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Wellness Club Ltd.

              Green Solutions to SMEs

                           Yolanda Che
                               Founder & Director
                               Wellness Club Ltd

Wellness Club Ltd.

       What is climate change?
Definition by The United Nations
Framework Convention:

“a change of climate which is attributed
directly or indirectly to human activity
that alters the composition of the global
atmosphere and which is in addition to
natural climate variability observed over
comparable time periods”.
    p             p
Wellness Club Ltd.

2500 scientists

“Global warming
is real and
caused by human
activities and
many say we
have only 10
years to take
action before we
reach a point of
no return”.

Wellness Club Ltd.

1. rising sea levels
2. extreme weather
3 extended droughts
4. extended floods
5. disappearing glaciers
       pp     gg
6. increased health risks
Wellness Club Ltd.

up to 2° Less food and water, more disease, floods,
droughts, heat waves and storms
     g ,

+2 - 3° Coral reefs almost extinct and 20 - 30% of all
species face extinction

+3 - 4° Major species extinctions around the world.
Collapse of Amazonian rainforest

+4 - 5° Major coastal cities threatened including
London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai.

+5 - 6° We don’t want to go there
Source: IPCC Report 2007

Wellness Club Ltd.

Wellness Club Ltd.

氣溫升2度就亡國 小島國疾呼限制為1.5度
(法新社) 2009年9月22日 星期二



限制溫度上升盡可能遠低於攝氏1 5度。

Wellness Club Ltd.

歐巴馬將出席氣候峰會 揭示美國減排目標 (法
新社) 2009年11月26日 星期四

美國總統歐巴馬將於 月 日出席哥本哈根 p
美國總統歐巴馬將於12月9日出席哥本哈根 Copenhagen 的

? 至2020年前美國將會較2005年排放水準減排17%
? 至2025年前美國較2005年排放水準減排30%
? 至2030年前減排42%、以及至2050年前減排83%


Wellness Club Ltd.

 Environmental Protection in HK
     Two significant environmental issues of concern are:

Hong Kong’s increasing energy consumption, its contribution to
  climate change and its deteriorating ambient air quality are
               major challenges in the region.

  The increasing quantities of solid waste requiring disposal
   which according to the Hong Kong SAR Government will
cause the Region’s landfills to reach capacity within 8-10 years.
        The landfills are filling up faster than planned.

Wellness Club Ltd.

         Why should we care?
A growing number of corporations (e.g. Mobil, Gap, Nike…)
    have b
    h     been experiencing consumer pressure on b tt
                      i    i                       better
environmental and social performance. Issues of corporate
   social responsibility are becoming main-stream and the
             p          y           g
public are asking questions about the overall social, ethical
     and environmental performance of the products and
services they purchase. This is prompting change amongst
 the more enlightened businesses that see opportunities in
 integrating social and environmental concerns throughout
                  their business operations.
                  th i b i            ti
Wellness Club Ltd.

     Why should we do it?

1. Staff Morale & Retention
            2 Productivity
 3 Brand and Reputation
      4 Risk Management
Wellness Club Ltd.

      Why should we do it?

5 Identify New Opportunities

       6. Access to Capital

 7. Competitive Advantage
  . Co pet t e d a tage
Wellness Club Ltd.

What can my business do?
STEP I: Be A Green Leader

1. Leadership
2. Policy
3. Organization and Resources
4 Communication
5. Continual Improvement

Wellness Club Ltd.

What can my business do?
STEP II: Take Actions to Reduce Carbon Emissions,
Save Money and Improve Efficiency

1. Conduct a Carbon Audit
2. Save Energy
2 S     E
3. Save Water
4. Reduce Waste
5. Improve Indoor Air Quality
6. Reduce Noise

Wellness Club Ltd.

What can my business do?
STEP II: Take Actions to Reduce Carbon Emissions,
Save Money and Improve Efficiency

7. Manage Office and Storage Environment
8. Go L
8 G Low Carbon Transport
           C b T           t
9. Buy Green
10. Eat Green
11. Encourage Communication with Staff, Business
Partners, Customers and Stakeholders

Wellness Club Ltd.

Possible Carbon Emissions Reductions (I)

Wellness Club Ltd.


Wellness Club Ltd.

What can my business do?
STEP III: Strengthen Corporate Image and Stay

1. Go Carbon Neutral
2. Explore Green Business Opportunities

Wellness Club Ltd.

STEP III: Strengthen Corporate Image & Stay Competitive

Go Carbon Neutral
Benefits of Going Carbon Neutral
Upon implementation of green meas res there are remaining unavoidable carbon
                             measures,                         na oidable
emissions. Join GreenMyPlanet carbon neutral certification program to run your
company with greater carbon efficiency, ultimately being more climate friendly.

The certification states your company, product, service or event is carbon neutral
certified meaning emissions have been measured, reduced and offset. The latest
international protocol (from WRI’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol) is adopted as

When certified, company is qualified to use the Greenmyplanet carbon neutral
certification logo or mark for marketing & promotional purposes. The carbon neutral
logo helps to differentiate your products and brands in the competitive marketplace.

Wellness Club Ltd.

Go Carbon Neutral
Certification Process
Depending on the complexity of the request, most simple SME’s and events can be
certified within 2-3 days and up to 2 weeks for more complex needs.
1. Initial consultation
To identify needs and aspirations of company or event organizer
To identify boundaries for a carbon footprint
To identify a working plan
2. Carbon Management
A emission report citing CO2 emissions reduction opportunities i given t th
        i i          t iti         i i      d ti         t iti is i       to the
company to minimize the impact of activities and how to manage future carbon
3. Carbon Audit
Company provides data of energy bills, business flights, waste and if required
GreenMyPlanet auditor will conduct “life cycle analysis” of products or services.
4. Carbon Offsets
Carbon offsets will be purchased after measurement and reductions in order to
offset the remaining unavoidable emissions and to gain carbon neutral status.
Wellness Club Ltd.

Go Carbon Neutral
Area of Certification
1. Carbon Neutral Company

GHG emissions included are:
a) Energy consumption
b) Business travel
c) Company owned vehicles
 )C                d hi l
d) Waste sent to landfill
e) Staff commuting (optional)

GHG emissions are quantified for all sites owned or leased. A company can decide
to certify the entire company or specific sectors as carbon neutral. These typically
include head office, transportation or operations.

Wellness Club Ltd.

Go Carbon Neutral
Area of Certification
2. Carbon Neutral Event

GHG emissions included are:
a) Emission from event site
b) Travel of key participants, support staff and organizers
c) Accommodation of key participants support staff and organizers
 )A          d ti     fk       ti i  t         t t ff d     i
d) Emission associated with disposal of waste from event
e) Corporate sponsorship – offset emissions (optional)

Events include weddings, corporate events, shows, festivals, exhibitions, seminars,
workshops and conferences.

Wellness Club Ltd.

Go Carbon Neutral
Area of Certification
3. Carbon Neutral Product

GHG emissions included are:
a) Cradle to customer or grave
b) Emission associated with extraction, processing and
   transportation of raw materials
c) Emission associated with manufacturing, packaging and storage of the product
d) Emission associated with distribution of product to immediate customer
e) Emission associated with use and disposal (optional)

Options are available to certify either the entire life cycle process or particular
sectors such as electricity used in the manufacturing process.

Wellness Club Ltd.

Go Carbon Neutral
Area of Certification
A     f C ifi i
4. Carbon Neutral Service

GHG emissions included are:
a) Direct and indirect GHG emissions
   from sites used to deliver service
b) GHG emissions associated with transportation

Wellness Club Ltd.

Explore Green Business Opportunities

G i green is a global market t d and one of th i d t
             i    l b l    k t trend d      f the industry
sector SAR government is promoting. There are a few ways to
leverage on the business opportunities:
      g                   pp

1. Invest in environmental friendly technologies and products.
2 Invest in pollution prevention technologies
3. Invest in resource efficiency technologies.
4. Invest (via direct investment / venture capital or mutual
funds) in
f d ) i companies th t offer green products or services.
                   i that ff              d t           i
5. Join Wellness Club platform to stay informed of the market
trend and to explore g
                 p      green business opportunities.

Wellness Club Ltd.

O     t iti

Wellness Club Ltd.

Case Study: Health Gate
Putting it all together – Integrating green office practices into the
organic natural foods and products business

Core business: The company distributes HEALTHY AND ECO-
FRIENDLY PRODUCTS to support green lifestyle.

Air quality: The retailer installs of state-of-the-art AIR PURIFICATION
SYSTEM that has IMPROVED AIR QUALITY throughout the office and
store area.

Energy conservation: The store area and office are installed with full

PROGRAMS has been in place for many years, including office paper,
plastics and corrugated cardboard box recycling. Product display
cases are reused on the shelves. Corrugated cardboard boxes are
reused for home and office deliveries. "Health Gate Bag Recycling
                           deliveries Health
Campaign" is implemented where customer can redeem HK$0.20 for
each Health Gate plastic bag (in clean and unwrinkled condition) they
return.                                                                   www.wellnessclubhk.com
Wellness Club Ltd.

Case Study:
As carbon management and g
                 g           green business consultancy, Wellness Club Ltd. has integrated
                                                      y                             g
green management into business principles: to lead responsibly, to leverage “green” business
opportunities, and to reduce operational footprint.

Business Operations Going Green
Green Procurement:

Purchase products with ENERGY LABEL. Choose to use ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY
CLEANING supplies and products. Purchase ORGANIC, FAIR TRADE and HEALTH
products for corporate gift giving.

Wellness Club Ltd.

Business Operations Going Green
Green Office Management:

1. Waste management: Implement 3R policies for REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE office
paper and plastics bags. Avoid using one-off disposables. Reuse paper or magazines as gift-
wrapping materials.
2. Energy conservation: D l PASSIVE SOLAR LIGHTING f t
2 E                  ti   Deploy                                  features e.g. fans and wide-
                                                                                f      d id
opened windows, with full spectrum COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHTING system in the
office to help SAVE ENERGY. Install UV FILTER FILMS onto windows to minimize heat from
sunlight. Choose products with ENERGY LABEL. Remind staff to switch off all electronic
equipment, computers and lighting when not i use.
     i      t     t      d li hti     h     t in
3. Air quality management: Adopt NATURAL VENTILATION system to IMPROVE AIR
QUALITY throughout the office. Do not install ozone-depleting substances.
4. Carbon reduction: Use low-carbon LIGHTING system in the office and avoid business
       l to             EMISSION Encourage our clients and consumers t eat “MORE
t                                                     li t     d              to t
VEGGIES, LESS MEAT” to help reduce yearly emission of carbon dioxide on diet.
5. Environmental management: Monitor environmental performance (e.g. electricity and
water usage, and material purchase records) regularly. Regularly update management and
staff on environmental news, policies and regulations th t are related t th b i
  t ff        i     t l          li i   d       l ti  that       l t d to the business.

Wellness Club Ltd.

Business Operations Going Green
Green Marketing and Communication Practice:

1. Printing: marketing collaterals and name cards
are printed on RECYCLED PAPER with SOY
INK. Adopt electronic means of communication with
supply chain to SAVE PAPER. Support cause
2. Event management: Wellness Club organizes
marketing events for clients with sustainable event
guideline in place. Use the 3Rs – reduce, reuse,
recycle. Communicate electronically rather than by
paper. Be energy and water efficient. Minimize the
impacts of travel. Consider the wellbeing of
delegates, the local community, suppliers and
stakeholders. Raise awareness of the efforts and
share best practice ?

Wellness Club Ltd.

Business Model Going Green
The low carbon concept generates huge business opportunities around the globe, from
renewable energy projects, green fund trading to carbon management
solutions Wellness Club Ltd capitalizes on the market potential to represent
GreenMyPlanet carbon neutral certification program - a carbon offset solution for
businesses in greater China market.

Wellness Club Ltd helps clients reduce their environmental footprint by introducing
eco-friendly products and services, such as green (or SRI, socially responsible
investment) funds and organic products. Green Business Alliance is a business
platform set to facilitate exchange of information, technologies and opportunities.

Wellness Club Ltd has been receiving awards in recognition of its commitment in
environmental corporate social responsibility, including Caring Company Logo 2008/09
and the HSBC Living Business Awards 2009.

Wellness Club Ltd.

 Be the change you want to see in the world.

                           Yolanda Che


More Related Content

Green Solutions For SMEs

  • 1. Wellness Club Ltd. Green Solutions to SMEs Yolanda Che Founder & Director Wellness Club Ltd www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 2. Wellness Club Ltd. What is climate change? Definition by The United Nations Framework Convention: “a change of climate which is attributed g directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods”. p p www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 3. Wellness Club Ltd. 2500 scientists say: “Global warming is real and caused by human y activities and many say we have only 10 y years to take action before we reach a point of no return”. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 4. Wellness Club Ltd. 1. rising sea levels 2. extreme weather 3. 3 extended droughts 4. extended floods 5. disappearing glaciers pp gg 6. increased health risks www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 5. Wellness Club Ltd. up to 2° Less food and water, more disease, floods, droughts, heat waves and storms g , +2 - 3° Coral reefs almost extinct and 20 - 30% of all species face extinction p +3 - 4° Major species extinctions around the world. Collapse of Amazonian rainforest p +4 - 5° Major coastal cities threatened including London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai. +5 - 6° We don’t want to go there Source: IPCC Report 2007 www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 6. Wellness Club Ltd. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 7. Wellness Club Ltd. 氣溫升2度就亡國 小島國疾呼限制為1.5度 (法新社) 2009年9月22日 星期二 當世界領袖齊聚紐約進行關鍵性的氣候變化談判時,小 島嶼國家聯盟(AOSIS)今天警告,他們的時間不多了, 因為氣候增加攝氏2度,海平面的升高有可能使所有的小 島國從地圖上消失。 歐盟領導人表示,如果其他各國也同意付出相同心力, 他們願意致力於削減30%的二氧化碳排放量,使全球溫度 上升不超過攝氏2度 上升不超過攝氏2度。 小島嶼國家聯盟(AOSIS)要求新的哥本哈根氣候協議, 限制溫度上升盡可能遠低於攝氏1.5度。 限制溫度上升盡可能遠低於攝氏1 5度。 www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 8. Wellness Club Ltd. 歐巴馬將出席氣候峰會 揭示美國減排目標 (法 新社) 2009年11月26日 星期四 美國總統歐巴馬將於 月 日出席哥本哈根 p 美國總統歐巴馬將於12月9日出席哥本哈根 Copenhagen 的 g 聯合國氣候高峰會,並提出削減碳排放具體目標: ? 至2020年前美國將會較2005年排放水準減排17% ? 至2025年前美國較2005年排放水準減排30% ? 至2030年前減排42%、以及至2050年前減排83% 相較於幾乎所有其他國家都以1990年排放水準作為減排基 準,美國提出的減排17%目標,約僅相當於減排4%而已。 www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 9. Wellness Club Ltd. Environmental Protection in HK Two significant environmental issues of concern are: Hong Kong’s increasing energy consumption, its contribution to climate change and its deteriorating ambient air quality are major challenges in the region. The increasing quantities of solid waste requiring disposal which, which according to the Hong Kong SAR Government will cause the Region’s landfills to reach capacity within 8-10 years. The landfills are filling up faster than planned. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 10. Wellness Club Ltd. Why should we care? A growing number of corporations (e.g. Mobil, Gap, Nike…) have b h been experiencing consumer pressure on b tt i i better environmental and social performance. Issues of corporate social responsibility are becoming main-stream and the p y g public are asking questions about the overall social, ethical and environmental performance of the products and services they purchase. This is prompting change amongst purchase the more enlightened businesses that see opportunities in integrating social and environmental concerns throughout their business operations. th i b i ti www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 11. Wellness Club Ltd. Why should we do it? 1. Staff Morale & Retention 2. 2 Productivity 3. 3 Brand and Reputation 4. 4 Risk Management www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 12. Wellness Club Ltd. Why should we do it? y 5. 5 Identify New Opportunities 6. Access to Capital 7. Competitive Advantage . Co pet t e d a tage www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 13. Wellness Club Ltd. What can my business do? STEP I: Be A Green Leader 1. Leadership 2. Policy 3. Organization and Resources 4. 4 Communication 5. Continual Improvement www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 14. Wellness Club Ltd. What can my business do? y STEP II: Take Actions to Reduce Carbon Emissions, Save Money and Improve Efficiency 1. Conduct a Carbon Audit 2. Save Energy 2 S E 3. Save Water 4. Reduce Waste 5. Improve Indoor Air Quality 6. Reduce Noise www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 15. Wellness Club Ltd. What can my business do? y STEP II: Take Actions to Reduce Carbon Emissions, Save Money and Improve Efficiency 7. Manage Office and Storage Environment 8. Go L 8 G Low Carbon Transport C b T t 9. Buy Green 10. Eat Green 11. Encourage Communication with Staff, Business Partners, Customers and Stakeholders www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 16. Wellness Club Ltd. Possible Carbon Emissions Reductions (I) www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 18. Wellness Club Ltd. What can my business do? STEP III: Strengthen Corporate Image and Stay Competitive 1. Go Carbon Neutral 2. Explore Green Business Opportunities www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 19. Wellness Club Ltd. STEP III: Strengthen Corporate Image & Stay Competitive Go Carbon Neutral Benefits of Going Carbon Neutral Upon implementation of green meas res there are remaining unavoidable carbon measures, na oidable emissions. Join GreenMyPlanet carbon neutral certification program to run your company with greater carbon efficiency, ultimately being more climate friendly. The certification states your company, product, service or event is carbon neutral certified meaning emissions have been measured, reduced and offset. The latest international protocol (from WRI’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol) is adopted as methodology. methodology When certified, company is qualified to use the Greenmyplanet carbon neutral certification logo or mark for marketing & promotional purposes. The carbon neutral logo helps to differentiate your products and brands in the competitive marketplace. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 20. Wellness Club Ltd. Go Carbon Neutral Certification Process Depending on the complexity of the request, most simple SME’s and events can be certified within 2-3 days and up to 2 weeks for more complex needs. 1. Initial consultation To identify needs and aspirations of company or event organizer To identify boundaries for a carbon footprint To identify a working plan 2. Carbon Management An A emission report citing CO2 emissions reduction opportunities i given t th i i t iti i i d ti t iti is i to the company to minimize the impact of activities and how to manage future carbon inventories. 3. Carbon Audit Company provides data of energy bills, business flights, waste and if required GreenMyPlanet auditor will conduct “life cycle analysis” of products or services. 4. Carbon Offsets Carbon offsets will be purchased after measurement and reductions in order to offset the remaining unavoidable emissions and to gain carbon neutral status. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 21. Wellness Club Ltd. Go Carbon Neutral Area of Certification 1. Carbon Neutral Company GHG emissions included are: a) Energy consumption b) Business travel c) Company owned vehicles )C d hi l d) Waste sent to landfill e) Staff commuting (optional) GHG emissions are quantified for all sites owned or leased. A company can decide to certify the entire company or specific sectors as carbon neutral. These typically include head office, transportation or operations. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 22. Wellness Club Ltd. Go Carbon Neutral Area of Certification 2. Carbon Neutral Event GHG emissions included are: a) Emission from event site b) Travel of key participants, support staff and organizers c) Accommodation of key participants support staff and organizers )A d ti fk ti i t t t ff d i d) Emission associated with disposal of waste from event e) Corporate sponsorship – offset emissions (optional) Events include weddings, corporate events, shows, festivals, exhibitions, seminars, workshops and conferences. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 23. Wellness Club Ltd. Go Carbon Neutral Area of Certification 3. Carbon Neutral Product GHG emissions included are: a) Cradle to customer or grave b) Emission associated with extraction, processing and transportation of raw materials c) Emission associated with manufacturing, packaging and storage of the product d) Emission associated with distribution of product to immediate customer e) Emission associated with use and disposal (optional) Options are available to certify either the entire life cycle process or particular sectors such as electricity used in the manufacturing process. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 24. Wellness Club Ltd. Go Carbon Neutral Area of Certification A f C ifi i 4. Carbon Neutral Service GHG emissions included are: a) Direct and indirect GHG emissions from sites used to deliver service b) GHG emissions associated with transportation www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 25. Wellness Club Ltd. Explore Green Business Opportunities Going G i green is a global market t d and one of th i d t i l b l k t trend d f the industry sector SAR government is promoting. There are a few ways to leverage on the business opportunities: g pp 1. Invest in environmental friendly technologies and products. 2. 2 Invest in pollution prevention technologies technologies. 3. Invest in resource efficiency technologies. 4. Invest (via direct investment / venture capital or mutual funds) in f d ) i companies th t offer green products or services. i that ff d t i 5. Join Wellness Club platform to stay informed of the market trend and to explore g p green business opportunities. pp www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 27. Wellness Club Ltd. Case Study: Health Gate Putting it all together – Integrating green office practices into the organic natural foods and products business business. Core business: The company distributes HEALTHY AND ECO- FRIENDLY PRODUCTS to support green lifestyle. Air quality: The retailer installs of state-of-the-art AIR PURIFICATION SYSTEM that has IMPROVED AIR QUALITY throughout the office and store area. Energy conservation: The store area and office are installed with full spectrum FLUORESCENT LIGHTING SYSTEM to SAVE ENERGY. Waste management: OFFICE AND STORE RECYCLING PROGRAMS has been in place for many years, including office paper, plastics and corrugated cardboard box recycling. Product display cases are reused on the shelves. Corrugated cardboard boxes are reused for home and office deliveries. "Health Gate Bag Recycling deliveries Health Campaign" is implemented where customer can redeem HK$0.20 for each Health Gate plastic bag (in clean and unwrinkled condition) they return. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 28. Wellness Club Ltd. Case Study: As carbon management and g g green business consultancy, Wellness Club Ltd. has integrated y g green management into business principles: to lead responsibly, to leverage “green” business opportunities, and to reduce operational footprint. Business Operations Going Green Green Procurement: Purchase products with ENERGY LABEL. Choose to use ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY CLEANING supplies and products. Purchase ORGANIC, FAIR TRADE and HEALTH products for corporate gift giving. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 29. Wellness Club Ltd. Business Operations Going Green Green Office Management: 1. Waste management: Implement 3R policies for REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE office paper and plastics bags. Avoid using one-off disposables. Reuse paper or magazines as gift- wrapping materials. 2. Energy conservation: D l PASSIVE SOLAR LIGHTING f t 2 E ti Deploy features e.g. fans and wide- f d id opened windows, with full spectrum COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHTING system in the office to help SAVE ENERGY. Install UV FILTER FILMS onto windows to minimize heat from sunlight. Choose products with ENERGY LABEL. Remind staff to switch off all electronic equipment, computers and lighting when not i use. i t t d li hti h t in 3. Air quality management: Adopt NATURAL VENTILATION system to IMPROVE AIR QUALITY throughout the office. Do not install ozone-depleting substances. 4. Carbon reduction: Use low-carbon LIGHTING system in the office and avoid business l to EMISSION Encourage our clients and consumers t eat “MORE travel t CUT CARBON EMISSION. E t li t d to t VEGGIES, LESS MEAT” to help reduce yearly emission of carbon dioxide on diet. 5. Environmental management: Monitor environmental performance (e.g. electricity and water usage, and material purchase records) regularly. Regularly update management and staff on environmental news, policies and regulations th t are related t th b i t ff i t l li i d l ti that l t d to the business. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 30. Wellness Club Ltd. Business Operations Going Green Green Marketing and Communication Practice: 1. Printing: marketing collaterals and name cards are printed on RECYCLED PAPER with SOY INK. Adopt electronic means of communication with supply chain to SAVE PAPER. Support cause related GREEN EVENTS and FUNDRAISING. 2. Event management: Wellness Club organizes marketing events for clients with sustainable event guideline in place. Use the 3Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle. Communicate electronically rather than by paper. Be energy and water efficient. Minimize the impacts of travel. Consider the wellbeing of delegates, the local community, suppliers and stakeholders. Raise awareness of the efforts and share best practice ? www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 31. Wellness Club Ltd. Business Model Going Green The low carbon concept generates huge business opportunities around the globe, from renewable energy projects, green fund trading to carbon management solutions. solutions Wellness Club Ltd capitalizes on the market potential to represent Ltd. GreenMyPlanet carbon neutral certification program - a carbon offset solution for businesses in greater China market. Wellness Club Ltd helps clients reduce their environmental footprint by introducing Ltd. eco-friendly products and services, such as green (or SRI, socially responsible investment) funds and organic products. Green Business Alliance is a business platform set to facilitate exchange of information, technologies and opportunities. Wellness Club Ltd has been receiving awards in recognition of its commitment in environmental corporate social responsibility, including Caring Company Logo 2008/09 and the HSBC Living Business Awards 2009. www.wellnessclubhk.com
  • 32. Wellness Club Ltd. Be the change you want to see in the world. Yolanda Che info@wellnessclubhk.com www.wellnessclubhk.com