1) The document discusses greens and salads, summarizing consumption habits among 252 Malaysian adults - 28.6% of males and 71.4% of females eat salads. Malays make up 51.6% of consumers, followed by Chinese at 30.5% and Indians at 17.5%.
2) Several local salad greens are described, including peria (bitter melon), daun selerai (celery leaves), pegaga (centella), and ulam raja. Their nutritional contents and traditional medicinal uses are listed.
3) The benefits of eating salads include improving immunity, lowering blood pressure, strengthening bones and blood circulation. Salad greens contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants
56. able to improve the original
immune cells in the human body
believed to help reduce the risk of
some side due to an outbreak of
57. able to improve the original
immune cells in the human body
believed to help reduce the risk of
some side due to an outbreak of
HIV disease, such as
arthritis, herpes, tuberkolisis and
skin diseases
59. leaves and stems SALERI always used
to add flavor in cooking fry
rich with
60. leaves and stems SALERI always used
to add flavor in cooking fry
rich with
iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, car
otene, vitamins A, B-Complex, C and
62. In traditional medicine SADERI
believed to help lower high blood
act staged centrifugal drainage and
menstrual and vaginal discharge
65. considered youthful side dish
In the field of traditional
medicine, pennywort used as an anti-
allergic, anti-cancer, urine stimulus
spending, cooling off, eject
rocks, bidders bloody urine
disease, leprosy, gonorrhea, wounds, s
cabies, and sore throat
66. When the Mothers who are
forgoing a give birth after
all, practice good drink fresh
juice for improved health
pennywort Organs recovered
71. rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamin
A and calcium
Plants derived from the Latin America
to smell when the leaves mixed, but
nothing he likes the smell of it
because opener taste
73. Ulam raja used to improve blood
circulation and strengthen bones in
addition to a very high antioxidant
74. Ulam raja used to improve blood
circulation and strengthen bones in
addition to a very high antioxidant
75. Ulam raja used to improve blood
circulation and strengthen bones in
addition to a very high antioxidant
Typically the young shoots or leaves
are edible and it may be mixed with
another mistress in herb rice side dish
78. In addition to several types of
vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2 and
C, king side dish contains lots of water
also has
protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calciu
m, phosphorus, ferum, sodium, potassiu
m and niacin
82. Cucumber between mistress fairly
easily touched and have various
properties. Originated from India and
83. Cucumber between mistress fairly
easily touched and have various
properties. Originated from India and
planted about 3,000 years ago, trying
84. Cucumber between mistress fairly
easily touched and have various
properties. Originated from India and
planted about 3,000 years ago, trying
to perpetuate cucumber alkali content
85. Cucumber between mistress fairly
easily touched and have various
properties. Originated from India and
planted about 3,000 years ago, trying
to perpetuate cucumber alkali content
in the blood of the body
87. Due to the high content of
acidic, cucumber helps
maintainability through decision
gastric juice. Instead, mix the juice
with a few other problems Ingredients
to help uric acids The annual
associated gout and arthritis
88. In fact, cucumber is used for beauty
care, especially the problem of
acne, dark spots, and dry skin twitch
89. In addition to the high content of
moisture (approximately 96.3
peratus moisture for 100
90. In addition to the high content of
moisture (approximately 96.3
peratus moisture for 100
grams), has a cucumber
protein, minerals, fiber, carb
ohydrates, calcium, phosph
orus, iron, vitamin A and
vitamin C
91. Enjoy cucumber with skin wasting
not a good idea because it contains
sterols for lowering cholesterol
levels and many cucumber skin
contains sterols
92. Green salads is a potential source
for increasing vegetable consumption
to meet recommendation by World
Health Organization
(WHO), which is 400 g per day