Shakespearean SonnetsJessica PilgreenThis document provides an overview of Shakespeare's Sonnets including the rhyme scheme, line structure, metrical patterns, and themes. It explains that the Sonnets follow a rhyming ABAB CDCD EFEF GG pattern over 14 lines with 3 quatrains and a couplet. Most are written in iambic pentameter with a shift in tone at the 3rd quatrain known as the volta. The Sonnets are addressed to a fair youth, urging him to have children, and a dark lady who the speaker's mistress was stolen by the fair youth.
Shakespeare's sonnetsDayamani SuryaShakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. His sonnets talk about love, friendship etc.The sonnets to the young man express overwhelming, obsessional love. The main cause of debate has always been whether it remained platonic or became physical.The first 17 poems, traditionally called the procreation sonnets, are addressed to the young man urging him to marry and have children in order to immortalize his beauty by passing it to the next generation.Other sonnets express the speaker's love for the young man; brood upon loneliness, death, and the transience of life; seem to criticise the young man for preferring a rival poet; express ambiguous feelings for the speaker's mistress; and pun on the poet's name. The final two sonnets are allegorical treatments of Greek epigrams referring to the "little love-god" Cupid.
Shakespeare’s sonnetssarahvroomThis document discusses the evolution of the English language from Old English to Middle English to Modern English. It notes that Shakespeare had an unusually large vocabulary of 15,000 words and invented many phrases still used today. The document then provides examples of prayers from each era in English to demonstrate how the language has changed over time. It also defines some confusing words from Shakespeare's time and provides their modern meanings. Finally, it discusses similarities between Shakespeare's works and hip hop music.
Shakespearean SonnetgreykitThis summarizes a Shakespearean sonnet by R.S. Gwynn that represents each of Shakespeare's plays in a single line. It then analyzes the sonnet's form, theme, literary devices, and tones. It also briefly discusses two articles that mention Gwynn's use of humor and sonnets to comment on modern culture.
Shakespeare’s sonnetsProf. Vicki LagueThe basics of Shakespeare's sonnets: historical background, autobiographical or not, The Fair Youth, The Dark Lady, sonnet structure
Shakespeare's SonnetslasantoruShakespeare wrote 154 sonnets around 1598 during an enforced break from theatre. The sonnets can be categorized into three themes: Sonnets 1-17 focus on persuading a young man to procreate; Sonnets 1-126 are addressed to this young man; and Sonnets 127-154 concern a "dark lady". The sonnets explore themes of love enduring beyond physical changes, the inevitability of death, and present a more realistic view of love than other contemporary love poetry. The sonnets provide insight into Shakespeare's views on topics like religion, human nature, and his criticism of other literary works.
Shakespeare sonnetsThalia LongoriaThis document provides an overview of Shakespearean sonnets including definitions of key terms used in analyzing poetry. It discusses the typical structure of a Shakespearean sonnet including the rhyme scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. As an example, it analyzes Shakespeare's Sonnet 18, breaking it down into its three quatrains and concluding couplet. It also briefly summarizes Sonnet 29. The document encourages writing an original sonnet using the typical structure and provides guidance on how it will be graded.
The SonnetfloriabeaumontThe document discusses different poetic forms and poetic devices, including sonnets. It provides examples of sonnets by William Shakespeare, John Keats, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Henry Constable to illustrate different sonnet forms and rhyme schemes. Key topics covered include iambic pentameter, rhyme schemes of Italian and English sonnets, and examples of specific sonnets.
Theme NotesJessica PilgreenA theme is an insight into human nature or life that gives meaning to a story. It is usually unstated but revealed through the events and character changes. To identify a theme, consider how the main character changed and what they learned about life. A theme can be expressed in a short sentence but is not the same as the plot or a moral. There is often not one single correct way to state the theme.
Mrs pilgreen bts letter 2015 honorsJessica PilgreenThis document provides information for parents about Mrs. Pilgreen's English I Honors class, including details about an open house, the classroom website, required school supplies, signups for text reminders, and a link to an online parent survey to help the teacher better understand their child.
Pilgreen BTS Parent Letter 2015Jessica PilgreenThis document provides information for parents about Mrs. Pilgreen's English class, including details about an open house, the classroom website, required school supplies, reminders via text or email, and a link to an online parent survey to help the teacher better understand their child.
Veterans’ Day Definition AssignmentJessica PilgreenThis document provides instructions for making a Veterans' Day composition notebook entry using cardstock, electrical tape, and coloring. The instructions are to take half a sheet of cardstock, add short and long pieces of electrical tape for a Veterans' Day related word and its definition, color the cardstock to illustrate the word, then peel off the tape to reveal the word and definition.
Edith Hamilton's Mythology SourcesJessica PilgreenThe document lists and provides brief details about several notable ancient writers including Homer, who wrote the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey; Virgil, who wrote The Aeneid modeled after Homer's works; Hesiod, who wrote Theogony about the creation of the gods; Ovid, whose Metamorphoses included stories of transformations; Euripides, who wrote Medea about a wife seeking revenge; and Sophocles, who penned the tragedies Oedipus the King and Antigone.
Shakespearean SonnetsJessica PilgreenThis document provides an overview of Shakespeare's Sonnets including the rhyme scheme, metrical patterns, and themes. It notes that the sonnets have 14 lines organized into three quatrains and a couplet. They follow an iambic pentameter structure and employ rhyming pairs. The document also distinguishes that sonnets 1-126 are addressed to a "fair youth" encouraging reproduction, while sonnets 127-152 are about the speaker's "dark lady" mistress who was stolen by the fair youth.
Shakespearean SonnetsJessica PilgreenThis document provides an overview of Shakespeare's Sonnets including the rhyme scheme, line structure, metrical patterns, and themes. It notes that the Sonnets are composed of 3 quatrains and a couplet with an iambic pentameter structure. The document also distinguishes that Sonnets 1-126 are addressed to a "fair youth" discussing reproduction and admiration, while Sonnets 127-152 concern a "dark lady" and themes of infatuation.
Mac act i notesJessica PilgreenMacbeth Act I Notes provides background information on Elizabethan drama and key elements in Act I of Macbeth, including foreshadowing, stage directions, and vocabulary. Specifically, it discusses how Elizabethan drama was influenced by ancient Greek and Roman plays and featured permanent theaters. It also explains how foreshadowing hints at future events and lists examples of stage directions and important vocabulary terms used in Act I.
Anglo-Saxon Poetry NotesJessica PilgreenThis document provides an overview of Anglo-Saxon lyric and elegiac poetry, including the common themes of exile and loss/hardship. It discusses the literary devices used in these poems such as rhythm, kennings, caesuras, alliteration, and assonance. It then analyzes the poem "The Seafarer", noting that the speaker is a lonely seafarer who experiences desolation at sea but continually returns, and interprets the poem as viewing life as exile while heaven is the only true home.
Shakespeare’s SonnetsJessica PilgreenThis document provides an overview of Shakespeare's Sonnets. It discusses the rhyme scheme, line structure, and metrical patterns used in the sonnets. It also summarizes the themes of the two sections - sonnets 1-126 address a fair youth discussing beauty, love, and urging him to have children, while sonnets 127-152 address a dark lady and discuss infatuation and lust. The sonnets are written in iambic pentameter.
Shakespeare’s sonnetsJessica PilgreenThis document provides an overview of Shakespeare's Sonnets. It discusses the rhyme scheme, line structure, and metrical patterns used in the sonnets. It also summarizes the themes of the two groups of sonnets - sonnets 1-126 address a fair youth discussing love and admiration, while sonnets 127-152 address a dark lady discussing infatuation and lust. The sonnets follow specific poetic forms including iambic pentameter and a rhyming couplet at the end.
Word Root of the WeekJessica PilgreenThis document provides a root word of the week archive with definitions and examples for Greek and Latin root words. It includes over 100 entries organized by root word with the definition, part of speech, and examples using that root word in different contexts to illustrate its meaning and usage.
Odyssey Characters Part 2Jessica PilgreenThe document provides descriptions of characters from Homer's Odyssey. It describes monsters Scylla and Charybdis, the nine Muses who inspire creativity, the cyclops Polyphemus who mistreats guests, the sun god Helios who sees all, the prophet Tiresias who Odysseus seeks in the underworld, Odysseus' loyal wife Penelope who remains faithful despite the suitors, and Odysseus' son Telemachus who helps kill the suitors.
Odyssey Characters Part 1Jessica PilgreenThe document summarizes key characters from Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. It describes Odysseus, the intelligent king of Ithaca trying to return home from the Trojan War. Along the way, he encounters the sorceress Circe who turns his men into pigs and keeps him for a year, as well as Calypso who holds him captive for seven years. Poseidon, the god of the sea, opposes Odysseus' return, while Athena assists him. Other challenges include the Sirens, whose songs lure men to their deaths, and encounters with Aeolus and the Cicones.
The Trojan WarJessica PilgreenThe Judgment of Paris began an important chain of events that led to the Trojan War. At a feast on Mount Olympus, Eris tossed a golden apple meant for the "fairest," sparking a dispute between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. They asked Paris to judge, and each goddess offered him a bribe. Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman, Helen, so he awarded her the apple. Paris later traveled to Sparta and seduced Helen away from her husband Menelaus. In retaliation, Menelaus rallied the Greeks to launch an attack on Troy to retrieve Helen, beginning the famed Trojan War that lasted 10 years.
Poetic MeterJessica PilgreenThis document defines poetic meter as the basic rhythmic structure of verses. It discusses prosody as the study of meter and scanning as marking stressed and unstressed syllables. It outlines common stress patterns like iamb, trochee, spondee, anapest and dactyl defined by stressed and unstressed syllables. Each pattern is called a foot, and poems are categorized by the number of feet like monometer, dimeter, trimeter, and pentameter. Examples are given of different stress patterns and feet.
Mango Street VocabularyJessica PilgreenThis document contains definitions and descriptions of various words and concepts. It defines types of clouds like cumulus, marimbas, and nimbus. It also defines objects and ideas like naphtha soap, slanted floors, canteens, flecks, and anemic wrists. Additionally, it lists and defines Spanish words like chanclas, frijoles, and abuelito.
Managing expiration dates of products in odooCeline GeorgeOdoo allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy. By using Odoo's expiration date management, companies can minimize waste, optimize stock rotation, and maintain high standards of product quality. The system allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy.
Theme NotesJessica PilgreenA theme is an insight into human nature or life that gives meaning to a story. It is usually unstated but revealed through the events and character changes. To identify a theme, consider how the main character changed and what they learned about life. A theme can be expressed in a short sentence but is not the same as the plot or a moral. There is often not one single correct way to state the theme.
Mrs pilgreen bts letter 2015 honorsJessica PilgreenThis document provides information for parents about Mrs. Pilgreen's English I Honors class, including details about an open house, the classroom website, required school supplies, signups for text reminders, and a link to an online parent survey to help the teacher better understand their child.
Pilgreen BTS Parent Letter 2015Jessica PilgreenThis document provides information for parents about Mrs. Pilgreen's English class, including details about an open house, the classroom website, required school supplies, reminders via text or email, and a link to an online parent survey to help the teacher better understand their child.
Veterans’ Day Definition AssignmentJessica PilgreenThis document provides instructions for making a Veterans' Day composition notebook entry using cardstock, electrical tape, and coloring. The instructions are to take half a sheet of cardstock, add short and long pieces of electrical tape for a Veterans' Day related word and its definition, color the cardstock to illustrate the word, then peel off the tape to reveal the word and definition.
Edith Hamilton's Mythology SourcesJessica PilgreenThe document lists and provides brief details about several notable ancient writers including Homer, who wrote the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey; Virgil, who wrote The Aeneid modeled after Homer's works; Hesiod, who wrote Theogony about the creation of the gods; Ovid, whose Metamorphoses included stories of transformations; Euripides, who wrote Medea about a wife seeking revenge; and Sophocles, who penned the tragedies Oedipus the King and Antigone.
Shakespearean SonnetsJessica PilgreenThis document provides an overview of Shakespeare's Sonnets including the rhyme scheme, metrical patterns, and themes. It notes that the sonnets have 14 lines organized into three quatrains and a couplet. They follow an iambic pentameter structure and employ rhyming pairs. The document also distinguishes that sonnets 1-126 are addressed to a "fair youth" encouraging reproduction, while sonnets 127-152 are about the speaker's "dark lady" mistress who was stolen by the fair youth.
Shakespearean SonnetsJessica PilgreenThis document provides an overview of Shakespeare's Sonnets including the rhyme scheme, line structure, metrical patterns, and themes. It notes that the Sonnets are composed of 3 quatrains and a couplet with an iambic pentameter structure. The document also distinguishes that Sonnets 1-126 are addressed to a "fair youth" discussing reproduction and admiration, while Sonnets 127-152 concern a "dark lady" and themes of infatuation.
Mac act i notesJessica PilgreenMacbeth Act I Notes provides background information on Elizabethan drama and key elements in Act I of Macbeth, including foreshadowing, stage directions, and vocabulary. Specifically, it discusses how Elizabethan drama was influenced by ancient Greek and Roman plays and featured permanent theaters. It also explains how foreshadowing hints at future events and lists examples of stage directions and important vocabulary terms used in Act I.
Anglo-Saxon Poetry NotesJessica PilgreenThis document provides an overview of Anglo-Saxon lyric and elegiac poetry, including the common themes of exile and loss/hardship. It discusses the literary devices used in these poems such as rhythm, kennings, caesuras, alliteration, and assonance. It then analyzes the poem "The Seafarer", noting that the speaker is a lonely seafarer who experiences desolation at sea but continually returns, and interprets the poem as viewing life as exile while heaven is the only true home.
Shakespeare’s SonnetsJessica PilgreenThis document provides an overview of Shakespeare's Sonnets. It discusses the rhyme scheme, line structure, and metrical patterns used in the sonnets. It also summarizes the themes of the two sections - sonnets 1-126 address a fair youth discussing beauty, love, and urging him to have children, while sonnets 127-152 address a dark lady and discuss infatuation and lust. The sonnets are written in iambic pentameter.
Shakespeare’s sonnetsJessica PilgreenThis document provides an overview of Shakespeare's Sonnets. It discusses the rhyme scheme, line structure, and metrical patterns used in the sonnets. It also summarizes the themes of the two groups of sonnets - sonnets 1-126 address a fair youth discussing love and admiration, while sonnets 127-152 address a dark lady discussing infatuation and lust. The sonnets follow specific poetic forms including iambic pentameter and a rhyming couplet at the end.
Word Root of the WeekJessica PilgreenThis document provides a root word of the week archive with definitions and examples for Greek and Latin root words. It includes over 100 entries organized by root word with the definition, part of speech, and examples using that root word in different contexts to illustrate its meaning and usage.
Odyssey Characters Part 2Jessica PilgreenThe document provides descriptions of characters from Homer's Odyssey. It describes monsters Scylla and Charybdis, the nine Muses who inspire creativity, the cyclops Polyphemus who mistreats guests, the sun god Helios who sees all, the prophet Tiresias who Odysseus seeks in the underworld, Odysseus' loyal wife Penelope who remains faithful despite the suitors, and Odysseus' son Telemachus who helps kill the suitors.
Odyssey Characters Part 1Jessica PilgreenThe document summarizes key characters from Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. It describes Odysseus, the intelligent king of Ithaca trying to return home from the Trojan War. Along the way, he encounters the sorceress Circe who turns his men into pigs and keeps him for a year, as well as Calypso who holds him captive for seven years. Poseidon, the god of the sea, opposes Odysseus' return, while Athena assists him. Other challenges include the Sirens, whose songs lure men to their deaths, and encounters with Aeolus and the Cicones.
The Trojan WarJessica PilgreenThe Judgment of Paris began an important chain of events that led to the Trojan War. At a feast on Mount Olympus, Eris tossed a golden apple meant for the "fairest," sparking a dispute between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. They asked Paris to judge, and each goddess offered him a bribe. Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman, Helen, so he awarded her the apple. Paris later traveled to Sparta and seduced Helen away from her husband Menelaus. In retaliation, Menelaus rallied the Greeks to launch an attack on Troy to retrieve Helen, beginning the famed Trojan War that lasted 10 years.
Poetic MeterJessica PilgreenThis document defines poetic meter as the basic rhythmic structure of verses. It discusses prosody as the study of meter and scanning as marking stressed and unstressed syllables. It outlines common stress patterns like iamb, trochee, spondee, anapest and dactyl defined by stressed and unstressed syllables. Each pattern is called a foot, and poems are categorized by the number of feet like monometer, dimeter, trimeter, and pentameter. Examples are given of different stress patterns and feet.
Mango Street VocabularyJessica PilgreenThis document contains definitions and descriptions of various words and concepts. It defines types of clouds like cumulus, marimbas, and nimbus. It also defines objects and ideas like naphtha soap, slanted floors, canteens, flecks, and anemic wrists. Additionally, it lists and defines Spanish words like chanclas, frijoles, and abuelito.
Managing expiration dates of products in odooCeline GeorgeOdoo allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy. By using Odoo's expiration date management, companies can minimize waste, optimize stock rotation, and maintain high standards of product quality. The system allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ݺߣsCeline GeorgeIntegrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine GeorgeThis slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
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Chapter 2. Strategic Management: Corporate Governance.pdfRommel RegalaThis course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
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The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation’s legal framework.