The document discusses the identity of the CRC (Cannabis Reform Coalition) student group at UMass. It addresses that a group's identity is important for public perception. The CRC aims to legalize marijuana through political action and education. It represents the interests of dues-paying undergraduate students on this issue. As a registered student organization, the CRC is governed by university policies and aims to influence drug policy change through non-violent means.
2. Public Perception of Group
Defining a clear Identity is a critical factor in the success or failure of
the group. A group¡¯s identity is it¡¯s a brand, everything affects the
perception of the CRC brand.
Two Perceptions:
Leaders and members
Members and the Public
3. Identity Crisis
A group has an identity crisis when the perception of the group by
leaders, and the perception of the group by the public diverge.
If you want to change or expand your identity because it is a failing
If this happens it is best to run PR campaign.
4. What is the CRC?
Major Questions
? What is the CRC¡¯s identity
? Who makes up the CRC?
? What interest does the CRC represent?
? What does the CRC do?
? How does the CRC relate to the University?
5. What is the CRC¡¯s Identity
? The UMass CRC is a RSO dedicated to taxing and regulating
the sale of marijuana. We are an ideological student group,
only UMass Undergrads can be full fledged members. We
are politically active and laid back, we accept new
members and tolerate others views.
? We are the democratic representative of our members.
6. Who makes is in the CRC?
Members: Dues paying undergraduate students.
Non-Members: Anyone else
Officers: Leaders of the group, two have signature responsibility and
all have tremendous influence identity of the CRC.
7. What interest does the CRC
Our goal as an RSO is to work independently and in conjunction with other groups to
legalize marijuana for adults on all levels government for medicinal, recreational,
spiritual, and industrial (hemp) purposes. There are economic, environment, and
societal benefits to the legalization of marijuana and the drug war causes more
harm than the drugs themselves. Marijuana is far less dangerous than other legal
substances and often has positive effects on people¡¯s lives.
8. What does the CRC do?
Due to university policy, we cannot publically promote the use of marijuana but
we can support policy change. We use non-violent political action and
community organization in an effort to educate students and citizens to
influence legislators. We hold fun events after meetings to provide material
and solidary benefits to our members. We provide purposive benefits by
organizing on the grassroots and by including members in policy decisions.
We provide information to members and keep them up to date by sending
out minutes. minutes. We also inform our members and build a community
by holding regular. We recruit members by targeting them and making a
membership appeal. Extravaganja is our annual political rally demonstrate the
growing support for marijuana legalization, it is the one event that provides
all three benefits.
9. How does an RSO relate to
UMass is an RSO, we are governed by the SGA and University policy.
We are in effect, an extension of UMass and thus we have access to
all the University benefits. We have limited liability for our actions.
The University will protect us and if need me bear responsibility for
more serious actions
10. Remember
Group identity changes and is largely dependent on the officers and
members. You can choose to change the group¡¯s identity based on
personal judgement. The best groups react to the current state of
politics and adjust.
Editor's Notes
#3: Things that affect brand
meeting style, events, policy positions, minutes, methods of protest and political action, your behaivior are all part of your brand
People who view the brand
politicians, proffessors, potential donors, companies, parties, other activists groups, advisor, etc
#4: This means we aren¡¯t communicating our our identity clearly
Advertisements, events, publicatons, social media, all geared with messages of your idenenty
#9: Bowl and bowl
colloquium events
cabin trip
mario kart tourni
craft center fridays
smoke signals
form coaltions
grassroots mobilization
#10: Free or discounted access to buildings, contracted vendors, group advisor, office, laminators, computers internet
Not to say we cannot be punished by the school. But if a band or vendor tries to sue us, or screw us the University will use its resources us.
#11: Framing and priming
Legalize vs tax and regulate
don¡¯t say recreational
all states and town rights
using the word stoner