We recorded a video in front of a green screen ensuring the edges were not visible, then imported the footage and background image into After Effects. Using the color key effect, we removed the green by selecting the color with the picker tool and adjusting tolerance until the subjects appeared without green. Finally, we added the background image to the composition and exported the completed green screen video.
2. Record Footage
We recorded our video in front of the green
screen ensuring that the edges of the green
screen couldnt be seen.
3. Import Footage
We then imported the
footage into adobe after
effects along with the
image we were using as
the background.
4. Keying
We used the color key effect to remove the green by selecting the
green using the picker tool and moving color tolerance up until the
green began to disappear. Once the subjects of the video began to
disappear we added another key color and repeated the process
untill all the green was gone.
Color picker
5. Background image
Once we had keyed all of the green out of the
video we dropped the background image onto
the composition and enlarged it until it was the
size of the screen.
6. Finished Video
Once all of the following steps had been completed
we had our finished green screen test. We then
exported it and uploaded it to youtube.