The group needs to create an interesting promotional video with various sound effects to engage viewers. They will take both gender and different religions into account to avoid making the video seem sexist. The group also needs to consider weather if filming outdoors and have extra equipment in case any stops working so filming is not delayed waiting for replacements.
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Group brainstorm
1. Leeanne Hibbert Heather Lomas Lewis Bradley
Extra equipment will also be good to have just in
As a group we need to make sure that We will need to take case any of the equipment was to stop working so
our finished promotional video will into account both that we could carry on filming without having to
need to be interesting and have various gender so that the wait for new equipment to be delivered.
sound effects so that it makes people video isn’t put across as
want to watch the video. sexist.
We will need to take the
weather in to consideration if
we were thinking of filming
outside as we will be using
Promotional Video – Creative Media Course electrical equipment so we
would need to be under some
sort of shelter if it was raining.
When looking at the questionnaire we handed out, I
found that many people quite like the idea of a Extra equipment will also be good to have just in
music video. This is a good factor as I think that case any of the equipment was to stop working so
having music on the back of the video would be that we could carry on filming without having to
good to include as many people remember songs wait for new equipment to be delivered.
easier so will correspond it to the video they
We will need to ensure that all members of the
group know the equipment that we are using.
Taking into account of all the different religions
based at this college we will have to include all if
possible. Making sure that the college logo appears
somewhere on the video will also be essential, such
as on an introductory page.