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Greg Rasa
425- 442- 8955 7919 N.E. 114 th
Place, Kirkland, WA 98034
grasa@seattletimes.com Twitter: @gregrasa
35 years of experience in newsroom management and digital, visual and print
1987- present: The Seattle Times
 Digital news editor (2008- present): I am part of the daily charge on our website
beginning at 5:30 a.m., directing story selection, presentation, headlines and overall
quality control. Our coverage won Pulitzer Prizes in 2010 and 2015 and two
prestigious national Online Journalism Awards in 2014 (against competition such as
The New York Times). Duties:
o Im currently detached to a small audience- development team that is
broadening our offerings to readers through email newsletters, breaking news
alerts, a new responsive app and push notifications. Im also tasked with
improving overall site content SEO and raising the level of headline writing
and other content throughout the newsroom.
o Im the primary writer of a morning daily email newsletter that has grown in
audience from 27,000 to 194,000 in eight months. Were on track to surpass
200,000 by Labor Day.
o I teach a team of young producers, helping them develop news judgment,
headline writing and other skills.
o I use metrics, SEO principles, social- media marketing, news judgment and
experience to increase site traffic (which peaked at 22 million monthly unique
visitors pre- paywall, 50 million page views) and engagement (site average 2
minutes- plus per page).
o I helped lead a social- media initiative that doubled Facebook likes in 2015 and
increased Twitter click- thru by 60 percent and likes by 120 percent.
o Ive conducted headline SEO workshops for staff, the Associated Press West
region, the Society of Professional Journalists and our summer interns. And
Ive written a 25- page headline guide.
 Page One news editor (1998- present): Though my primary responsibility is
digital, I still regularly take shifts as the officer on deck for the print newspaper,
selecting and editing Page One stories, refining headlines and supervising the work of
10- 12 copy editors and designers.
Past roles
 Feature s desk chief: Supervised 12 copy editors. Helped run a 60- person features
department. Led production and quality control for a broad portfolio of lifestyle,
travel, arts and entertainment sections.
 Late- editions news editor: During our final years as an afternoon newspaper, led
aggressive revisions of Page One and inside pages in four editions and five circulation
zones. Spent a year as news editor of the then- 500,000- circulation Sunday
 Wire editor, copy editor: Compiled national/international news, assembled Close-
up single- topic pages, edited stories and projects that included a 1997 Pulitzer
 Page One design er: Over seven years, presented news for visual impact. Pioneered
our use of informational graphics. Designed large breaking- news packages including
Pulitzer- winning coverage. Implemented pagination, daily color photography and two
redesigns. Helped select two print publication systems. Won team and individual
Society of News Design and Pictures of the Year awards every year.
1985- 87: The Herald, Everett, Wash.
 Assistant photo director: Supervised photographers, artists and
photoengravers. Shot assignments.
1981- 85: Columbia Daily Tribune, Columbia, Mo.
 Design/photo editor: Also served as a news and sports copy editor.
 Bachelor of Journalis m, University of Missouri School of Journalism, 1981.
 Master of Communic ation in Digital Media, University of Washington, 2012.

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Greg Rasa resume 08-2016

  • 1. Greg Rasa 425- 442- 8955 7919 N.E. 114 th Place, Kirkland, WA 98034 grasa@seattletimes.com Twitter: @gregrasa 35 years of experience in newsroom management and digital, visual and print storytelling. 1987- present: The Seattle Times Current Digital news editor (2008- present): I am part of the daily charge on our website beginning at 5:30 a.m., directing story selection, presentation, headlines and overall quality control. Our coverage won Pulitzer Prizes in 2010 and 2015 and two prestigious national Online Journalism Awards in 2014 (against competition such as The New York Times). Duties: o Im currently detached to a small audience- development team that is broadening our offerings to readers through email newsletters, breaking news alerts, a new responsive app and push notifications. Im also tasked with improving overall site content SEO and raising the level of headline writing and other content throughout the newsroom. o Im the primary writer of a morning daily email newsletter that has grown in audience from 27,000 to 194,000 in eight months. Were on track to surpass 200,000 by Labor Day. o I teach a team of young producers, helping them develop news judgment, headline writing and other skills. o I use metrics, SEO principles, social- media marketing, news judgment and experience to increase site traffic (which peaked at 22 million monthly unique visitors pre- paywall, 50 million page views) and engagement (site average 2 minutes- plus per page). o I helped lead a social- media initiative that doubled Facebook likes in 2015 and increased Twitter click- thru by 60 percent and likes by 120 percent. o Ive conducted headline SEO workshops for staff, the Associated Press West region, the Society of Professional Journalists and our summer interns. And Ive written a 25- page headline guide. Page One news editor (1998- present): Though my primary responsibility is digital, I still regularly take shifts as the officer on deck for the print newspaper, selecting and editing Page One stories, refining headlines and supervising the work of 10- 12 copy editors and designers. Past roles Feature s desk chief: Supervised 12 copy editors. Helped run a 60- person features department. Led production and quality control for a broad portfolio of lifestyle, travel, arts and entertainment sections. Late- editions news editor: During our final years as an afternoon newspaper, led aggressive revisions of Page One and inside pages in four editions and five circulation zones. Spent a year as news editor of the then- 500,000- circulation Sunday newspaper. Wire editor, copy editor: Compiled national/international news, assembled Close- up single- topic pages, edited stories and projects that included a 1997 Pulitzer winner. Page One design er: Over seven years, presented news for visual impact. Pioneered our use of informational graphics. Designed large breaking- news packages including Pulitzer- winning coverage. Implemented pagination, daily color photography and two redesigns. Helped select two print publication systems. Won team and individual Society of News Design and Pictures of the Year awards every year. 1985- 87: The Herald, Everett, Wash. Assistant photo director: Supervised photographers, artists and photoengravers. Shot assignments.
  • 2. 1981- 85: Columbia Daily Tribune, Columbia, Mo. Design/photo editor: Also served as a news and sports copy editor. Education Bachelor of Journalis m, University of Missouri School of Journalism, 1981. Master of Communic ation in Digital Media, University of Washington, 2012.