The syndicate group presented recommendations to the ministerial retreat on the budget at State House in Abuja. They proposed quick wins such as recovering stolen assets, early lease renewals of oil assets, prosecuting criminals, and privatizing refineries, airports, and other public assets. They also recommended reforming procurement rules to facilitate stimulus spending. Priorities included bringing down interest rates, increasing infrastructure and agriculture spending to create growth, engaging in social intervention programs, and paying local debts including those owed to states. Other priorities were developing agriculture and ICT sectors, conducting a census to aid planning, and engaging the private sector through presidential leadership.
2. Quick wins
1. How to find the Money
a) Get the Barrels Back
b) Asset redeployment and conversion especially Oil sector Assets
(early lease renewals, sale and repurchase of JV assets)
c) Recoveries from criminal prosecutions
d) Privatisation, commercialisation and concessions of Refineries,
Airports, Power-plants, tertiary hospitals and other public Assets
with commercial opportunities
2. Reform of the rules and regulation of procurement process
to facilitate stimulus spending
4. Priorities
2. Spending on;
•Infrastructure to create growth and inclusion
•Spending on Agriculture/Environment through
planting of Economic trees
•Social Intervention spending
•Local debt repayment including debts to States
to stimulate spending