia.com/ 5. Cleantech Group LLC: http://cleantech.com/ 6. Massachusetts Clean Energy Center: http://www.masscec.com/ 7. Massachusetts Department of Energy & Environmental Affairs (DOER): http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=eoeeahomepage&L=1&L0=Home&sid=Eoeea 8. Renewable Energy World: http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/home 9. Business Green: http://www.businessgreen.com/ General Websites: 1. Think Green Resources: http://www.thinkgreenresources.com/ 2. Green Power Top 50 List: http://www.epa.gov/greenpower/toplists/top50.htm Magazines: 1. Publisher - Energy Central: a. Intelligent Utility:http://www.intelligentutility.com/intelligent-utility-magazine b. EnergyBiz: http://www.energycentral.com/magazines/energybiz 2. Conservation Magazine: http://www.conservationmagazine.org/ 3. Pennwell: http://www.pennwell.com Peter Rovick Babson M09, Bucknell 91 provick@hotmail.com
  • 2. Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation Industry Organizations: 1. Ceres: www.ceres.org a. Principles: http://www.ceres.org/Page.aspx?pid=416 b. Publications: http://www.ceres.org/Page.aspx?pid=592 2. American Wind Energy Association: www.awea.org/ 3. DSIRE Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency: http://www.dsireusa.org/ Living Green 1. Practically Green: www.practicallygreen.com 2. Citizens Energy: http://www.citizensenergy.com/english/pages/Sitemap <-- scroll to Citizens Unite links 3. Sustainable Wellesley: www.sustainablewellesley.com/ town initiative (start your own?) Residential: 1. www.greenresourcecouncil.org/green_resources.cfm 2. www.masssave.com/ 3. http://earth911.com/ 4. http://eartheasy.com 5. www.bluhomes.com Earth/Environmental/Conservation 1. www.earthwatch.org 2. www.clf.org 3. www.crwa.org 4. www.earthscan.co.uk 5. www.ecc1.org 6. www.earthconservation.net 7. www.nationalgeographic.com/earthpulse 8. www.earthlab.com 9. conservetheearth.org 10. www.conservation.org 11. www.nature.org 12. www.wcs.org Employment / Jobs / Positions: 1. Industry a. www.energycentraljobs.com/ b. www.energycrossing.com/ 2. Green / Sustainability / Cleantech a. www.greenjobs.com/public/index.aspx b. www.greenenergyjobs.com/ c. www.greenenergyjobsonline.com/ d. www.sustainablebusiness.com/index.cfm/go/greendreamjobs.main e. www.cleantechrecruits.com/ f. www.sustainablebusiness.com/ g. www.sustainableenergyjobs.com/ h. www.thegreenjobbank.com/ i. www.5milliongreenjobs.org/ Peter Rovick Babson M09, Bucknell 91 provick@hotmail.com
  • 3. Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation 3. Alternative / Renewable Energy a. www.alternativeenergy.com/jobs b. www.renewableenergyjobs.com c. www.renewableenergyjobs.net d. http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/careers/jobseekers e. http://jobs.cleanedge.com/ f. www.energyplacement.com/jobs/renewable_energy_jobs_alternative g. www.renewableenergyworld.com h. www.acore.org/careers_in_renewable_energy i. By Niche i. Wind 1. www.windindustryjobs.com ii. Solar 1. www.solarenergyjobs.org/ 2. www.ases.org iii. Hydrogen/Fuel Cell 1. www.HydrogenandFuelCellJobs.org/ j. By State i. www.masstech.org/is/MA_CE_employers.htm ii. http://www.cleaneconomynetwork.org/ 4. Traditional (Oil, Gas, Coal, Nuclear) a. www.oilandgasjobsonline.com 5. Environmental a. www.environmentaljobs.com b. www.ecoemploy.com c. www.environmentaljobs.com d. www.ecojobs.com 6. General a. http://www.indeed.com/ b. www.careerbuilder.com/ then search by term(s) c. www.monster.com d. www.hotjobs.com e. www.professionalenergyjobs.com/ f. www.simplyhired.com/a/jobs/list/q-alternative+energy Maps: 1. Employer HQ Locations: www.birdinthebush.org/cleantechmaps/ Career Guides: 1. www.greencareersguide.com/Clean-Energy.html 2. www.khake.com/page49.html 3. www.vault.com/wps/portal/usa/corporate-responsibility/green-programs?profileType=3041 Peter Rovick Babson M09, Bucknell 91 provick@hotmail.com
  • 4. Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation Companies / Employers: 1. Consulting: a. LISTS: i. http://sipa.columbia.edu/resources_services/career_services/current_students/career_resources/factshe ets/Energy_Consulting_Firms.pdf ii. TOP 200 Environmental Consulting Firms: http://enr.construction.com/people/toplists/topenvdesign/topenv_1-50.asp iii. http://valuationresources.com/Reports/SIC8748EnvironmentalConsultingFirms.htm b. COMPANIES: i. Kema: www.kema.com ii. IHS/CERA: www.ihscera.com iii. Cadmus: http://www.cadmusgroup.com/ 2. Advisors/Analysis/Reporting: a. IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates速, Inc. (IHS CERA速) www.cera.com 3. Industry a. Massachusetts Department of Energy & Environmental Affairs (DOER): http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=eoeeahomepage&L=1&L0=Home&sid=Eoeea b. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP): c. http://www.mass.gov/dep/ d. List of Renewable Energy Businesses in MA (and other states): http://energy.sourceguides.com/businesses/byGeo/US/byS/MA/MA.shtml e. Aerotek: energy.aerotek.com/ f. Citizens Energy Corp: hwww.citizensenergygroup.com/ACareers.aspx Alumni Clubs (several allow free membership even for non-alums) 1. Massachusetts: a. Babson: babson.imodules.com/s/651/group.aspx?sid=651&gid=115 b. MIT Energy Club: www.mitenergyclub.org/ excellent subscribe to newsletter c. MIT (Sloan): http://www.sloanee.com/ d. Boston University: e. Harvard: www.harvardenergyclub.org/ f. Tufts (Fletcher): http://fletcher.tufts.edu/studentgroups/eef/ Peter Rovick Babson M09, Bucknell 91 provick@hotmail.com
  • 5. Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation Environment 1. Environmental Consciousness: a. E2 The Economies of Being Environmentally Conscious (PBS television series) http://www.pbs.org/e2/index.html i. This great evolving television series is categorized into themes including design, energy, transport, etc. Free video trailers & episode excerpts available via the above link. 2. Architecture/Design: a. Green Roofs: i. Green Roofs - Cooling Los Angeles (2006): http://www.fypower.org/pdf/LA_GreenRoofsResourceGuide.pdf <-- detailed PDF produced by the City of Los Angeles - ii. Environment This Week: http://www.ArchitectureWeek.com/2010/0623/environment.html iii. Green Roof - Awards of Excellence: http://www.greenroofplants.com/media_booklet.pdf iv. Gap HQ in San Bruno: 1. http://www.greenroofs.com/projects/pview.php?id=26 <-- lists Designers/Manufacturers 2. http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/Gap_Offices_in_San_Bruno.html 4. Legal: a. CLF Conservation Law Foundation: www.clf.org Public Policy 1. www.whitehouse.gov/issues/energy_and_environment/ 2. www.energycommission.org/ 3. www.ieeeusa.org/volunteers/committees/epc/ 4. www.nationalaglawcenter.org/assets/crs/RL33588.pdf 5. www.iea.org/Textbase/pm/grindex.aspx 6. www.energy.gov/about/timeline1939-1950.htm 7. www.recovery.gov a. www.recovery.gov/?q=content/agency-summary&agency_code=89 b. www.recovery.gov/?q=content/agency- summary&agency_code=89#TB_inline?height=240&width=400&inlineId=tb_external 8. www.energy.gov/recovery/funding.htm 9. Wikipedia: a. Energy Policy Act of 2005, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, and Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 i. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_Energy_Acts b. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_policy_of_the_United_States c. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_Economic_Stabilization_Act_of_2008 d. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Independence_and_Security_Act_of_2007 e. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Policy_Act_of_2005 ISO 14000: Global Green Standards 1. http://www.iisd.org/greenstand/default.htm ABOUT: Peter has been an ardent volunteer for organizations in the green space including The Wellesley Trails Committee, The Wellesley Conservation Council, The Babson Alumni Green Forum (Chair 2009-2012), and The Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA). He also leads the WGBH Green Tour of WGBH LEED certified TV (PBS) & radio studios (NPR/PRI). Peter Rovick Babson M09, Bucknell 91 provick@hotmail.com