This document summarizes a SWOT analysis of the Miss Dior Cherie perfume. Strengths include its long history and distinctive designs. Weaknesses are its high price and cost. Opportunities include developing at the right time after WWII and benefits from fashion shows. Threats include illegal perfume versions, economic depression, limited consumer groups, and market restrictions. The analysis concludes Dior should take a stability strategy given strengths outweigh weaknesses and threats outweigh opportunities.
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Group 8 (Dior)
1. Perfume SWOT Analyze ¨C Miss Dior Cherie
? Group Member :
Æó¶þÒÒ 499382227 ê‘âùÈã Lulu
Æó¶þÒÒ 499382186 …μÑÐÀ Anna
Ó¢ÎĶþ 499110167 …ÇêÀè¯
Ó¢ÎĶþ 599061028 ÁμÒÐÀ
·¨ÎĶþ 499120083 ¶Å´T¼Ñ Alice
·¨ÎĶþ 499120485 ÇñÜÆÞ±
2. Outline
Introduction of Product and Slogan
By Anna & Lulu
SWOT Analyze
-Strength By Alice
-Weakness By Vivian
-Opportunity By Chloe
-Threat By Cindy
3. Dior's girl is grown up
and is now a woman who
Miss Dior Cherie
?Released in 2011
?Created by Francois
4. SWOT Analyze
Strength Weakness
? Have a long history ? The high price of the Dior¡¯s
? Have distinctive tastes for perfume
designs ? The high cost
Opportunity Threat
?Developing in the right time ? Illegal version of perfumes
?Benefits-Fashion Show ? Economic depression
?Loyal Costumers ? Limitation of consumer
?Having Target market group
? Restriction of consumer
? Many competition of