This document summarizes a media call about building a vibrant solar workforce. It discusses the Solar Ready Vets program, which trains US veterans for careers in the solar industry. The call featured representatives from the Department of Defense, military bases, community colleges, and solar companies. It provided details on existing and new Solar Ready Vets training programs located at military bases across the US. The document also summarized recent Solar Training and Education for Professionals awards totaling over $10 million that aim to expand solar training opportunities.
The Future is Here, Butler Community College, Butler and Wichita, Kansas, Feb...Jim "Brodie" Brazell
The document discusses challenges and opportunities related to workforce development and STEM education. It notes that many current and future jobs will require multi-disciplinary skills in areas like mechatronics, biotechnology, and health careers. Employers emphasize the need for problem-solving, computer skills, and hands-on applied learning in addition to theoretical knowledge. The document also highlights examples of high-paying career opportunities for skilled workers in fields like aerospace manufacturing, wind energy, and chemical technology.
The document discusses various Web 2.0 tools for collecting, organizing, and sharing information online. It provides examples of sites like Flickr, Google Earth, Google Docs, and YouTube that allow users to upload and view photos, videos, and collaboratively edit documents. These tools enable powerful sharing of visual content and real-time collaboration on documents from anywhere on the web.
The document discusses various Web 2.0 tools for collecting, organizing, and sharing information online. It provides examples of sites like Flickr, Google Earth, Google Docs, and YouTube that allow users to upload and view photos, videos, and collaborate on documents. These tools enable users to easily share content and work together from anywhere on the web.
This document discusses various alternative energy resources including solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, biomass energy, and geothermal energy. It provides details on how each type of energy is harnessed, examples of applications, and the current and potential future usage of these renewable resources. In particular, it notes that solar energy can be used for agriculture, water heating, cooking, and generating electricity. It also explains that wind energy is captured via wind turbines and used to generate electricity, while tidal energy harnesses the kinetic energy of ocean tides and currents.
This document provides an overview of various renewable energy sources including hydro, wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal energy. It describes how each source harnesses natural resources to generate energy. For each type, it discusses their history of use, how electricity is generated, and examples of applications. The document aims to educate about renewable energy sources and their importance as clean alternatives to fossil fuels.
This document defines and provides examples of renewable and non-renewable natural resources. Renewable resources like oxygen, wood, and water can be replenished within human lifetimes through natural processes. Non-renewable resources such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas take significantly longer to form and are finite in supply, being non-renewable on a human timescale. The document cautions that renewable resources are not endless, and provides context on misconceptions around resource renewability.
Renewable and non-renewable energy resources and the importance of energy conservation are discussed. Renewable resources include solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biofuels which can be replenished. Non-renewable resources like coal, oil and gas are limited and their extraction causes environmental damage. Conservation of energy through efficient use and recycling is emphasized to reduce pollution and delay depletion of non-renewable resources.
Algal Biorefinery for Electrical Power OutputAlena Senf, EIT
This document proposes designing an algal biorefinery system to produce electricity for a home. It would involve growing algae in photobioreactor panels, filtering out the algae, drying it, and using combustion to generate steam and power a turbine to produce electricity. The goals are to optimize algal growth, design a home-compatible system, and produce electricity. Key considerations are costs, space needs, maintenance requirements, and energy inputs/outputs. Literature is reviewed on algal growth equations and production methods. A conceptual design is presented involving the photobioreactor, filtration, drying, and power generation components.
Energy management solutions. A Framework for your Energy Management SystemYokogawa
ISO50001 International Standard, a Framework for your Energy Management System. Energy security, energy cost and climate change are global concerns. As a first step to cope with these challenges, top management need to measure energy metrics effectively and look for formal processes to execute energy management policies.
Brown Roofs, Blue Dorms and Platinum Condos: emerging Trends in Green Building.
Bryn Nelson is a freelance science writer and editor with a special interest in technology, biomedicine, and ecology. Formerly an award-winning science writer for Newsday and a weekly columnist for Nelson spoke at Covering the Green Economy in June 2010.
Humankind has relied heavily on fossil fuels which has led to environmental issues. Fossil fuels are formed from remains of dead plants and animals and are used for energy in many applications. However, their use contributes to climate change through carbon dioxide emissions and has other disadvantages like pollution, health impacts, and finite supply. While fossil fuels have benefits like wide availability and high energy output, their overconsumption is not sustainable and is causing problems that must be addressed.
Altered carbon -- Carbon Processing, Programming, and Economyahessel
Graphical slides for presentation at Humanity+ Summit, Harvard University, June 12-13. See full video online to hear the story (approx 10 minutes).
Carbon is abundant, versatile, and the chemical foundation of all living creatures. Moreover, new forms of carbon are speeding advances in materials science, nanotechnology, and computing, with paradigm-busting ramifications. It is even poised to become the first truly global currency as industries transition away from carbon emitting processes to carbon-capturing ones in the expanding effort to stabilize our climate. And thats just the beginning. Living creatures arent only made of carbon: they are versatile and efficient carbon processors. The ease by which life can be programmed to do our bidding opens the door to new, altered carbon forms no longer bounded by the need simply to survive long enough to replicate and pass on genes. The days of natural selection, then, are drawing to a close, to be replaced by an evolution Darwin never saw coming, one directed, for better or worse, by human enterprise, creative expression, or folly.
Altered Carbon - Andrew Hessel - H+ Summit @ HarvardHumanity Plus
The document discusses a presentation given by Andrew Hessel on carbon processing and programming at the humanity+ summit at Harvard University on June 12-13, 2010. It includes links to images related to topics like deforestation, oil spills, biofuels, nanotechnology, and greenhouse gas emissions. Statistics are given showing global carbon emissions increasing to 8.2 billion tons in carbon equivalents in 2009, costing $135 billion, a 68% rise from the previous year.
The document contains a collection of links to various websites about different ecological topics such as biomes, ecosystems, nutrient cycles, and aquatic biomes. The links are organized under headings for different ecological concepts and include websites from .edu, .gov, and other sources. There are also credits for pictures and information included from other sources.
The document provides information and resources for creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly home. It discusses using recycled, reclaimed, and eco-friendly materials for construction elements like insulation, flooring, countertops and more. It also recommends implementing renewable energy sources and energy efficient appliances to reduce the home's carbon footprint and lower utility costs. Website links are included for many products and techniques.
This document provides information about pursuing a career in sustainability. It outlines various career paths such as sustainability consultant, green building professional, and corporate sustainability director. It also discusses relevant coursework, skills needed like CAD and LEED certification, graduate program opportunities, and local hands-on learning opportunities. The document indicates that while all three career paths are of interest, the author is currently leaning toward gaining experience as a sustainability consultant to further their technical education for a future career in green building or design.
The document provides an overview of the waste-to-energy market in the United States. It discusses key facts about waste generation and processing. It also reviews the costs of different thermal technologies and notes that some major urban areas have run out of landfill space. Additionally, the document examines opportunities for investors in areas like upgrading facilities to produce end-use products and notes several barriers that obstruct investment in the waste-to-energy industry.
Greening Your Congregation provides 40 ideas for making congregations more environmentally sustainable, including ideas related to lighting, office operations, heating/cooling, landscaping, transportation, renewable energy, and worship. It also lists local and national resources for green building, energy audits, recycling/composting, and networking opportunities among faith communities working on sustainability. The document aims to equip congregations with practical steps and partnerships to reduce their environmental impact through building operations, grounds keeping, and community engagement.
The document discusses using renewable energy for crisis management. It provides some facts about renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, and biomass providing 75% of liquid fuel needs and allowing for onsite production of heat and electricity. It also lists several useful links for information on renewable energy technologies and projects. The document encourages remembering that renewable energy and energy friends can help with remote power needs.
CSCR Business #3: Green Buildings, Resilient Infrastructure, Climate Smart De...Sustainable Tompkins
This document discusses the impacts of climate change and the need for more resilient infrastructure and green buildings. It begins by showing examples of past climate disasters like hurricanes Katrina and Sandy that overwhelmed infrastructure and shelters. It then discusses how buildings currently consume large amounts of energy and resources. The remainder focuses on innovations for more sustainable and climate-resilient design approaches like Living Buildings that are energy positive, use local and recycled materials, treat waste on-site, and are designed for maximum efficiency and resilience against climate impacts. Examples of existing Living Building projects are also provided.
Solar power converts ultraviolet rays from the sun into electricity. It can be used to power electronics, heat water, and charge objects. Using solar power benefits the community through tax credits, saving money on utility bills, and reducing pollution. The document also discusses using solar power for a lamp and solar projects in Hawaii.
The slide about sustainable of green building on design efficiency and the effect to human society, world and health. The content also support United Nation sustainable goal and carry unethical problem and suggestion to overcome.
The document provides an overview of the waste-to-energy industry in the United States, including key facts about market opportunities and technologies. It discusses the types of facilities used, conversion processes like combustion and gasification, inputs and commercial opportunities. The document also profiles companies in the industry and reviews factors like incentives, concerns, costs and the regulatory environment. It aims to give investors an outlook on market trends and potential areas for investment.
This document provides a list of references related to greening the Diridon area of San Jose. It includes references organized under the following topics: land use, transportation, air quality, greenhouse gases, hydrology, and biological resources. Some of the key strategies referenced include increasing housing density near transit, promoting native plants and reducing heat islands, implementing transportation demand management programs, improving bike routes and transit, reducing vehicle pollution, assessing life cycle costs and climate change mitigations, addressing sea level rise and stormwater infiltration, and incorporating bird-friendly design.
1. The document discusses sustainability interventions that managers of projects and programs can implement to address opportunities and challenges related to sustainability. It provides an agenda of options to consider for homes, workplaces, transportation, and lifestyles to reduce environmental impact.
2. The document also discusses managing projects through principles like whole-life costings and establishing environmental project steering groups. It provides interventions to incorporate sustainability into different phases of a project.
3. The conclusion emphasizes that sustainability issues will require pragmatic interpretation and incorporation into projects by managers. It encourages thinking about simple sustainability measures like life-cycle costings and greening supply chains.
The document evaluates 15 websites on their accuracy, currency, content, and functionality for researching environmental topics. Most sites were found to provide reliable, up-to-date information through written content and sometimes visuals like pictures or videos. A few sites could not be fully verified or lacked references. Overall the websites offered useful information for learning about environmental issues.
This document outlines the SQL reporting process for analyzing student data. It includes sections on the methodology, running SQL scripts, potential issues, and examples. The methodology section describes collecting data from multiple tables, transforming the data, and outputting results. The document provides step-by-step instructions for running SQL scripts to perform the analysis and export results. It also includes examples of narrative summaries and methodology highlights that would be generated from the reporting.
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Similar to Green / Energy Resources Website List (20)
Algal Biorefinery for Electrical Power OutputAlena Senf, EIT
This document proposes designing an algal biorefinery system to produce electricity for a home. It would involve growing algae in photobioreactor panels, filtering out the algae, drying it, and using combustion to generate steam and power a turbine to produce electricity. The goals are to optimize algal growth, design a home-compatible system, and produce electricity. Key considerations are costs, space needs, maintenance requirements, and energy inputs/outputs. Literature is reviewed on algal growth equations and production methods. A conceptual design is presented involving the photobioreactor, filtration, drying, and power generation components.
Energy management solutions. A Framework for your Energy Management SystemYokogawa
ISO50001 International Standard, a Framework for your Energy Management System. Energy security, energy cost and climate change are global concerns. As a first step to cope with these challenges, top management need to measure energy metrics effectively and look for formal processes to execute energy management policies.
Brown Roofs, Blue Dorms and Platinum Condos: emerging Trends in Green Building.
Bryn Nelson is a freelance science writer and editor with a special interest in technology, biomedicine, and ecology. Formerly an award-winning science writer for Newsday and a weekly columnist for Nelson spoke at Covering the Green Economy in June 2010.
Humankind has relied heavily on fossil fuels which has led to environmental issues. Fossil fuels are formed from remains of dead plants and animals and are used for energy in many applications. However, their use contributes to climate change through carbon dioxide emissions and has other disadvantages like pollution, health impacts, and finite supply. While fossil fuels have benefits like wide availability and high energy output, their overconsumption is not sustainable and is causing problems that must be addressed.
Altered carbon -- Carbon Processing, Programming, and Economyahessel
Graphical slides for presentation at Humanity+ Summit, Harvard University, June 12-13. See full video online to hear the story (approx 10 minutes).
Carbon is abundant, versatile, and the chemical foundation of all living creatures. Moreover, new forms of carbon are speeding advances in materials science, nanotechnology, and computing, with paradigm-busting ramifications. It is even poised to become the first truly global currency as industries transition away from carbon emitting processes to carbon-capturing ones in the expanding effort to stabilize our climate. And thats just the beginning. Living creatures arent only made of carbon: they are versatile and efficient carbon processors. The ease by which life can be programmed to do our bidding opens the door to new, altered carbon forms no longer bounded by the need simply to survive long enough to replicate and pass on genes. The days of natural selection, then, are drawing to a close, to be replaced by an evolution Darwin never saw coming, one directed, for better or worse, by human enterprise, creative expression, or folly.
Altered Carbon - Andrew Hessel - H+ Summit @ HarvardHumanity Plus
The document discusses a presentation given by Andrew Hessel on carbon processing and programming at the humanity+ summit at Harvard University on June 12-13, 2010. It includes links to images related to topics like deforestation, oil spills, biofuels, nanotechnology, and greenhouse gas emissions. Statistics are given showing global carbon emissions increasing to 8.2 billion tons in carbon equivalents in 2009, costing $135 billion, a 68% rise from the previous year.
The document contains a collection of links to various websites about different ecological topics such as biomes, ecosystems, nutrient cycles, and aquatic biomes. The links are organized under headings for different ecological concepts and include websites from .edu, .gov, and other sources. There are also credits for pictures and information included from other sources.
The document provides information and resources for creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly home. It discusses using recycled, reclaimed, and eco-friendly materials for construction elements like insulation, flooring, countertops and more. It also recommends implementing renewable energy sources and energy efficient appliances to reduce the home's carbon footprint and lower utility costs. Website links are included for many products and techniques.
This document provides information about pursuing a career in sustainability. It outlines various career paths such as sustainability consultant, green building professional, and corporate sustainability director. It also discusses relevant coursework, skills needed like CAD and LEED certification, graduate program opportunities, and local hands-on learning opportunities. The document indicates that while all three career paths are of interest, the author is currently leaning toward gaining experience as a sustainability consultant to further their technical education for a future career in green building or design.
The document provides an overview of the waste-to-energy market in the United States. It discusses key facts about waste generation and processing. It also reviews the costs of different thermal technologies and notes that some major urban areas have run out of landfill space. Additionally, the document examines opportunities for investors in areas like upgrading facilities to produce end-use products and notes several barriers that obstruct investment in the waste-to-energy industry.
Greening Your Congregation provides 40 ideas for making congregations more environmentally sustainable, including ideas related to lighting, office operations, heating/cooling, landscaping, transportation, renewable energy, and worship. It also lists local and national resources for green building, energy audits, recycling/composting, and networking opportunities among faith communities working on sustainability. The document aims to equip congregations with practical steps and partnerships to reduce their environmental impact through building operations, grounds keeping, and community engagement.
The document discusses using renewable energy for crisis management. It provides some facts about renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, and biomass providing 75% of liquid fuel needs and allowing for onsite production of heat and electricity. It also lists several useful links for information on renewable energy technologies and projects. The document encourages remembering that renewable energy and energy friends can help with remote power needs.
CSCR Business #3: Green Buildings, Resilient Infrastructure, Climate Smart De...Sustainable Tompkins
This document discusses the impacts of climate change and the need for more resilient infrastructure and green buildings. It begins by showing examples of past climate disasters like hurricanes Katrina and Sandy that overwhelmed infrastructure and shelters. It then discusses how buildings currently consume large amounts of energy and resources. The remainder focuses on innovations for more sustainable and climate-resilient design approaches like Living Buildings that are energy positive, use local and recycled materials, treat waste on-site, and are designed for maximum efficiency and resilience against climate impacts. Examples of existing Living Building projects are also provided.
Solar power converts ultraviolet rays from the sun into electricity. It can be used to power electronics, heat water, and charge objects. Using solar power benefits the community through tax credits, saving money on utility bills, and reducing pollution. The document also discusses using solar power for a lamp and solar projects in Hawaii.
The slide about sustainable of green building on design efficiency and the effect to human society, world and health. The content also support United Nation sustainable goal and carry unethical problem and suggestion to overcome.
The document provides an overview of the waste-to-energy industry in the United States, including key facts about market opportunities and technologies. It discusses the types of facilities used, conversion processes like combustion and gasification, inputs and commercial opportunities. The document also profiles companies in the industry and reviews factors like incentives, concerns, costs and the regulatory environment. It aims to give investors an outlook on market trends and potential areas for investment.
This document provides a list of references related to greening the Diridon area of San Jose. It includes references organized under the following topics: land use, transportation, air quality, greenhouse gases, hydrology, and biological resources. Some of the key strategies referenced include increasing housing density near transit, promoting native plants and reducing heat islands, implementing transportation demand management programs, improving bike routes and transit, reducing vehicle pollution, assessing life cycle costs and climate change mitigations, addressing sea level rise and stormwater infiltration, and incorporating bird-friendly design.
1. The document discusses sustainability interventions that managers of projects and programs can implement to address opportunities and challenges related to sustainability. It provides an agenda of options to consider for homes, workplaces, transportation, and lifestyles to reduce environmental impact.
2. The document also discusses managing projects through principles like whole-life costings and establishing environmental project steering groups. It provides interventions to incorporate sustainability into different phases of a project.
3. The conclusion emphasizes that sustainability issues will require pragmatic interpretation and incorporation into projects by managers. It encourages thinking about simple sustainability measures like life-cycle costings and greening supply chains.
The document evaluates 15 websites on their accuracy, currency, content, and functionality for researching environmental topics. Most sites were found to provide reliable, up-to-date information through written content and sometimes visuals like pictures or videos. A few sites could not be fully verified or lacked references. Overall the websites offered useful information for learning about environmental issues.
This document outlines the SQL reporting process for analyzing student data. It includes sections on the methodology, running SQL scripts, potential issues, and examples. The methodology section describes collecting data from multiple tables, transforming the data, and outputting results. The document provides step-by-step instructions for running SQL scripts to perform the analysis and export results. It also includes examples of narrative summaries and methodology highlights that would be generated from the reporting.
APL UCP 500_Deciphering Changes to Complex Government RegulationsPeter Rovick
Award-winning flyer distributed to clients nationwide: helping customers to decipher changes to complex government regulations and answer the questions "how do these changes affect me" and "what do I need to do?"
We are launching a new Merchant Partner Program to help businesses accept payments online and in-person. This program offers payment processing services and tools at competitive rates to help merchants better serve their customers. Interested businesses should contact a sales representative or visit our website to learn more about the benefits of our program and how to sign up.
The crash of 29 wgbh american experience_peter rovickPeter Rovick
The document summarizes an episode of the PBS American Experience miniseries "The 1930s" titled "The Crash of 1929" that will air on WGBH. The episode depicts the optimism of the late 1920s stock market boom and how prominent businessman Roger Babson, founder of Babson College, correctly warned of an impending crash while others predicted continued prosperity. It describes how small investors and even celebrities like Groucho Marx invested based on this optimism but were hurt when the crash did occur in October 1929 and stock prices plummeted. The episode highlights Babson's unpopular stance in warning of the coming crash years before it happened.
The purpose of this whitepaper is to focus on terms, niches, uses, and players related to location-based apps available for mobile phones.
While many reports provide a quantitative overview with statistical information related to market growth, revenues, app user base, etc., the intention of this report is to focus more on qualitative and behavioral factors related to providers, app users, and merchant partners.
Wellesley trails system rovick april 2010Peter Rovick
Overview of Wellesley Trails Committee and related trail network / projects (best viewed in "slideshow" mode, in order to view overlaying Animations on several slides)
This document provides biographical information on multiple individuals. It discusses Babson College's recognition for developing students' entrepreneurial skills. It mentions the college's focus on entrepreneurship as an engine of growth and finding one's passion. Several individuals are highlighted for their business successes and contributions to entrepreneurship education.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenville.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
1. Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation
Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation
Last Updated: 27OCT11
Peter Rovick, Babson M09, Bucknell 91
Please send additional suggestions to
Newsletters free subscriptions available
1. NewNet Clean Energy Investor Newsletter:
2. EBR: Energy Business Review:
3. Research Views:
4. Energy Central:
5. Renewable Energy Weekly:
7. Clean Edge:
8. Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC):
Research: (fees may apply but may be available for free to students if library subscribes)
1. Greentech Media:
2. IDC Green/Sustainability:
3. IBIS World:
4. Energy Business Reports (fees apply)
5. Sierra Energy Group the research & analysis division of Energy Central (fees apply)
News/Publishing/Market Research/Events/Jobs
1. Clean Edge:
2. Renewablesbiz: news & analysis
3. EnergyPulse: the news site for Energy Central:
4. Greentech Media:
5. Cleantech Group LLC:
6. Massachusetts Clean Energy Center:
7. Massachusetts Department of Energy & Environmental Affairs (DOER):
8. Renewable Energy World:
9. Business Green:
General Websites:
1. Think Green Resources:
2. Green Power Top 50 List:
1. Publisher - Energy Central:
a. Intelligent Utility:
b. EnergyBiz:
2. Conservation Magazine:
3. Pennwell:
Peter Rovick Babson M09, Bucknell 91
2. Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation
Industry Organizations:
1. Ceres:
a. Principles:
b. Publications:
2. American Wind Energy Association:
3. DSIRE Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency:
Living Green
1. Practically Green:
2. Citizens Energy: <-- scroll to Citizens Unite links
3. Sustainable Wellesley: town initiative (start your own?)
Employment / Jobs / Positions:
1. Industry
2. Green / Sustainability / Cleantech
Peter Rovick Babson M09, Bucknell 91
3. Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation
3. Alternative / Renewable Energy
i. By Niche
i. Wind
ii. Solar
iii. Hydrogen/Fuel Cell
j. By State
4. Traditional (Oil, Gas, Coal, Nuclear)
5. Environmental
6. General
b. then search by term(s)
1. Employer HQ Locations:
Career Guides:
Peter Rovick Babson M09, Bucknell 91
4. Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation
Companies / Employers:
1. Consulting:
ii. TOP 200 Environmental Consulting Firms:
i. Kema:
iii. Cadmus:
2. Advisors/Analysis/Reporting:
a. IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates速, Inc. (IHS CERA速)
3. Industry
a. Massachusetts Department of Energy & Environmental Affairs (DOER):
b. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP):
d. List of Renewable Energy Businesses in MA (and other states):
e. Aerotek:
f. Citizens Energy Corp:
Alumni Clubs (several allow free membership even for non-alums)
1. Massachusetts:
a. Babson:
b. MIT Energy Club: excellent subscribe to newsletter
c. MIT (Sloan):
d. Boston University:
e. Harvard:
f. Tufts (Fletcher):
Peter Rovick Babson M09, Bucknell 91
5. Green Resources: Energy, Environment, & Conservation
1. Environmental Consciousness:
a. E2 The Economies of Being Environmentally Conscious (PBS television series)
i. This great evolving television series is categorized into themes including design, energy, transport, etc.
Free video trailers & episode excerpts available via the above link.
2. Architecture/Design:
a. Green Roofs:
i. Green Roofs - Cooling Los Angeles (2006): <-- detailed PDF produced by the City of
Los Angeles -
ii. Environment This Week:
iii. Green Roof - Awards of Excellence:
iv. Gap HQ in San Bruno:
1. <-- lists Designers/Manufacturers
4. Legal:
a. CLF Conservation Law Foundation:
Public Policy
9. Wikipedia:
a. Energy Policy Act of 2005, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, and Emergency Economic Stabilization
Act of 2008
ISO 14000: Global Green Standards
ABOUT: Peter has been an ardent volunteer for organizations in the green space including The Wellesley Trails Committee,
The Wellesley Conservation Council, The Babson Alumni Green Forum (Chair 2009-2012), and The Charles River Watershed
Association (CRWA). He also leads the WGBH Green Tour of WGBH LEED certified TV (PBS) & radio studios (NPR/PRI).
Peter Rovick Babson M09, Bucknell 91