The document outlines the agenda for a presentation on fundamentals of web design, which includes 9 topics:
1. Internet history from the origins of ARPAnet and DARPA to the modern World Wide Web Consortium.
2. Internet protocols including IP, TCP/IP, routing, FTP, and HTTP.
3. The client-server model and examples of client-server architectures and protocols.
4. Web servers including IIS, PWS, Apache, and server-side scripting examples.
5. Internet service providers including their architecture, bandwidth options, and connection types.
6. Internet security topics such as cookies, firewalls, passwords, DNS spoofing, and viruses
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Group ofdmg11
1. Pembentangan Fundamental of Web Design
TarikhPembentangan: 28/12/12 dan 4/1/12 shj
Tajuk Ahli Kumpulan
1 Internet History (What, When, Where, Who) Shamim
DARPA Suhaili
ARPA Hisyammudin
ARPANET Nurfariza
Command line Interface to friendly user interface Rashidi
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Internet History in Malaysia
2 Protocol for using internet Anuar
IP , TCP/IP Nazzila
IP – How to ping IP Fathiah
Routing Shahida
FTP Hayati
3 Client Server Model Afifi
What is CSM Azella
Client server architecture AmiraSyarina
Client server protocol AnisFatin
Client server protocolvs P2P
Example of CSM
4 Web Server Aiman
IIS Taufiq
PWS Syamimi
HTTP Request Types FathinHafizah
System Architecture
Example - Web server scripting
Example - Client server scripting
5 ISP Nadia
What is ISP Aqilah
ISP Architecture Wardah
Bandwidth Nazmi
Dial-up / ASL /DSL / Fiber optic / Ethernet / Intranet
6 Internet Security Farahwahida
Cookies Fathihah
Firewalls Maisarah
Password cracking Suraiya
DNS spoofing
Mail bombing
7 Network Topology Nazrin
(how it works, advantage and disadvantages, diagram) Ameer
Bus Aliff
Star AmirulHisham
Ring Asril
2. 8 Seven Security Threats to Sites Taifiq Ali
Malicious code Ridzwan
Hacking and cyber vandalism Hamira
Spoofing Izzati
Credit card fraud FatinIzzati
Denial of Service Attacks
Insider Jobs
9 Ethics Theeba
Ethical Principles Vasugi
Computer Ethics Christin
Netiquette Shalinita
Whistle-blowing Velaitham
Software Piracy