Greenwalls provide several benefits including energy savings, increased productivity, and improved health and wellness. They can reduce surrounding surface temperatures by up to 10 degrees Celsius, lowering air conditioning costs. Studies also show greenwalls decrease stress and improve employee productivity by 12%. Additionally, greenwalls absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, making indoor environments healthier.
2. What are Green-Walls? Vertical structures that incorporate plant life to form an integrated system. Australia, & Vancouver,
3. What are some Benefits of Greenwalls? Energy Savings They can reduce the surface temperature of walls by as much as 10 o C which results in significant air-conditioning savings. 20 Cents/ ft 2 Total Savings $$$ = 14 cents/ kWh Electricity Rates 500W/1000W AC efficiency 0.029 kWh/ft 2 Reduced Energy
4. Productivity A study from Texas A&M University proved that greenwalls decrease stress while improving productivity 12% Interior plants lower Operations and Maintenance costs. Greenwalls in the workplace attract, retain and enhance the attitudes of today’s selective employee
5. Health & Wellness Greenwalls provide a spiritual and physical connection to nature. They can absorb the stressful components of our cities, promoting our health and wellness. Photosynthesis consumes CO 2 and releases O 2 into the air. Greenwalls, covered in plant material take Carbon Dioxide which is harfmful to us and give us more Oxygen to breath, making our daily lives healthier and more relaxing. Plants also reduce the amount of electrostatic pollution released by computers and other appliances.
6. Educational Benefits Greenwalls can serve as an educational piece of design. They can teach us about: Sustainability Ecological Practices Dealing with the Heat Island Effect, Global Warming, and CO 2 Reductions.
7. Marketing Tools Today, more and more people are going GREEN. Greenwalls are very visible feautres that can be seen by clients and customers and can help them associate your product and service with being environmentally friendly. They can be customized to incorporate company logos, teams, sponsors, and anything you can think of! Pittsburgh, PA
8. Property Value Increase Greenwalls can add up to 20% onto a buildings value. This value is reflected in the attitudes of anyone who works, lives, or experiences Greenwalls.
9. Greenwalls can have many shapes, sizes, forms and serve multiple functions Vancouver,
10. Natural Interiors Terra Screen, Planterra,
17. So why wait?... Green is Great! Save energy Increase Productivity Better Health Gain knowledge Use for marketing Increase Property Value Aesthetically Pleasing Hoffman Design Group 900 carpenters crossing Folcroft, PA 19032 800.550.3655