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Creative Commons
                                             usage in Business.
                                             Explanation of the
                                             licenses using
Prepared by (Group 13):-

FT13124 Erin Jacob          www.erinjacob.com            erin@erinjacob.com

FT13361 Rajarajan Sritharan www.rajarajansritharan.com   rajarajansritharan@rajarajansritharan.com

FT13240 Manvi Yadav         www.manviyadav.com           manvi@manviyadav.com

FT13442 Preeti              www.preeti2887.in            preeti@preeti2887.in

FT13277 Shreya Vats         www.shreyavats.info          shreyavats@shreyavats.info
About the company
? Creative commons is a NFP (Not-for-profit organization) which is
  headquartered in US.
? With the support of Center for the Public Domain, it was founded in 2001 by
  Lawrence Lessig, Hal Abelson, and Eric Eldred

                                 The main Idea

                                 ? The main idea is to encourage and
                                   embrace creativity.
                                 ? The creative work is restricted for usage to
                                   a limited audience because of the license
                                 ? Creative commons helps in resolving this
                                   by providing creative commons licenses.
                                 ? All rights reserved -> Some rights reserved
                                 ? A small clip from creative commons
                                   themselves explaining the idea of ?earning
A sign in a restaurant where
                                   while sharing?
only Creative Commons
Licensed music is played
Benefits of Creative Commons
The traditional              New-age open                   Creative commons
licensing                    source concept                 licensing
?Allows you to               ?Enables sharing to            ?It withholds the
 protect your work            enhance creativity             advantages and at
 so that you can              (by giving your                the same time
 make money with              away your work to              overcomes the
 copy right                   others without                 drawbacks of
 protection.                  restrictions)                  traditional methods.
?But compromises             ?But quite vary of a           ?Thus it captures the
 on the restriction of        strong sustainable             best of both worlds
 sharing creative             monetary business              (The traditional
 works (which                 model.                         licensing and open
 others could have                                           source). Is it that
 built upon                                                  great?
 otherwise and grow
 it multifold).

                                 Creative commons

                              Share creativity and allow     Long-term benefits (like
Monetary benefits (like in
                             it to grow (like open source      greater visibility and
  traditional method)
                                       concept)             breakthrough innovations)
Layers of License
? Legal Code: Each license begins as a
  traditional legal tool, in the kind of language
  and text formats that most lawyers know
  and love.

? Human Readable: licenses available in a
  format that normal people can read ¡ª the
  Commons Deed (also known as the ¡°human
  readable¡± version of the license).

? Machine Readable: recognizes that
  software, from search engines to office
  productivity to music editing, plays an
  enormous role in the creation, copying,
  discovery, and distribution of works.
Type of License (1)
? Attribution CC BY: This license lets others distribute, remix,
  tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long
  as they credit you for the original creation.

? Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND: This license allows for
  redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is
  passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.

? Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA:
  This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work
  non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their
  new creations under the identical terms.
Type of License (2)
? Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA: This license lets others
  remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial
  purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new
  creations under the identical terms.

? Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC: This license lets others
  remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and
  although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-

? Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND: This
  license is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only
  allowing others to download your works and share them with
  others as long as they credit you, but they can?t change them in
  any way or use them commercially.
Some Popular Projects Using CC
                        Khan Academy
 xkcd (CC BY-NC)

 Wikipedia (CC BY-      Stack Overflow
 SA, since June 2009)   (CC BY-SA)
Who doesn?t use Creative
? Companies who hold onto their few
  innovations very tightly, and are
  often busy litigating instead of
  innovating for example.......

? Companies existing purely for
  monetary purposes.

? Companies whose competitive edge
  is based exclusively on their IP?s

? Companies like Apple.
How can businesses use it better? (1)

   Large corporate entities can use Creative Commons licensing to
   sharing knowledge, be more innovative and build better
   products and services. Creative Commons can help businesses
   build an audience of loyal customers by sharing knowledge and
   learning?s that add value to the existing products and services
   that their customers currently pay for

   Example: Company 37signals who have built a very successful
   business by sharing knowledge and being open with their
How can businesses use it better? (2)

   Creative Commons also allows artists to control/restrict what
   people can do with their material so they can feel secure that
   their material can be freely distributed without being changed or
   remixed. So, artists can shared their work on web sites such as
   YouTube to gain exposure and popularity.

   Teachers and students can share their work beyond classrooms.
   Creative Commons enables people who are studying to further
   their education to collaborate with each other without the fear
   that their work will be used improperly or without
   acknowledgment. An individual can create an online presence
   by publishing their work and gaining recognition.
Limitation of Creative Common ?s Licenses

   Licenses are a blanket and
                                Restrict only commercial
   generic coverage; They are

                                Bounded to release the
   Creative Common?s license
                                 work under Creative
      cannot be revoked.
 ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons
 ? http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
 ? http://wiki.creativecommons.org/images/f/f7/BusinessM
 ? http://creativecommons.org/extras/copyremix

                Thank You

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Creative commons Group 13 SMM GLIM

  • 1. Creative Commons usage in Business. Explanation of the licenses using examples. Prepared by (Group 13):- FT13124 Erin Jacob www.erinjacob.com erin@erinjacob.com FT13361 Rajarajan Sritharan www.rajarajansritharan.com rajarajansritharan@rajarajansritharan.com FT13240 Manvi Yadav www.manviyadav.com manvi@manviyadav.com FT13442 Preeti www.preeti2887.in preeti@preeti2887.in FT13277 Shreya Vats www.shreyavats.info shreyavats@shreyavats.info
  • 2. Introduction About the company ? Creative commons is a NFP (Not-for-profit organization) which is headquartered in US. ? With the support of Center for the Public Domain, it was founded in 2001 by Lawrence Lessig, Hal Abelson, and Eric Eldred The main Idea ? The main idea is to encourage and embrace creativity. ? The creative work is restricted for usage to a limited audience because of the license clauses. ? Creative commons helps in resolving this by providing creative commons licenses. ? All rights reserved -> Some rights reserved ? A small clip from creative commons themselves explaining the idea of ?earning A sign in a restaurant where while sharing? only Creative Commons http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Licensed music is played
  • 3. Benefits of Creative Commons The traditional New-age open Creative commons licensing source concept licensing ?Allows you to ?Enables sharing to ?It withholds the protect your work enhance creativity advantages and at so that you can (by giving your the same time make money with away your work to overcomes the copy right others without drawbacks of protection. restrictions) traditional methods. ?But compromises ?But quite vary of a ?Thus it captures the on the restriction of strong sustainable best of both worlds sharing creative monetary business (The traditional works (which model. licensing and open others could have source). Is it that built upon great? otherwise and grow it multifold). Creative commons licensing Share creativity and allow Long-term benefits (like Monetary benefits (like in it to grow (like open source greater visibility and traditional method) concept) breakthrough innovations)
  • 4. Layers of License ? Legal Code: Each license begins as a traditional legal tool, in the kind of language and text formats that most lawyers know and love. ? Human Readable: licenses available in a format that normal people can read ¡ª the Commons Deed (also known as the ¡°human readable¡± version of the license). ? Machine Readable: recognizes that software, from search engines to office productivity to music editing, plays an enormous role in the creation, copying, discovery, and distribution of works.
  • 5. Type of License (1) ? Attribution CC BY: This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. ? Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND: This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you. ? Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA: This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.
  • 6. Type of License (2) ? Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA: This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. ? Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC: This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non- commercial. ? Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND: This license is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can?t change them in any way or use them commercially.
  • 7. Some Popular Projects Using CC Khan Academy xkcd (CC BY-NC) (CC-BY-NC-SA) Wikipedia (CC BY- Stack Overflow SA, since June 2009) (CC BY-SA)
  • 8. Who doesn?t use Creative Commons? ? Companies who hold onto their few innovations very tightly, and are often busy litigating instead of innovating for example....... ? Companies existing purely for monetary purposes. ? Companies whose competitive edge is based exclusively on their IP?s ? Companies like Apple.
  • 9. How can businesses use it better? (1) Large corporate entities can use Creative Commons licensing to sharing knowledge, be more innovative and build better products and services. Creative Commons can help businesses build an audience of loyal customers by sharing knowledge and learning?s that add value to the existing products and services that their customers currently pay for Example: Company 37signals who have built a very successful business by sharing knowledge and being open with their customers.
  • 10. How can businesses use it better? (2) Creative Commons also allows artists to control/restrict what people can do with their material so they can feel secure that their material can be freely distributed without being changed or remixed. So, artists can shared their work on web sites such as YouTube to gain exposure and popularity. Teachers and students can share their work beyond classrooms. Creative Commons enables people who are studying to further their education to collaborate with each other without the fear that their work will be used improperly or without acknowledgment. An individual can create an online presence by publishing their work and gaining recognition.
  • 11. Limitation of Creative Common ?s Licenses Licenses are a blanket and Restrict only commercial generic coverage; They are activities. non-exhaustive. Bounded to release the Creative Common?s license work under Creative cannot be revoked. Commons.
  • 12. Reference ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons ? http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ ? http://wiki.creativecommons.org/images/f/f7/BusinessM odelsforCreativeWorks.pdf ? http://creativecommons.org/extras/copyremix Thank You