This document discusses quality of work life and stress management. It addresses the relationship between employees and their working environment, and objectives like attracting and retaining talent. Strategies for improving quality of work life include organizational justice, career growth plans, flexible work timing and increased employee participation. Barriers include resistance to change and workload. The document also provides tips for better work-life balance, examples from IBM, causes of stress, effects on organizations, and suggestions for managing stress.
Quality of work life
Organisational balance for QWL
Strategies for improvement of QWL
Work life balance
Tips for Better Work-Life Balance
HR suggestion to work life balance
Stress Management
Quality of relationship between employee
and total working environment
A process by which organisation responds
to employee needs
Varying from industry to industry
To attract and retain talents
To prevent high levels of employee stress
Facilitate effective integration of work and
personal life
To increase quality and productivity
Foster greater job satisfaction
6. Strategies for improvement of
 Organisational Justice
Career Growth plans
Flexible work timing
Increased Employee participation
Rewards and recognition
7. Barriers to QWL
 Resistances to change
 General perception that QWL
implementation will cost to much
Work load
Respect and recognition
9. work life balance
Work life balance:-Work–life balance is a
concept including proper prioritizing
between "work" and "lifestyle" .
10. Tips for Better Work-Life Balance
Build downtime into your schedule.
Drop activities that sap your time or
Rethink your errands.
Get moving.
Remember that a little relaxation goes a
long way.
11. HR suggestion to work life
ON the job training
1. Survey's of employee work life issues
2. Set priorities for all work
3. Seminar on work life balances
Make work more flexible
1. Flexitime
2. Job sharing
12. Example
 Creating a supportive, flexible work
 launched the first national corporate
child care initiative
 Created the Global Work/Life Fund with
a five-year, $50 million commitment
13. CONT…
IBM has developed six flexibility
The Enterprise doesn't stop
Balancing of needs
Trust and personal responsibility
Range of options
Understanding differences
Focus on result
14. What is stress
• Stress is an individual’s response to a disturbing
factor in the environment, and the consequence of
such relation. Stress obviously involves
interaction of the person and the environment.
15. Common causes of stress
• Too much work
• Short deadlines
• Poor communication
• Difficult working conditions
• Lack of support
• Round the clock service
16. Effects on the organisation
• Increased absenteeism
• High turnover of staff
• Staff inefficiency
• Damage to external reputation
• Reduced profits
17. Suggestions
• Carry out a workplace audit
• Develop policies and procedures
• Right people for right shift
• Training
• Recreation facilities
• Communicate with your employees