The document discusses how advances in technology like domotics, smart gadgets, and robots could allow homes of the future to be highly automated through voice control and devices that can perform tasks like cleaning. It provides several examples from movies and prototypes of how homes may be automated in the future to make living in them more convenient and productive. The document suggests that advances portrayed in science fiction could become reality through continued innovation in fields like computer science and electronics.
2. Have you ever think that this cartoon could be real one day?
3. Domotics or Home automation is anything that your home does for you
automatically to make living there more enjoyable or productive.
5. Robot workers implied that the artificial
creatures were strictly meant to be servants
to free real people from any type of labor.
Robot clip art:
6. Every single device that can make
your live easier, its named gadget.
The old gadgets
Smart gadgets are the electronics
devices where we can connect to the
internet and use the functions of the
device connecting them to the internet.
The Ipad 3: One of the most famous
gadget in the market
7. Hondas Robot
Topio Robot: a ping pong player
Intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science and
electronics that aims to create it.
8. Spend less time in your Can be a stressfully to some
home people
A confortable place and Pros Domotics Cons Uncontrollable situations can
ambient occur
Could be a great Can be frustrating and
investment too much expensive
9. The Monsanto House of The Future. Smart gadgets control some May be a housekeeper robot will
Tomorrowland Disneys thematic park. function In the house do your housework you
10. The McFly's home Back to The Future II movie scene
Home of Tomorrow In south Korea developed by
Sumsung company
11. Have you ever seen a Sci Fi movie
listening an actor talk to his kitchen or a
robot doing house works?
LG homebot, automated home cleaner