This document discusses two pilot approaches to reduce food waste in Brussels schools:
1) A mixed educational and management approach targeting the entire school community including pupils, teachers, parents, and management. Five primary and secondary schools will participate in awareness raising and developing tailored action plans over one year.
2) A management-focused approach targeting only school canteens. Five school canteens will develop action plans and implement actions over one year with support from a coach. Progress will be evaluated after one year.
The overall goal is to reduce food waste by 3kg per pupil per year by 2020 through participatory approaches and highlighting good practices from the pilot schools and canteens.
2. Food waste in Brussels schools How to prevent it? Jo谷lle Van BAMBEKE & Elisabeth TAUPINART Brussels Environmental Management Institute (IBGE-BIM) 17 November 2010 Eco-behaviour and Sustainable Development Department Launch event Information, Research, Waste & Sustainable Development Division
3. Waste bin analysis in nursery & primary schools (2004) Unsorted waste = 30kg/pupil per year (2700 T/year) Most important flow (in weight ) = waste from food preparation and food wastage Food wastage: 68% remains of warm meals 17% remains of cold lunches 11% liquids 3% unopened snacks = 6.5kg/pupil per year (360T/year) Need for action How much food waste in Brussels schools?
4. Objective of the Brussels 4 th Waste Reduction Action Plan = food waste reduction of 3kg/pupil per year by 2020 Which method? 2 approaches targeting different audiences Mixed approachall the school (educational + management = challenge) School direction Pupils Teachers Parents Management (and awareness) canteen only Canteen manager Canteen staff = complementary Pilots? 5 pilots for each approach ambassadors/example Food waste reduction objective & methods
5. Who? 3 primary schools + 2 secondary schools When? October 2010 June 2011 What? Bottom-up & participative approach from the children One year coaching by technical and educational expert Awareness raising of the main actors Relay class or group of pupils = main trigger for change Steering committee = main decision maker Teachers (on a regular basis) Parents (on a regular basis) Food waste quantification Done by the relay group/class with the experts support Baseline situation critical points input for action plan Control waste bins to analyse waste production evolution Development & implementation of action plan = tailored to each school Evaluation throughout the year and at the end Food waste pilots : mixed approach (educational + management all the school)
6. Who? 5 school canteens (recruitment ongoing) When? January 2011 December 2011 What? Management approach from the canteen staff Signature of a charter Distribution of responsibilities among the canteen staff Analysis of baseline situation in the canteen Development of an action plan & implementation of chosen actions Thematic & practical training sessions of the canteen staff After 1 year of coaching, new analysis to evaluate the progress made Helpdesk Highlighting good practices Food waste pilots : management approach (canteens only)